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Everything posted by flounder

  1. Download the DBAN ISO and let it run..
  2. Like Blosser said. Spoofing a mac takes seconds and is step one before attacking any AP, Why would I want my actual mac showing up in WIPS/WIDS (Wireless Intrusion Prevention / Wireless Intrusion Detection) logs. Nope. Spoof then go at it. Ive cracked WEP keys in just a few minutes but Ive also seen WEP keys that ould not be cracked in 8+hrs. Not that doesnt mean they were safe, their were just additional considerations such as a key that was significantly long, and controls on the networking devices that throttled us. I still recommend switching to WPA2 Enterprise. The thing to remember is that any password which is a combination of words, #'s, Characters as well as an SSID of the same is potentially able to be compromised. Not only do you want a password that is of significant complexity, but you want your SSID to be randomly generated and complex as well to avoid the use of pre-computed tables. Its pretty cheap to use a cloud service with pre-computed tables to go after simple SSID/PW combos --> https://www.wpacracker.com/ And not broadcasting your SSID doesnt do anything other than for the average person that is probably not looking for it anyway. It only take a few seconds/minutes to find the SSID's that are not broadcasting.
  3. Ive had pain in my left foot for about 7-8 months. Originally the doc said take ibuprofen which seems to be the go to all docs use. I finally said Ive had enough of this since its getting to the point of not being able to run as well as bothering me throughout the day. Went to a foot doc on fri who x-ray'd and said well theres your problem. Ive had a broken sesmoid bone in my foot for the past 8 months. Evidently this is a bone that wont heal so if the steroid shots dont help, then they will remove the bone all together.
  4. Dont think he broke his leg. Just a nasty dislocation of the knee and probably torn ACL/MCL
  5. Just remember that clipons change the stock feel so dont let that be your deciding factor. lots of tall pro's ride factory 600's.. and they are a helluva lot better than us. FYI, Im almost 6'3 and Ive never had 1 complaint about my 750
  6. I say 750 and not just because I have one for sale but it is the best of all worlds. I've smoked countless 1k's at the track and there are my vids to proove it. Brian used to ride a 750 and he is one of the best, most knowledgable and fastest track guys on the board so I would listen to him. I've seen him repeatedly beat the piss out of 1k's at the track. We actually had the exact same bike at one point except his had an ss built motor. Brian helped me set everything up on my 750 modeled after his so he will confirm. We actually used to make bets during the track riders meeting about all the guys on 1k's that would be wrecked or have their feelings hurt by mid day from getting smoked by the smaller bikes. There are not many riders that can truely handle a 1k at the track and even more that will crash or get hurt because they think they can. I miss being on the track and screwing around with Brian. I learned allot from him and following him around only mAde me better. Of course we damn near crashed each other on a few occasions having fun got vids of that too. Brian offered to let me take his built 1k out one session. After he passed me on the straight and I saw that thing lay a black tire mark from the keyhole to the kink at mid oh I wanted nothing to do with it. Next session that damn bike had snapped 2 of the sprocket carrier bolts. That was a fast, powerful scary bike.
  7. Server or servicer? as in when the lights go down, so does gen3 hahahhaha sorry, had to
  8. 1000+ yard range... make it happen stat!
  9. Yeah I was supposed to go since 3 people I knew including a close friend flew their planes in.
  10. Ok guys. Looks like out of all the cans ordered, there is only 1 can left and that is a Silencerco Sparrow. Details here http://www.silencerco.com/?section=Products&page=Sparrow Feel free to message me if your interested. Fyi, this can is in stock at the dealer so you wont have to worry about the wait time of getting it delivered from the manufacture first.
  11. Hmm.. Any chance roto rooter punched through your pipe? Ive seen it before.
  12. You probably had that backwards. The AL version would be .22 only as it wouldnt handle the pressures of the FN round. The SS version is Full auto rated and will handle it all as SS tube and baffles have a much higher rating.
  13. Unfortunately no. All Spectres are spoken for at this time but if something changes I will let you know. I wouldnt suggest holding your breath though as these are in high demand.
  14. Multi Caliber Use The stainless steel 22Sparrow is rated and warrantied for use with all rimfire rounds, .22 diam and under such as .17 hmr and .22 mag. It is also rated for use with the 5.7×28 FN round. Full Auto Use The 22Sparrow is rated for full auto .22 lr machine guns. Weight is 6.5 oz
  15. Update. The first order of suppressors showed up today. I will be contacting in order those that purchased over the next week. The following have been received and the transferring FFL. 2 - Sparrow's 3 - Spectres 1 - Osprey. FYI, I don't believe any of the Sparrows are spoken for at this point so if youre interested, let me know. Warlock cans should be coming soon.
  16. Supposedly the question is being asked by medicaid with the justification of being exposed to harmful substances like lead poisoning that are detrimental to your health just like tobacco, fatty foods, etc. Form copied? Thats a cell phone pic of the form.
  17. This particular situation may be false but this is actually a question being asked for anyone covered by medicare. There are a number of confirmed reports by firearms enthusiasts that I doubt would go on record as making a false claim. This was a post from a guy on an long range forum where he supposedly just left the Dr. office. Entire thread is here if you are interested. http://snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=3253668 ""Sitting in the doctors office and just finished filling out some forms, the question was indeed on there""
  18. Custom huh? that looks like someones back yard drunken mistake.. Whoever decided on a pistol style bolt action shotgun and tried to tacticool that thing out would have been better off trying to suck start it from the business end. At least you didnt have any money into it so yeah its the perfect piece to do whatever you want to it. Hell, i think you should glue a wig to the forend.
  19. flounder

    Old dog

    We had a blind partially deaf cat growing up. She was fine as long as you didn't move the furniture around.
  20. Congrats. now the fun begins.. Flying is nothing more than a license to learn.. Always continuous learning. Are you doing this for fun or for a job?
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