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Posts posted by Zorro

  1. For Sunday's ride meet at the Marathon that is right next to QSL. 10 AM, we leave at 10:30.

    Route: 161 to Newark; 79 North to 36; take 36 East to 16 South to Coshocton... Have lunch/gas in Coshocton... Then take 541 West (it'll merge with 62) to 37. We'll sprint up 37 to 71. Then 71 back to QSL for wings if anyone is interested.

    This route seems like it can accomodate a large group and has a good mix of straights as well as curves.

    For those of you who have not done group rides here is a good link: http://www.ridemyown.com/articles/safety/handsignals.shtml

    As always, bring your license and registration. I don't plan on opening her all the way up but I will break the speed limit once or twice. ;)

    This route sounds familiar :)

  2. Im thinking that it will be perfect temp for full leathers... .. the plan is to be back by 3 in order to get drunk and watch the game..

    "Oh, i cant ride in the dirt on saturday. My neck hurts and my girl will be ticked at me." - flounder

    What he really means by this is:

    "Putty wont be around...so I'm not gonna ride, I'm a big smelly vagina!"

    What a pu55y!

  3. Putty, Flouder and I went to Wayne Nat'l Forest this weekend to ride dirty.

    We all wrecked at least once, but unlike street riding, you dont have to worry about the road rash.

    Anyway, here are some pics...

    No matter if it's the street or the dirt...Putty's rides are always clean!


    Flounder preparing for the ride...


    Our first break...after about 50 minutes of riding...




    Flounder...the caveman...


    Putty and I towards the end of the day...


    Putty...thinking he's the fastest on street and trail...


    Shockin' em...


  4. AThere are probably less than 3% of normal riders that can get the most out of a liter bike anyways.


    i got my r1 because of the looks. i wasnt even in the market when i first saw an online pic. I saw it...had to have it. i never even looked at the specs on it. I cant push it to its max...so what's the point? :)

  5. This is getting to be a big hassle.

    According to Wayne NF website (http://www.fs.fed.us/r9/wayne/recreation_sites/trail_permits/trail_permit.html#WHERE%20DO%20I%20GET%20THE%20PERMIT%20FROM)

    we will need two permits to ride.

    DO I STILL NEED A State of Ohio All-Purpose-Vehicle (APV) STICKER?

    Yes. In addition, State of Ohio legislation (House Bill 611) requires owners of All Purpose Vehicles (APVs) and off highway motorcycles to obtain certificates of title for their vehicles prior to new registration or renewal of their registration. Registration stickers are obtained from the State of Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV). Out-of-state visitors must purchase either a temporary registration or a standard Ohio motorized registration from the Ohio BMV. Click here to see the law (amended on June 30, 2005). Ohio APV registration is available at the nearest Bureau of Motor Vehicles office. The Wayne National Forest does not receive any funding from the sale of the State of Ohio APV stickers.

    NOTE: The Wayne National Forest (WNF) All-purpose Trail Permit is different from the State of Ohio APV registration sticker. Wayne National Forest's All-purpose Trail Permit may be purchased from any WNF district offices or local participating vendors. The State of Ohio APV registration sticker, however, can only be obtained from your State BMV offices. Riders are required to obtain both the WNF trail permit and the State of Ohio APV registration sticker before riding WNF trails. Click here for information on what you need to obtain an APV sticker. (note: both this link and the one below leave the Wayne website.)

    So, we'll need a APV and WNF. I'm guessing we'll need proof of insurance...but I hope i'm wrong. I'm going to the BMV tomorrow. hopefully they'll steer me in the right direction.

    Here's the BMV information.


  6. i didnt know you guys ride rode dirtbikes.. i have 2 tracks at my parents house an hour north of here if u ever want to ride! the bigger supercross track has a 40 bike starting gate. (i used to have a honda factory ride)

    Yeah...we didnt have bikes/quads until 1 week ago. :D

    And I will take you up on that offer of riding at your parents' house.

    This saturday we're supposed to go down to Wayne Nat'l Forest. Not sure on the specifics. We still need to buy the permit.

  7. I did some riding in PA this weekend. There are some nice trails and hill climbs back in my old stomping grounds...

    The tree I up-rooted:


    Looking down from a hill climb:


    A couple of scenic pics from atop a slag dump


    Homemade race track


    A tough hill climb that we did...I dont think the picture does it justice.


    A very tough hill climb my buddy did, it was practically straight up/down. (I wussed out)


  8. No need to carry on a bike huh.. well you have to stop sometime..

    A few weeks back I watched a kid pull a gun down at taco bell. He then grabbed a car stereo box out of his back seat and walked to the 711 lot to another car.. I dont want to know what the hell they were doing.. but they could have just as easily pointed it at me and said give me your money and or bike. Not to mention that what if whatever they were doing went bad and shots started getting fired, I dont want to have just a slurpie in my hand...

    I wouldnt want to kill anyone over my bike or the $20 in my wallet...they can have it.

    yeah, i wussed out on the CCW course...i went to cedar point. plus, i carry already...my gat has no serial numbers. :)

  9. Flounder has no scientific credentials...he's just a know-it-all.

    It's funny reading thru all these posts that have a common theme of: how it's so bad to drink and RIDE. What about drinking and driving?! Hell, if the original creator of this tread (we'll call him 'idiot' from now on; not because he got drunk, nailed some hottie, rode home to his family, and escaped a dui...but because he posted it on this forum) veered in to on-coming traffic, he'll probably only kill himself...not the family of 4 in the minivan - as a car/truck would more than likely do. In the Idiot's defense, he wasn't out "hitting the twisties" (lol) with a group of us so-call "pros"(LMAO). He's basically only going to hurt himself.

    I really hope that anyone who flamed Idiot NEVER in their life drove after having 3 or 4 drinks.

    I'd rather have Idiot on the road driving his 400lb bike drunk as a skunk rather than some 70 yr old person trying to maneuver their Buick around 270. Or, some trucker who's running on 4hrs sleep. Both of these scenarios are more dangerous, IMO....and both are legal.


    Idiot...keep doing silly things...but more importantly, keep posting them!

    Flounder...keep flaming Idiot..."your" very entertaining!

  10. As far as the loud exhausts on cruisers. ....cause someones ears might be hurt.(pansy)

    Trade in your nuts for the two cents their worth.

    I dont recall anyone saying their ears were hurting. And what does having nuts and listening to you rev your bike have anything to do with each other? I think it's stupid...that's all. But, in your defense, it is a free country...rev away!

  11. I ran in to this problem with my 98 Honda CBR F3. I went to home depot or lowes and went to the key cutting section. Since customer service was horrible, I played around with the blanks and found an almost perfect match. The only thing that was different was the length of the key; the blank was much longer. I figured I'd give it a shot...since no one was around...plus i could always return it if it didnt work out. Well, it did, so I cut another :)

    I mentioned this to the people working the service desk at honda northwest in hilliard. They were able to make me a key without having an original. I forget if they made me bring in the title or registration...but they made me a new key for a relatively low price.

    Hope this helps.

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