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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. I am a retard- this is the first year for LS1 correct?
  2. If you fucks only knew what you were looking at... LOVE IT
  3. Random, but do you guys sell on consignment?
  4. I'm glad your finally calling it a 67mm, a fucking year later!
  5. Fucking NETSCAPE!!! I remember using AOL and thinking WOW< it cant get any better than this!!
  6. Real car guys LIVE for the build- period.
  7. Your Dad bought literally the 2 worst Bimmers every fucking made. That would be like judging for on the Pinto.:megusta: Trust me, I am no Bimmer Fag-but this damn thing runs as smooth, and rides as well as my wife's 2011 Corolla.
  8. Several Newer German Cars. Never had any issues. Fuck my DD right now 00 330i (Coming up to 200k) has ZERO, and I mean ZERO issues.
  9. NOTHING WITH 30k should have any problems!!
  10. And about 400x cooler. I LOVE at 2:40 where he sees an oncomming 4 wheeler, and HAMMERS it to up the sketch factor. :fuckyeah:
  11. Yes- "Y-Pipe" to the TB's And yes, there is NO fucking room int here for anything. If you have ever seen that motor out of a the car, it s a big sumnabitch.
  12. After speaking with the new owner, the Evo probably needs 1/2 hour of work and a new crank sensor. CR Crack head car pricing FTW
  13. You should have stayed at the casinos! Nicest stay in town IMO
  14. I swear if I see one more Emo fuck Honda or VW video I am going to loose my mind. Sure, nice work if this is your senior thesis and your a faggot Arts Major, but 1)Its a god damn NSX. 2)Its a God Damn CAR-this is not AVATAR 3D. Save this Video for the gay clubs-A 10 second Clip of a 1000whp NSX on the dyno would have been 100x more appealing.
  15. I hear they already arrested Anthony?
  16. You got more nice, random junk than anyone I know!
  17. Turn it up and try it out! OP- car looks hot! The the block filled?
  18. Bingo- Twins = added AIRFLOW Compound MULTIPLIES PSI, and the overall flow is loosely limited to the size of the larges compressor in the system. (Some have 3+stages) If your still in a fog-Google it.
  19. Price would be my first guess.
  20. I'd post a video first hand but the car we brought down last year pop'd on the dyno in Dallas. We needed to make 1000+whp. It made 1087 on spray- And them blew the head off the car. :fuckyeah:
  21. I understand that 100%, but it didn't need to be that way. If he would just firm up and play the "I dont give a fuck" card, he'd be fine. He could PM guys on larger forums that set up even MORE racing, and see what they do. But its his forum, his life. his call
  22. I literally have no idea what theee fuck you are talking about. I did not mention "colt" or "fast" anywhere-I just stated this video is fucking terrible, which it is. And FYI I drive a Yugo GV and a fucking LOVE it.
  23. You should get negative rep for posting this shit. A foot race at retard summer camp would have been a better watch than this.
  24. Just as a reference this is what I had in mind- http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2131/2223701442_8dab4f9a34_o.jpg But I like what your chassis has to offer
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