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Status Updates posted by NinjaNick

  1. Don't sweat it. Change subjects and start all over and things will be cool I'm sure.

  2. Don't you love how some always feel the need to tell you how to spend your money on here?

    Side note: Rich with a track and you buy miata's and EX250's? :lol::nono:

  3. Drop Fusion or E-flores a message on their page or PM. They should have them online soon I'm sure. :cool:

  4. Dude, I swear on my mothers grave that I literally made that up at work in 5 minutes after JRMMMiii posted about Nitro. Believe it or not, I have a really creative warped fucked up mind. :cool:

  5. Dude, I was just having fun. I don't give a fuck about that chick. :lol:

    So moderators can invade privacy too huh?

  6. Dude, I'd LOVE to see your bike and witness it. I and most everyone on here has never heard of a CBR putting down so much power. We weren't hating on you, we just found it hard to believe and wanted to be humbled. I'm not a town rider, but more country so I'm not seen around town except when I leave it and come back home. I do ride up in Troy sometimes and you should join us when we do sometime when you can, cool?

  7. Dude! You work 1st shift! It's 11:48pm! Get to bed now!! :D

  8. Edited my post below to "just stressful" :lol:

  9. for dating? That's so HS. :p

  10. Freaking bullshit! :lol: JRMMiii cheats!!

  11. Fuck Don! I'm almost 11 years older than you! I was starting 6th grade when you were born! :lol: I wish I was 22 again, but with all I have now in my life.

    Happy birthday homie! :cheers: Hope to ride with you again be4 the season is done.

  12. FUCK! I've had the MGD, now I want a gawddamn burger!

  13. Fucking INSANE! I love the little bastards Tyler and Liam, but at times...they just cry too damn much. :lol:

  14. Full exhaust FTMFW!! :lol:

    A piped bike is music throughout the city at night. I love being in my house with the windows open and I hear a piped sportbike screaming down the interstate..haha. I live about 1 mile from the exit to the highway and I enjoy the sounds early morning when people wack the throttle wide open. :cool:

  15. FYI, STT-GUY doesn't have sponsor under his name I noticed like Brian does. Just bored and felt like telling you that. :D

  16. GangSTAR!

    P.S, you're "My Toys" folder is a lie. You only have 2 of them now. HA!

  17. Get an avatar already.

  18. Get'cho head out da gutta! Use knowz what I meanz! :nono::p:D

  19. Going on 2 years! Where are yoooooooooooooou!!??

  20. Good to see everything is working out for you man! :cheers: On my end I low sided last year and did damage to my right side, but got a full system out of it which was nice. :cool: Had twin boys born 1-25-2010 so they are keeping my hands full as well. Other than that been working, getting some fun in when I can, and riding when I can. Have had a good amount of amazing fun/fast rides this year with some people that I can't regret. :wheeliezx10: How's the 636 doing for Amy? She keeping taking good care of it?

  21. Good to see you here man! :cheers:

  22. Got a new job starting November 7th in Dayton working for an Aerospace company.I won't lie...I miss riding with your crazy ass! :lol::cheers:

  23. Gotta shit that 18 back today. Pisses me off, but oh well, what's done is done.

    Sprockets should arrive today.

  24. Gracious! Maybe some cards too. I was at the hospital near me today and there was a sweet looking green ZX12 there with no chicken strips and I wanted to leave a card on his bike, but I don't have any. :lol:

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