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Everything posted by gsxr750girl

  1. still coming saturday?

  2. welcome to your new home!

  3. You have had a lot of weddings to go too! well have fun!

  4. coming to the party sat?

  5. RIP prayers and thoughts with friends and family
  6. lol yep thats me in front of the bike! if you are a friend on my page you can see all of my pictures from that photo shoot. its about 15 mins from easton. I have to work at 6am sunday so I won't be out late lol!

  7. oh crap my bad! well it had to come out at some point!

  8. great ride! thanks still feeling like crap but the fresh air was nice
  9. I agree 110%! I have my point of view on this whole topic, but I also believe that I shouldn't make a decision that can have such a large impact on someone elses life!
  10. I love the old Halloween movies, and have seen Rob Zombie's remake of both Halloween 1 and 2! Loved both
  11. I have Casper to thank on this one! I really thought I was gonna make it without this being posted to the forum....Oh well least everyone got a laugh at it!
  12. You should know by now how she spells her name! Your in trouble get him girl!
  13. we were laughing so hard when we saw this people were looking at us like we were crazy
  14. Dont worry i have a great one that will soon be his! girl yes he is! Thanks in some sick way!
  15. mine got me a digital picture frame!
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