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Posts posted by Zorro

  1. 1. Helmet on the side is a frame slider :) in all honesty, i think these riders want noticed by someone from the opposite sex...well, if you're south of taco hell on campus...maybe it's someone from the SAME sex. :)

    2. I think the SQUID term is for someone who's under-dressed. Putty occasionally gets all 'squidly' on us...especially when he's trying to look good (yeah, almost impossible...i know).

    My biggest pet peeve, at the moment, is when someone on a cruiser announces they arrived at QSL by revving their bike with optional burnout.

    I'm with Eagle on the waiving thing...i waive to 90% of the 2wheeled travelers.

  2. Actually it did, I used to have to convert, HEX->BIN->OCT->DEC->ASCII all the time for low level programming (Assembler to be exact )that I did in college.

    Motorola 68000 microprocessor is what we programmed on. Assembly sucks.

  3. With the ride last week and the subsequent talk surrounding it... Fuck it boys, let's do it again.

    I have obligations sometime after 5pm and would like to put down some significant mileage (300 or so), so I'd like an earlier start time... perhaps meet at 9:30ish and leave by 10am?

    If that doesn't dissuade anyone, I'd also like to set some clear expectations that I have for all rides:

    1) Cruising speed will be a comfortable sub-80mph speed. Generally 65-75ish. Triple digits totally unnecessary and honestly, very much discouraged.

    2) Whoever leads should be among the most skilled and familiar with the roads. Discussions on who this would be must be mature and ego-free. I'd vote EagledriverDRZ if he is willing and available.

    3) Signals, hand and otherwise, should be discussed and agreed upon before we go.

    4) Leaders and followers should be designated as best as possible before the ride begins, preferably with a focus on skill level. Throughout the ride it may become evident that the order is not as effective as it could be, and passes may be made.

    5) Assured clear distance should be observed and recognized. Staggered formation.

    6) Speed encouraged where it is an actual challenge... In the turns. Scrub those chicken strips boys!

    7) Ride your own ride. I repeat... RIDE YOUR OWN RIDE. Once roads become familiar (like if we repeat the route back or repeat the ride another day/weekend)... Rip them twisties as best you can... DO NOT worry about keeping up.

    8) Predetermined stopping/resting points, or at least preferences, should be discussed. Eating at KFC sucks (though I must admit, it tasted pretty damn good).

    9) Ride your own ride. This one always bears repeating again, again, and again.

    10) Most important... Ride Safe. Keep yourself safe AND KEEP EVERYONE ELSE SAFE TOO!!! Limit the shenanigans to an absolute minimum.

    If you are down... cool. If you are not... cool. Not everyone has the same expecations and/or ideals for what constitutes a fun ride. Some may want to run the ton... others may want to stunt... others may want to cruise...

    I want to improve my skills in the twisties... Eventually, I want to drag a knee. Those are my goals. To achieve those goals I practice and observe others... Group rides are good for both. Maybe I can learn from you, maybe you can learn from me. If you are like minded, let's do it...

    Anything anyone wants to add or comment on would surely be appreciated.

    I dont understand all of your expectations. You want to rip the twisties...but what speed limit is acceptable? some folks can 'rip the twisties' at triple digits. i dont see why you're setting an acceptable speed limit. you're going to break the ohio speed limit law obviously....so why are you stating no triple digits? if others want to speed and you dont...see rule 3 below.

    Here's the rule of group riding...

    1. Faster riders, whether skilled/safe/experienced/squid in the front...

    2. Do whatever you feel is 'safe'...just keep your distance from others in the group so you only kill yourself...no one else.

    3. Wait for the slower riders at any intersection where a decision is to be made.

    Other than that...there are no rules when posting a ride on a public board.

  4. The group I ride with hasnt bought any yet but I do have one and I use the plug in for my MP3 player all the time. Its loud and works great... hell even if i never talk to anyone its still great for listening to music on long rides.

    Damn, I so wanted to give you some chatterbox sh!t but you beat me to the punch!

  5. We were in Coshocton on 541 then we took 36 West, From 36 West, we took 79 South.

    From 79 South, we took 161/16 West (161 and 16 are the same road)

    See Google linky:


    Also, you can stay on 79 and it will take you right to 70.

    Google Maps are pretty sweet. They let you drag/drop the highlighted route to another route and you can plan your trip this way. They just added this feature a few months ago, I believe.

  6. Thanks for the responses. The house is starting to smell less. As for my dog..."not so much". I'm dipping him Antrim lake tonight (hopefully the goose sh*t is a natural remedy)...then, I might try the "skunk removal" stuff I got from the pet store. Maybe I'll just burn my house down and shave my dog ;)

  7. My dog got sprayed by a skunk last night and the smell is un-f***ing-believable. Unfortunately for me, I let him in the house without knowing he was sprayed (yeah...the beer bong was out last night). I still cant tell if my house has been ruined forever or my nose is just scarred for life. Any suggestions (besides for tomato juice) on removing the smell from my dog? I bought some crap from the pet store this morning...it did ok...but I can still smell it...or maybe my nose is ruined.

  8. 62 east to 541 east to 60 south is nice. We rode that yesterday...took 541 into coshocton for lunch. Back tracked to 60 south and rode that in to Zville. Now i just need to find a nice route back to cbus from Zville...70 sucks.

  9. I rode that a few years back on my F3. I was basically a noob when I rode it...and looking back...it was a tough and dangerous ride. We had been out riding for about 5-6 hrs when we hit 555. When we got to Zanesville, I was never happier to see I70. I laid on my tank the entire way back to cbus! With that being said, I'd love to ride it again.

  10. Ok...here are my suggestions


    MSSIN (miss whitey)

    PMS N

    RAG N

    BOOGR (as in a greenie)

    Q TEE



    GOD S

    N2 69


    FAQU2 (F*ck you too)











    OFACE (office space)

    NAW T


    PRAYN or PRAYR or IPRAY (since you ride with SINS)

    and my personal favorite and only relation to your green bike is:

    BOOGR (as in a greenie)

    Ok...i'm tired of this...i got some of these from


    and some i made up as i stole from other ideas. hopefully this helps. Another trick is to substitute the O with Q. Like LQQKY. (God Bless google) Or, S with 5...as in PU55Y :p

    i figured you put about 100x's more effort in to the camping trip and the scavenger hunt...i guess we're almost even then (even though there's no way in hell my team could've lost by 400 pts) :)

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