Hey, I know illiteracy runs rampant in America but read my post again. Actually you know what, Ill save you the time and quote myself. "I dont condone what what happened but like i stated before there was a reason for his actions." Here is the meaning of the word conde : http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/condone So when I say I dont condone it means i dont overlook, i dont pardon, i dont fucking applaud what he did. Read a post before you spout off after reading half of it and jump on someones band wagon. You should've just left it at I don't condone what happened. The rest of it sounds like you're making an excuse for what happened. The only reason you should ever knock someone's bike over...the only REASON...is if they knocked your bike over first. But still, you should never knock someone's bike over. I'd press charges...no doubt.