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Posts posted by Zorro

  1. bummer about the damage...but thats a lil hill lol... we used to go down there years back when ya were allowed to ride the pipelines (mankiller,yamaha hill,etc) around carbon hill and murray city........ now thems some hills...deffinatly a blast down there...

    Right...the hill is not that big. It does, however, have a decent 'steep' spot that can cause some damage.

  2. I do it for fun. I'm not saying it's right or it's wrong. It's just something I enjoy doing. I eat some of the meat...not all of it...I like to make deer jerky. I also hunt for the "trophy" part of it...which IS NOT poaching. Poaching is killing something illegally. I only hunt deer now...but I have hunted other things.

    As far as hunting/killing making me feel like a man....that's pretty ridiculous. I feel like a man anytime I get a chance to bake cookies and vacuum...I don't need hunting. Oh, shaving my face, at times, makes me feel pretty manly as well.

  3. Two gay guys!? Yota, you're not in this video! Were you even there that night? Someone mentioned that you were a few blocks down at the Plugged Nickel on Gay St...but I didn't know what they were talking about.

    Ahhh, now I remember who said it...it was Flounder. That's why he was mad everyone was texting him. He kept thinking it was Yota with Plugged Nickel updates.

  4. Nice Videos! The last one with the two gay guys arguing is the best! There is even an asian guy in the video. I miss that kid!

    Two gay guys!? Yota, you're not in this video! Were you even there that night? Someone mentioned that you were a few blocks down at the Plugged Nickel on Gay St...but I didn't know what they were talking about.

  5. I bow hunt. With that being said, I never hunted in Ohio...only in my home state of PA. I would like to find a place to hunt in Ohio. I hear most of the state-owned spots suck. It would be nice to find a place that's close...close enough to hit after work. If you have any ideas...let me know.

  6. I think 441 is part of the Blue Ridge but not sure.

    You should have went to the Skyway. I like that road 10 times better then the Gap. Curves are still numerous, and they are more open for better sight and more forgiving then the gap. Plus with less chance of someone else taking you out.

    Glad you had a safe and fun time.

    Ahhh, the skyway...I have dreams about that road. :)

    I like riding the gap a few times then hitting the skyway so I can "open it up". The curves are more predictable on the skyway...constant for the most part. And you're right...less people...less chance of someone taking you out.

    Either way...I miss that place.

  7. :lol: I knew you were pissed!! Nice how you tried to stay calm though..Best suki's thus far are the 08 blue 750 and the yellow 600.....:eek: I like the new triple headlights, too...

    I liked your girl's 600 the best. That white/blue with the blue wheels....MONEY!

  8. Sorry he gets no sympathy from me. don't want to run that risk, don't resist or be an ass in the first place. I'm a firm believer that if you run the police should have the right to shoot to kill, at that point your endangering thousands of other innocent lives for no reason whatsoever. If you didn't do anything why are you running?

    Killing someone because they ran from the police is probably the most ridiculous thing I ever heard on this site. I'm glad no one died and made you boss.


  9. I would love to but I have to hit the gym... with the weather starting to get colder, Wednesday nights at Lowes may just become my new bike night.

    "I can't ride at Lowes anymore...I gave that guy my word"


    I just noticed you two argue all the time......see it


    Ahh, the good ol' days when people actually rode in the evening.

    be careful with that on 161... You may get charged with criminal trespass.

    Thanks, Cleaner :)

  10. Yeah, I was in there. I got there about 11:30ish...stayed til the end of the Steelers game. I had a Polamalu jersey on...black. I usually sit in the middle of the steelers section on the right. Bananas, BornSinner, and a few other riders stop in from time to time. I'm there for every Steelers game...stop in!

  11. You're right...I don't care to "open it up". If I want to go fast in a straight line, I'll "open up" my R1 (non-yamaha fans...please keep your comments to yourself :) ). We found a sweet place to "open it up" on Saturday. Was this not good enough for you?! As soon as we rode thru that trail...a good 3 minutes of top gear riding, you stop and immediately ask strangers "Hey, do you know of any place we can open these up?!" So, that's why I ask my previous question. Or were you just trying to show off?

    Asking questions like makes you sound like a dirt squid (what's the proper term for this?!). That's like being at the Dragon and asking for directions to 270.

