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Everything posted by NinjaNick

  1. Maybe a little "fuck you", but no reason to just up and punch the window. + @ story. There probably is more though like swing'r said.
  2. No, didn't read anything about it. I just knew that there are WAY more people driving than riding, so obviously the fatality rate would be higher on 4 wheels, plus I hear more of them than bike. I just got it like that Recon.
  3. There's more car accidents or fatalities than motorcycles, so why don't they ask if you drive a car and jack up your rates? hmmm.
  4. I use to think she was sooo hot. She died VERY young in a plane crash IIRC, in 2001. Yep, just looked it up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaliyah
  5. I've never been a fan of engineers trying to redesign something already perfected. Leave it be I say. The motorcycle is already perfect, don't start getting stupid with it.
  6. $100 deductible for $54/month for my 08 zx14. Was $38/month but due to many claims from other riders I got a letter that they had to raise my rates.
  7. N/M...I just saw the thread about 270.
  8. Is this making fun of someone? Who? I must've missed something.
  9. Do videos count? Can a video be posted on the calendar? I like videos. :shortbus:
  10. The on-board video at the end is amazing. That acceleration is unreal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjfmw2S5sJQ&feature=related
  11. What's the purpose of this again?
  12. Holy shit! Way over weight limit probably.
  13. Maybe the rules should say member rides only and no random professional track pictures. No offense to E, just stating.
  14. Fug that! I do not do anything above 20 feet. I love the ground.
  15. Missed #5. I had no idea. 9/10.
  16. Wait, how do you agree and then post your last sentence? Mixed feelings?
  17. That should sum it up. Circle racing FTL.
  18. Sorry to hear of the hardships man. Here's to hoping things work out good.
  19. Looks AWESOME! I get this feeling that if this stuff could happen we would be over powered.
  20. Interesting, I've noticed that too man.
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