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Posts posted by Zorro

  1. WTF is that about???

    Stunting I'm assuming was his way of saying he's not making a big deal over the $4. However, I believe he was...if he didn't care about the $4, he would've just shipped me the camera without txting me about 20 times.

    :(I hate to be the downer, but I don't think paypal will refund you if the deal didn't go through ebay:(, and also would you be able to submit the texts to paypal to support your claim:confused:? :wtf::violin:

    Well, that's why I used paypal. Hopefully I get my monies back.

  2. I think it is interesting that randomnegro hasn't chimed in to offer a defense.

    I think he's in school...or that's what he said as to why he didn't call me to clarify his stance and continued to text me.

    I'm sure he'll speak up. After I told him I was disputing the charge with Paypal, he said it was a miscommunication issue and that he had the item ready to ship and it was mine if I wanted it. After all of this, I'm just gonna continue with my request for getting my money back. He stated multiple times about "stunting over $4". If he didn't care about the $4, he would've never have said anything about it. Unfortunately, my phone only saves 100 txt (50 in, 50 out) and I had to delete the rude txt he sent me in the middle of the night (he quickly followed that up with an apology saying he didn't mean to come across as rude) or I'd post that too.

    Oh well, maybe it was a big misunderstanding...but at this point...I'm tired of dealing with it and just want my money back.

  3. RandomNegro recently posted a few items for sale. One was a GoPro camera for $150. I PM'ed him that I'd pay $100. He told me someone offered him $100 already so I said I'd give him $110. He said he just got another offer for $120 and asked if I cared to raise my bid. I offered $121. He asked for increments of $10. I told him to sell it to the original guy for $120 and to let me know if it falls thru.

    He contacts me a few days later saying that the buyer hasn't been in contact for payment and that it's mine if I wanted it. I said I wanted it and asked if my $100 payment was good (assuming I was the only one interested, I could offer my original payment). He countered with $110. I agreed that this was a fair price. Considering he's in Cincy/NKU area, I figured shipping it would be the best option. We agreed that Paypal would be the best option. I asked if $110 would cover shipping. He said "only air is free". We agreed that $113.50 would cover the camera and shipping. He gave me his paypal account and a few days later I sent him $113.50.

    Last night I got a txt from him that he clearly stated that I needed to pay $113.50 + paypal fees. The paypal fees according to him were $3.59. So, I'd have to send him another $4.10 (I deleted this txt...so it might be slightly off). I told him I'm not paying the paypal fees since $113.50 was the agreed upon price. He said paypal was a good option...and with paypal, the receiver gets charged the fee. He seemed to be shocked that I was "stunting over $4". I could use that same argument against him.

    I'm disputing the charge on paypal for a few reasons...

    1. I paid the amount requested and he wants more.

    2. He seems a bit shady after a bidding war didn't work out for him.

    what do you think?

  4. "50% off storewide" is what their billboard says right now.

    Bikes, tires, and chemicals not included in that. At least they weren't when I was there last week.

    You basically have about 100 older helmets to choose from and a few jackets. I have no clue as to what's going on at that place...

  5. A few of us so far have committed to a ride on Saturday 9/5 around 9am-ish. I have a buddy (harley rider) coming in to town and I wanna take him on a sportbike ride. My goal is to be home by noon so I can watch my two favorite teams play...Penn State and Navy.

    Anyway, let me know.

  6. I bought used boots..off ebay. There was nothing wrong with them upon purchase and have treated me well. I've wore them for my track days and on street rides. No issues.

    With that being said, you definitely need to get that zipper fixed. I'm guessing you could take them to a tailor or something like that.

  7. it was amazing. it made up for mid ohio just for the shear fact that i got to straight up rail it with perfect weather and get over the fear of the the turn i crashed in and learn how to take it faster!! hope to go rail some damn track with ya next season Zorro!!

    My track season might be over. Football consumes my weekends and I'm running out of vacation days. Definitely next season we'll run. I have a feeling next season won't be as wet.

    nice to meet you all.jess you rock.nice day until i run out before turn 8,got in false neutral,and run forever on the grass.luckly i dont drop the bike.i was fastest in I,after lunch got to A.its amazing how big different today was level I from A.there was lot of very fast guys in A,include Jess.

    I'm glad you kept the shiny side up! And yes, after running I and going to A...totally different. In I, i was passing everyone...in A, I was passing no one. LOL.

  8. bahhhhh haha nice...you should have told her that you had to make extra trips to hinds because people don't know how to inspect their work, so $40 on $60 boots that are broken was a generous offer on your part. customer service...customer service...customer service. :nono:

    It baffles me how folks at the dealerships just shrug their shoulders when parts don't get put back on correctly or period...especially motorcycle parts! With that being said Zorro, wouldn't you rather figure out how to fix your own bike knowing what you set out to do was actually done (and done with care) than drop it off at some shop that could careless whether your bike sat in oil, brake bolts weren't tightened all of the way or pins and parts not put on correctly? I never worked on any vehicles before I got my motorcycle, but a friend of mine always said, "don't touch my bike." I guess he had a valid point, even though in his context he may have been a little obsessive...:dunno:

    Yeah, I would like to figure out how to do everything. I'm gaining confidence when it comes to doing maintenance. But replying to Rusty...

    i will bring the bike that many times until they make everything correct.after warranty is over ,take the bike somewhere else.i use different shop for work on my bikes,and for warranty stuff ducati.

