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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. This is quite literally worst case scenario, but even a simple 6 point increases the saft of the car 300%. ASKMEHOWIKNOW
  2. This man had honest fear in his eyes. I think he saw his actual deal at the 10 sec mark LOL
  3. Its insane how expensive these have gotten.
  4. Auto cars lol. As fast as the DSM autos are going, they just don't do it for me (besides the few in the 7s) My regret is still not getting the car to Mexico that night.
  5. Yes. I prefer dress shoes with any slacks tho IMO.
  6. Thanks guys. Few asked about the 1320 Dyno Video from the shootout. Here she' be. I'm not sure if this is on youtube somewhere. https://www.facebook.com/1320Videos/videos/1853852574705560/UzpfSTEzNzA4MjI2NTY6MTAyMTcyNzExNzM0NzU5NjM/
  7. Thanks guys! If they where closer-I'd be down for close quarters sketchiness! I wont lie- it wasn't fun.
  8. A lot of driving and a little luck. Its burned into my memory-I remember every last detail of it. Account is fixed public now. Yeah it was hairy! I am surprised they wanted to use that footage.
  9. In all its Glory LOL! Follow the car https://www.instagram.com/hoboevo/
  10. Good save. Loose coolant/trans line?
  11. My 5 series has been my favorite true DD. Bare none. GLWS. v8 6 speed- what an awesome Combo!
  12. I had the opportunity to get a full backstage tour of the Roadster Shop in IL thanks to a friend that is an engineer there. It is by far, bar none, the most complete over the top in terms of capability shop I have ever seen. Unreal. If you have 10 minutes to kill, watch this video. Friends of AMS may seem some familiar faces in there.
  13. She is a C R A Z Y broad. Easy to see from any, and I mean any of her interviews. She called 911 on the dude 40 times in one night when he was not even there lol. Trump would have grabber her right in the pussy. BOOM. Go Bucks!
  14. Had a run in with a Twin Turbo Challenger. Fully built- 800whp on Big 3s dyno. Races where close if I let him get fully into boost, but otherwise, dem' c6z bald eagles were screamin'. As always I am all motor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z85rmNdJdVw&feature=youtu.be Iphone-FB-Youtube kills the quality All thanks to Erik at Backstreet performance for the killer tune up! http://backstreetper.com/
  15. Very Cool Car. Odd to think I trap 6 more mph than him.
  16. 100% Piecing shit together will get expensive
  17. Ever come up north for any reason?
  18. I read an article about how much this is going to hurt small business, and our pockets. Businesses like on 3 for example that move low volume high value products will be the greatest effected. What makes it even more confusing is the states themselves will be setting the rules for how much product needs to go to a state for them to request and collect tax.
  19. I agree, that's why I still Mexico a few times a year, and anything I am driving sees WOT in high gear a few times a week Im saying for the average person-factor in the dumbing down of america with Facebook/Other social media. We are growing up in a time where the majority of 16 year olds "dont see the point" of a driver's license. THESE are the times we are living in! Also, the "fastest wallet" aspect is a factor. Bac int eh late 90's early 2000s everyone had 12 second cars, and if you where itn eh 10s you were REALLY fast. You could have tons of races anywhere you went. Now, thanks to Money and technology, any nerd with no Drivers skill can swipe a credit card and go 8s with the AC on sipping starbucks driving with one hand. That has taken some fun out of the game as well.
  20. Side shot? I think I like these than my (whatever they are called) wheels. Any partial trades?
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