    ...And I never said I wanted to go.

  12. Putty, Flounder, Charles (not a member), Al (not a member), BrownBear (not a member) and myself went back down to Wayne Nat'l forest to play in the dirt and basically beat the crap out of ourselves.

    If any of you read my post regarding our last trip to Wayne, you'd know that I crashed my ride on a hill climb. I ordered new parts and they have arrived. However, before I put them on my quad, I wanted another shot at The Hill.

    Here's a video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KKnXBksMek):

    Putty's buddy Charles tried the hill before my attempt...but flipped halfway up.

    Putty's other buddy Al, also attempted this hill. The first time he tried it, he hit neutral half way up and flipped it. However, Al was not to be denied!!! Before Putty could hit the 'record' button, Al was back at it. Luckily for all of us, Putty is fast with the camera and was able to record the important parts. :)

    Here's Al's video(


    Al was ok after the crash...his 700 Raptor..."not so much". If you watch the last flip, it landed fairly hard on the right front wheel. Here are pics from the damage.



    He was able to drive it out of the woods at a very slow pace.

    Putty was scared to attempt the hill that cause 3 wrecks this week and 1 wreck 2 weeks ago. However, he did go down this hill and back up. We only captured the video of him coming back up...and our taunting him. The video does not capture the full difficulty of this hill.

    Here's Putty's video (


    Click the links for larger videos.

  13. Flounder, Putty, Al (not on the forum) and I went to Wayne Nat'l Forest to ride dirty.

    Flounder wrecked a few times and broke down (unrelated). Al got tired within the first 10 minutes and thought about quitting. I had the worst wreck of the day. And Putty...well, he did what he does best: Putty stayed clean.

    We found a decent little jump on one of the trails and decided to take some "action" photos.

    Here's the jump:


    Flounder grabbing some air:


    Here's Al on the 700 Raptor:


    Me (pre-wreck):


    Putty...thinking he's on XGames:


    Unfortunately for your entertainment, no video/pictures were taken of my wreck...but here are the details...

    We found a nice hill climb area. Putty and I did this hill climb the first time we went out. There are a few different routes to the top of the hill. Putty claims I always attempt the hard part...maybe he was right this time.

    Anyway, Putty goes up first...no problems. Before he can come down...I go. The first time I attempted this hill, I took it slow...and barely made it...I almost stalled/flipped a couple of times. So this time I was poised to take it faster. I started out fairly well, and thought to myself that "Yeah...going faster makes this hill hellava lot easier!". Well, about 7/8ths up the hill, my quad stalled! It didn't sputter or give me any fair warning...it just quit...and quit quickly. I grabbed all of the front brake...but being on the steepest part of the hill...well, the front brake didnt do too much for me. I heard people yelling for me to bail off. I did. I was unharmed. The quad..."not so much". It got sideways on me...I thought "Grab it!!!". I couldnt. It flipped about 5 times as it went back down the hill and smacked in to a tree. I think I'm happy that it smacked in to a tree...otherwise, it might still be rolling. Anyway, I bent my handle bars...my levers, and my steering stem. I'm happy this wasnt my R1...for replacement parts are totaling about $80. After resting a bit and cleaning the shit out of my pants...the 400ex started right up...I found some other riders to help me bend my bars in to a ride-able position and to adjust my levers.

    Now, I'm still wondering about why it would stall so quickly and without warning. I was going much faster than I did the first time I went up this hill. I have two thoughts as to why it stalled:

    1. Low on gas and/or not enough gas getting in to the carbs... I have to discount this one quickly for two reasons...i did this hill before and it stalled too suddenly.

    2. I hit the kill switch. This reason is more plausible because when my quad finally stopped rolling down the hill...the kill switch was pushed to the right. No dirt on it. I'm thinking I bumped it with my thumb while standing for the hill climb.

    Any suggestions?!??!

    Flounder's bike quit on him near the end of the ride. Luckily for all of us, he was on TOP of the mountain and the parking lot was at the BOTTOM of the mountain. Once at the bottom, I towed his azz back to the truck via a tie-down. Flounder, did you figure out what's wrong with your POS???

    Funny, I now have rescued Flounder and Putty in the Hocking Hills area. :)

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