    I paid for a maintenance package when I purchased my bike. I tried wrenching on my first bike and did ok. When I just purchased my R1, I figured I didn't want to screw up a brand new bike...so I bought the service agreement - All service up to 40k is paid for. Seemed like a good deal...if and only if the shop is good.

    the sevice warranty is from dealer,or yamaha?

    The service warranty is from HPM (not sure what that means). 1-800-526-8678

    I don't trust shops. I get my bike after my wreck back next week.

    I'll get it home and go all over it tightening bolts and shit. Plastics, brake lever, bar end, wheels, oil, etc....

    That hour it will take me will give me 100% good piece of mind when I'm riding it knowing I checked all bolts and parts.

    I should probably do the same. I'm lazy at times and probably put a little too much faith in these "professional" mechanics.

  9. I was boating at Alum Creek this afternoon and stopped in to Hinds for my 5 push pins. The kid at the counter...he's been cool with me at times, and not so cool with me on one other occasion. I tell him my problem and he has to go talk to the mechanic "Brian". Anyway, after 10 minutes or so he tells me how it would've been better had I brought my bike in. I tell him I didn't think it would've have mattered since the pins are missing and I know which holes don't have pins in them. Anyway, he runs in the back and brings me 5 Suzuki GSXR pins. First of all, I'm not sure these are the same as Yamaha OEM pins. Second of all, I don't want Suzuki shat on my bike...it's junk. Just kidding about the second part.

    So, we look up the exact part numbers on his computer. I point to which pins are missing. He runs in the back and brings out 3 of the 5. He's gonna call me when they come in. Joy. :|

    Anyway, I noticed a sign "50% off everything, except units". I find out units are motorcycles. :) Anyway, I look in the boot section and find a pair of Tecnics that are marked down to $119. I'm thinking $60. However, there's definitely a plastic piece missing on the top of the boot (one boot had this piece and it was loose...go figure). Anyway, the owner (a female), says "make me an offer". I offer $40. I'm already getting them for $60 since everything is 50% off. She scoffs at the idea (yeah, I said 'scoff'). I told her they were missing a piece. She said $50 was the final offer...I walked. I guess they can sit there til the other plastic piece falls off.

  10. If at all possible... work on your own machine, or find a buddy you trust to work on it. If you take it to a buddy or someone reputable on here (like Dustin or Pauly) - even if you don't know what's going on, you can at least ask questions and learn while THEY do the work for you.

    Plus their eRep is on the line on here if they f*(k it up. ;)

    At purchase time, the confidence I had in my ability to work on bike was not all that good. Plus, it seemed like a good deal too. I don't wanna wrench on my bike if I don't have to. These bikes go fast...and I don't wanna screw something up that cause me to wreck. These mechanics are supposed to be qualified.

    Plus, I don't wanna rely on friends to do this work. If they screw it up, I'll have to pay to fix it...and then I'll lose a friend.

  11. Typically, I'm in support of Hinds. Unfortunately, my opinion may be changing.

    First a little background...

    When I bought my R1, they offered a pre-paid service package. The sucker that I am, fell for it. It basically covers all maintenance for 40k miles. This is transferable too. Every 4k miles, I can take it to them, and they'll perform all required maintenance that Yamaha recommends.

    A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that my front brakes were squeaking and probably needed replaced. My bike had 19.5k miles on it. So, I figured I'd just get the 20k maintenance done a little early, plus get the front brake pads replaced.

    I dropped it off on a Wednesday. I called on the following Tuesday since I didn't hear from them. They told me their mechanic was out sick and it would be ready the next day. I called the next day, and like they said, it was ready.

    When I picked it up, I noticed the side panels that wrap around the gas tank weren't installed properly. I pointed this out to the younger guy working the counter. He apologized and fixed it. No big deal. I drove it home and parked it. I took it to QSL this week. When I parked, to my surprise, the inside front fairing was about to fall off! Turns out, 5 of the 6 push pins were missing! WTF. This is the easiest part of the maintenance!

    I called Hinds immediately and they told me to bring it in and they'd fix it.

    I understand people make mistakes...but I'm nervous that there could be more mistakes that I haven't discovered.


  12. we all know you are lizard favorite one,and you like to look at his but.what do you call that.?.show me the racing line,or rabbit?:D

    That's funny.

    Lizard had nothing to do with my A sticker. Nick from the Buell promotion had something to do with it. His "but" was much nicer than Lizard's flat ass. Lizard is Mr. 6 O'clock. Straight up and down, no frills, no thrills.

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