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Posts posted by Zorro

  1. I have always wanted to flog a 750. I got to ride Flounders but with the headshake from the Rotors at 100mph, 120mph was all I was willing to do. Yeah the 750 didn't have that instant power the 1000 had but had enough in 1st and 2nd to keep those used to 1000s happy.

    Thing with wheelies is that the CBRs always had a more forward bias even though one may not feel it in the ergos, but they always were known for refusing to wheelie.

    JohnnyMac's CBR, from what I can tell from watching him, comes up with ease.

  2. I own a 1000cc because I've got a small penis and need to overcompensate via my literbike.

    In all seriousness, there are positives and negatives regarding the three classes. And this thread is not going to give you a clear answer.

    My suggestion. Look at your finances and then do some pricing comparisons. Then look at resale value. Then get the best bike for your buck.


    Ignore all of the know it all weekend warriors on this forum (including myself) and pick the best looking bike with the color scheme you want. The bike that looks coolest to you will be the one that you ride the most. As a result it will turn out to be the best bike/cc class for you.


  3. I remember this ride. Putty and Flounder did not attend...neither did Pedro. We organized this ride from one BornSinner's parties, and I remember interest was low because of the possibilities for hangovers. I think this was the weekend before our Deal's Gap trip. Me, Brad, Carla, R6Chic, Satan, and CBRGirl went on this ride...and a bunch of strangers as well. Carla and Brad wore their leathers for the first time. I think Satan and CBRGirl turned off early...I don't recall seeing them at Indian Lake...

    Anyway, as soon as we got on the back roads...a red VFR or Superhawk was out in front. We were doing maybe 70...then I had enough. Like all of our rides...dirt or street...it's always a race...well, at least for part of the ride it is. This ride was uneventful...it was all flat/straight. We even took the freeway home.

    I remember this older guy on the new zx-14 flew by everyone as we were slowing down to make a right...i guess he wasn't too interested in the turn :) He did manage to catch back up with us.

    I read the guy's post on the other forum about this ride. I think there's always a fast group and a slow group. With that being said, I don't think anyone in the slow group goes the speed limit. I feel everyone that I've ever been on a ride with is fairly safe. Passing on a double is illegal...but we all do it. Passing multiple cars on a double is illegal. So, if you pass one...you might as well pass them all...right!? :) This guy should never go to Hocking Hills or on our Zanesville trip (Flounder and Putty know what I'm talking about!)

    It sucks for that guy that he didn't have a good time. However, I probably wouldn't have a good time if I was on his ideal ride. I don't care to look at the flat farm scenery of eastern ohio. I don't care to 'cruise' on my SPORT bike.

  4. On the way to Happy Hollow dirt park, I found a pretty sweet road for the street bike.

    Here's the google link:


    The road was well-paved and free of debris. I wasn't the road for the entire length of the route that's mapped out on my google link, but the part I was on was pretty sweet - changing elevation, long sweepers and a few sharp bends. I think Putty will attest to this statement as well. Unless we get a warm day soon, I'll be hitting this up next year. But for all you hardcore riders looking to ride in the near future, regardless of temp, I'd recommend this road. It reminded me a little of 664 in Hocking Hills, only a better surface.

  5. Happy Hollow was decent. The drag strip ended up being more fun than I expected. Putty usually rode on one wheel down the whole damn thing. Like Putty said, that place is all hill climbs besides for the drag strip and the track. There are 3 tough hill climbs on the left side of the track. Putty did one (show off!); I wussed out. One guy on a 700 Raptor tried it, he didn't make it...but surprisingly his quad didn't come tumbling down the hill. His buddy sped up around the side of it and helped him out before it was too late. I need to try this while I have my bent stem on.

    Yeah, BrownBear got f'ed up. He was hurting so bad this morning that his wife had to put his socks and shoes on him so he could go to work (now that's love)! He said he could barely sit down all day...so he wussed out and went to the doctor. The doc touch his tail bone and it caused him so much pain that he fell to his knees. She (lucky him) said that he has a bruised tail bone. She gave him some vicodin (sp?) and some other anti inflammatory drug and told him to come back in a week if the pain persists. To his credit, he rode for a good 3 hours after this accident happened.

    I like Wayne better myself...and the drive is probably shorter.

  6. I like the blue wheels with the white pinstripe.

    This is the image that made me go out and buy my bike.


    ...and I still think this is the top stock paint scheme.

    Other stock bikes that I liked:

    Putty's gf's blue/white gxsr600 with the blue wheels...that was really nice.

    I also like the yellow/black R6 with the flames that someone posted a while back.

  7. Yeah...the warehouse was money the other night. I went 4 times and could've went another 10. I still can't believe the po-po just cruised by without stopping any of us.

    Sinner, weather permitting, i'm available any night next week. Txt me when you're available.

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