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Everything posted by Zorro

  1. I want to make a cafe racer out of it. thanks.
  2. Nice!!!! Here's my cafe project on the sohc4 forum... http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=76854.0
  3. DVR'd it...watching later this week!
  4. oh, i thought you were talking about at the area I was talking about. I'm confused.
  5. Do a satellite view of the area...you can ride all along that Rt 43 road. I know a good place to park as well...let me know if you need help. it's about a 3hr 15min drive there.
  6. it's just public land where people ride. Trails galore. Hill climbs too. I grew up in this area...I hunt, fish, ride motorcycles and mtn bikes here. good times!
  7. eastern!? here's a good spot on the West side of PA... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Peters+Creek+Road,+Jefferson+Hills,+PA&sll=40.285386,-79.929271&sspn=0.023865,0.038581&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Peters+Creek+Rd,+Jefferson+Hills,+Allegheny,+Pennsylvania+15025&z=14 Me, Putty, and flounder went here (My home town) and had a blast.
  8. Updates with pics... http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=76854.0
  9. And I'll be kickin myself for hesitating to pull the trigger!
  10. Anyone have an SLR camera that they could bring? My gf is coming and she likes to take pics
  11. I think i'm in for the 6th.
  12. Update... Carbs were cleaned and rebuilt. I installed them on the bike tonight. After troubleshooting a stupid problem (which inlet does the fuel line attach to?) I got the bike running!!! Unfortunately it doesn't run like my r1/r6...but what should I expect from a 32 year old bike? Anyway, the engine is smoking a little. Not sure where it's coming from but maybe the headers or a gasket? I took it for a ride around the hood for its maiden voyage
  13. You got some pics? and I'm not sure why it's 475 total but 100 for the tank and 275 (that's 375) for the plastics.
  14. Update! I pulled the carbs off and dissembled them by removing the tops (official name?) and the bowls. I didn't remove the linkage so they're still together and hopefully synched still. I was surprised at how f'ed up they were - didn't realize gasoline can cause so much damage. Anyway, the two carbs on the left were most f'd. I guess this is because the bike is leaning that way while on kickstand. One of the floats, cant remember, was stuck. Some the the internal, non-removable, non-replaceable parts were starting to erode. I believe it's the main jet canal. I'm thinking I should be good still. I took pics...i'll try to post later. One carb was so bad that after removing the drain bolt...nothing would drain! The pilot screw??? The one on the main jet with all the super small holes, was completely clogged up. I've been dipping all the removable parts in the carb bath solution and shining them up with steel wool. I'm waiting on a gasket kit...should be here this week. I dipped the set of 4 carbs in and was glad to see that my throttle response, which was super slow previously, is snapping back to closed. Hopefully all this work pays off and this bike starts.
  15. See where i stripped the drain plug on my r6 I'm gonna start soon...just purchased this... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230514135357&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT
  16. Wow, nice info here! I was thinking of buying a carb gasket kit before I did anything. At a minimum, I would need this. As for diaphragms...i'm not sure...they're still on the bike. Anyway, I'm in Dublin...North West side of columbus. Thanks for the time/effort on this post!
  17. Thanks for the info. How'd yours turn out?
  18. Nice work...finally some useful information on this site!
  19. Thanks for your opinion. what do you have these soaking in? as for tuning, if you just set everything back the way you had it...they should be tuned...right?
  20. Yeah...PM me his number. Thanks Yota.
  21. I recently purchased a 1978 Honda CB 750. Engine turns over but never starts. I can get a sputter out of it. I'm 99% sure the carbs are f'ed up - the middle left carb leaks gas as soon as you open up the petcock. I was going to have an expert clean/rebuild/tune these carbs but I haven't received the expert's contact info. Since it's "new to me", I've been anxious to get it running. Do we have a resident OR carb expert who's willing to help? I read a few threads about cleaning carbs and what not...but I'm somewhat nervous when it comes to doing something I never done - it usually turns out bad or costs me more money. Thanks in advance...
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