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Everything posted by Zorro

  1. About time you posted pics...you owe...BIG TIME.
  2. Thanks. will I need an impact wrench to remove it? I just bought a 30mm socket...and there's a How-to thread on the R6 forum discussing this...they don't mention impact wrench. Just wondering.
  3. I like it...but I'd never do that to my bike.
  4. I'm not sure what Bananas is doing. He was thinking about the 20th but doesn't want to do it himself. I told him he wouldn't be alone...all you guys would be there! Anyway, I just got my -1 front sprocket in the mail yesterday. My plan is to get this on the bike mid-next week.
  5. Maybe. Love the 330 series.
  6. thanks. it's a fun car to drive...but when I wanna go fast...I'm not getting in my car to do it
  7. ty...i'll check them out for sure!
  8. yeah...i didnt buy the tires. after i declined he said i could make it til fall with the ones i got. as for price...i plan on shopping around some. I dont know if my car is a pure sports car...but it has wider tires on the back....skinnier on the front...18inch wheels, RWD, 300hp, and 'summer' tires. I believe they're michelin tires...not sure size/model.
  9. Schmuck's got a major chip on his shoulder as of late...
  10. I don't mind paying for the oil change...even at $45. it's the schedule maint that sucks. I prolly didnt NEED to do it...but...
  11. Yeah...something with me and expensive oil changes.
  12. http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sfo/765370039.html Bike for sale What kind of bike? I don't know, I'm not a bike scientist. What I am though is a manly guy looking to sell his bike. This bike is made out of metal and kick ass spokes. The back reflector was taken off, but if you think that deters me from riding at night, you're way wrong. I practiced ninja training in Japan's mount Fuji for 5 years and the first rule they teach about ninja biking is that back reflectors let the enemy know where you are. Not having a rear reflector is like saying "FUCK YOU CAR, JUST TRY AND FIND ME". The bike says Giant on the side because it's referring to my junk, but rest assured even if you have tiny junk that Giant advertisement is going to remain right where it is. I bought this bike for 300 dollars from a retired mercenary that fought in both World War 1 and World War 2 and had his right arm bitten off by a shark in the Phillipines while stationed there as a shark handler. When he sold it to me I had to arm wrestle him for the honor to buy it. I broke his arm in 7 places when I did. He was so impressed with me he offered me to be his son but I thought that was sissy shit so I said no way. The bike has some rusted screws, but that just shows how much of a bad ass you are. Everyone knows rusted screws on a bike means that you probably drove it underwater and that's bad ass in itself. Those screws can be replaced with shiny new ones, but if you're going to go to that trouble why not just punch yourself in the balls since you're probably a dickless lizard who doesn't like to look intimidating. The bike is for men because the seat is flat or some shit and not shaped like a dildo. If you like flat seated bikes you're going to love this thing because it doesn't try to penetrate your ass or anything. I've topped out at 75 miles per hour on this uphill but if you're just a regular man you'll probably top it out at 10 miles per hour. This thing is listed as a street bike which is man-code for bike tank. The bike has 7 speeds in total: Gear 1 - Sissy Gear Gear 2 - Less Sissy Gear Gear 3 - Least Sissy Gear Gear 4 - Boy Gear Gear 5 - Pre-teen Boy Gear Gear 6 - Manly Gear Gear 7 - Big Muscles Gear I only like gear 6 and 7 to be honest. Additionally, this tool of all immense men comes with a gigantic lock to keep it secure. The lock is the size of a bull's testicles and tells people you don't fuck around with locking up your bike tank. It tells would-be-thieves "Hey asshole, touch this bike and I'll appear from the bushes ready to club you with a two-by-four". Bike is for 150 OBO (and don't give me no panzy prices) * it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  13. That's why i take things to the dealershit.
  14. LOL, nice subject. I went in for a $45 oil change at 28k miles. They said I might as well get my 30k maintenance completed....at $700+. Then they called me and said that they need to tell me, for legal purposes, that I should replace my tires too at $1200. So much for that $45 oil change. I should've kept my Honda Accord. I looked for you after they bent me over the cashier's counter...but you were no were in sight. I'm guessing they were getting you all lubed up since you brought your car in on a flat bed. I feel fortunate!
  15. Post some f*cking pictures already, noob!
  16. It's very stupid...no doubt. But it's fun. I'm curious...why 100+? why not 80+? why not 90+?
  17. Well, I don't really care what the law is. I don't speed so I'm safe!
  18. I don't know any Higgins. As for the penalty...I was thinking the same thing. I spoke to another cop over this past weekend. He stated something about the law has changed and they will no longer take your bike for excessive speeding and that you wont get a wreckless op.
  19. Jason show up later and stated he was looking to get a zx14. I'm guessing that's what he was riding. He's a decent dude. yeah, he sped and got caught. Fine him, put something in his work record and be done.
  20. If this is his first...hopefully it's just a slap on the wrist. At least he wasn't stealing donuts or something like that
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