Oh, I see it. I also understand that it like all things involving a variety-is going to be baised on an average. Although them paying out more for less healthy people bumps up my rates, the already unhealthy people ALREADY pay a much higher rate. It is what it is, and they still have to be covered.
Consider auto insurance. Would you rather you have cheap insurance and bad drivers be uninsured-or you pay a little more, have the poor drivers paya TON more, and have the state mandate that ALL drivers be insured?
So, this insurance you feel should only be afforted to the most fit , was used to pay may hundereds of thousands, if not mroe for your own brother? Are you bothered that THAT senario also uped your premiums?
As for after his passing-I am assuming you had a term life plan on him?
Not to be a dick, but his death (this is your angle I am working) bumped up my term life plan, since his was paid out. So should I be upset that your brother died?
I have lost family to long battles with disease-battles that would have been much shorter if we had to pay out of pocket for new, pioneering treatments. And that I will gladdly pay my share for.