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Posts posted by Zorro

  1. Hey Steve. Who took the pics. I've been looking for pics of my self all over the place. ZORRO was really fast! He passed me on the inside after the shicane. "spell check". It looked awsome. Great job ZORRO. I was on the whit and grey cbr with white suite and gun metal helmet with an apple logo. Lol

    Thanks! I don't remember this however. :( do you have pics of it?!

  2. Heres what I summed up so far and for what groups....

    SJC1000rr-Confirmed-I Group

    rusty 996-Confirmed-I Group

    c7fx-Confirmed-I/A Group?



    enenen-?-First Track Day


    jbot-Confirmed-I Group

    blue03636-Confirmed-? Group

    AplineJim-Confirmed-? Group

    OSUYZFR1-Confirmed-1st Track Day-? Group

    I'm gonna do the max-time LED on Saturday 8/22 with Flounder.

  3. 43s?! that's a- group pace bud...im not that fast yet, someday...

    if I can find another 6 doing 48s-50s we could push each other to go faster would be the best situation

    I watched your 8+min video with Steve following you...you were running a 1:50 pace, based on the video timer :)

  4. Anyone else sign up to go this date? I have a garage and room for 2. Also have a spot on my trailer if anyone needs a ride. Just asking for donations for gas and space, but not required. I will be in Intermediate group again.


    I may do either the 10th, 11th, or the 22 (max led). Not sure which. I may also do the BeaveRun day on 8/2. Sorta close to my parents' house.

    I'll decide by the weekend.

  5. So finally after being laid off and unemployed for the last several months, I'm back in the workforce!

    We just finalized the details today and I am now the new Finance Manager at Cycle Search!!! :):):)

    So if you didn't have enough reasons to head to Delaware and see us before... you certainly do now!! :D

    Congrats. Your first action item is to lower their advertised prices :)

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