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Posts posted by Zorro

  1. It was great seeing all the OR folks there at the event in the two days. Sorry I wasn't as able to talk to some as I wished. Doing so many things nowadays gets me super busy. Next time, come by and say "hey"...

    Oh, and had I not been there, Zorro would have been the best looking dude out there. Sorry, man...:D

    Riding track is like golf....

    It doesn't matter how you ride/play...as long as you look good in the pits/club house.

    Thanks Lizard...that suit is pimp.

  2. Well, seeing he had no respect for the other cars in line... Plus, what would have happened if I was on the inside lane? Had I just gone out quickly in MY lane, he would have been fucked. He crossed the center line, accelerated hard and just was king DICK for the moment.

    If you ride like that and accept that type of riding, cool. I just try and be normal and act like I should. Hooliganism is fine and helps add to the fact he didn't know much...

    I wouldn't have run him over, but I would have made him work for it since he was an asshat... My piece of shit box can't do a whole lot, but the other car can and I have no issues with making squids show me if they can ride well or not. Most do not.

    Darwin, not a Lizard, will take care of him for his stupidity. At least his chic had some gear on. Sucks he's putting other drivers at risk. If they hit him...they'll still feel bad and have guilt with them. When I do stupid crap, I always think about the guilt someone might have if I crash in to them. Not fair...but neither is the rest of life.

  3. Yeah, that's pretty high. Plus, he didn't take many pics at spots that were really good points. Like the Thunder Valley pics where people look like they are on the dealer ride at AMA weekend... Why would I want that pic?

    The angles are weird, too. A few good ones and in spots you usually don't see, but it shows he isn't used to taking pics up there...

    Bill is AWESOME and I would suggest him or Jig to take your pics next time.

    Bill... If you read all this, get your ass up to more events and get you some MUUUUUNIE!

    Carry on...

    I think Bill charges $25/cd. I ran in to him the sunday before this event at IP. He said he didn't know about this event having so much interest. He said he'd consider pulling strings and getting permission to photograph it. I guess it didn't happen. Anyway, I'm not sure he visits this site. His email is billdesalvo@insight.rr.com. Rumor has it is that he's tired of watching us...he's going to be joining us!

  4. Madcat, PM sent.

    Zorro, 600 is more than twice what I pay right now, so I think I'll have to pass on your offer; but thanks anyways.

    Hey, no problem. Good luck with your move.

    You live somewhere for 300 total :eek:??

    600 with EVERYTHING included is solid...That's what my current roomate pays, and he moves out in October...I'm upping the next persons to $700...

    I had a roomie for 2 years. I made him pay 550. I upped it to 575 once I ordered the MLB package for him. It might be a little high...I don't know. I know I lived in an apt for 515/month before I bought my house. It sucked. Granted I didn't have a roomie...but it was small and I had to pay for all utils. Cable with internet is 100. Gas can be 150 in the winter. Electricity with AC is almost 100. Plus, I don't share walls. Have a deck, fenced yard. 600 isnt too bad, I dont think. Oh well. Thought I'd offer :)

  5. Looking to go on the 21st also in I group. I can get a garage for us if theres enough interest in going. I will have 1 spot available on the trailer also.]

    Also got in on August 11th in I group.

    Schmuck...I will let ya know when my brakes and stuff come in and get with you. Will also have the $$ for the garage.


    Just got enrolled in both dates and have a garage. So if anyone is need...I am willing to provide the hookup.

    I'll shack up in your garage on the 21st if you don't mind.

  6. From Jason:

    Hello all,

    I have posted the galleries for both days. They can be found at:



    What I am offering are CD's containing all images of you for either or both days. The pricing is as follows:

    1 Day w/ all images of one rider - $50

    2 Day w/ all images of one rider- $75

    Prints are available as well. Please let me know if you are interested.

    Payment can be made via PayPal with either your PayPal account or with a credit card through PayPal. My PayPal ID is jj@jasonjosephphotography.net If you are not comfortable with PayPal, please contact me and we can find another solution.

    To make this go smoothly, please find yourself in 1 or 2 photos online, and email me the file name of those so that I can recognize you in other photos. I will then sort through and pick your photos out to put on the disc.

    At the same time, please include your mailing address so that I can send your disc to you.

    The photos that are posted are the ones that fit my criteria of not cutting off the bike, are sharp, and are framed well.

    Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions at all.

    Thanks to all of you!

    My numbers are:

















  7. Taking bets on what he does...

    My money is on him buying the SV bc we told him not to. He will enjoy it the first day. The second track day he will get pissed at the lack of power and sell it..then he'll buy a damn gsxr 600,750, or a 636 like we all told him to...

    Any takers!?

    Hopefully he proves me wrong and just spends 500 on some shark skins for that nasty honda! :)

    You couldnt be more correct!

  8. These are the only ones that I would have problems with and the reason i havent tried to ride w you guys yet.. Group riding by definition is not racing

    or knee dragging practice and If the cruisers or slower cornering bikes are along they wont be for long... This can get someone hurt... If you want to ride this way then thats fine with me but I cannot and will not come with.

    I guess we need a cruiser or group rider thread! Sorry, dont mean to be a dick but thats the way i feel about it and im sure im not alone.

    Totally agree:D

    Hey, no problem. That's why my plan is fail-safe. Faster riders in the front. Slower riders in the back. At an intersection, wait for all. Done.

    oh, it would be good for an experienced rider to ride 'sweep' to make sure nothing bad happened.

  9. I was on wera yesterday...I don't wanna inheret someone's problems, or a ragged out bike..I found an 07 sv650 salvaged, but fully repaired with 3000 miles for cheeeaaappp!! Just don't wanna get tired of getting passed by everything on the straights..but I want something light and nimble to learn to ride on...repsol is too big for my first track bike...

    I wouldn't get a 650. you stated you didn't want to make a mistake....so don't buy this.

    You have 2 or 3 toys for the street...keep those nice bikes. you can find a good pure track bike for 3-4k. I was kinda stupid thinking i'd wanna ride my 600 on the street. At first I did. But I haven't been on the street with it since late May. It's prepped for track and i'm not touching it if I'm doing a track day every 3 to 4 weeks. It only takes 30 mins to prep it...but still. Plus, if you get your suspension set up for the track (at some track days there's someone there to do it for a fee) you wont wanna ride it on the bumpy streets. I took mine thru my 'hood yesterday and the suspension sucks on the slowest of streets.

    Buy a pure track bike. I'd suggest the newer R6 model, a newer gsxr 750, or kawi 636.

  10. Zorro,

    thx for the welcome.

    imf rom dormont , now living in beechview (southhills)

    weres about you from

    Sweet. I grew up in Clairton...City (in need) of Prayer...or City Without a Prayer! Lived there til I was 23...moved to Cbus after college...been here 10 years.

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