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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. This makes me upset I never got to make it down for a get together. good luck in your new adventures sir!
  2. I see a few ever week up here. Production numbers have to be WAY higher than the SS
  3. Find me sponsors and I'll do it. You guys can cover it.
  4. Different. Funny that it died at LS fest #becauserotary 4Gz06? Too soon?
  5. Whats your price point?
  6. Right now, you can get a new V sport for 61k. V New for 87k. Used V sport for 20k and a V for 50k same year same miles. Maybe Caddy didn't want to advertise that your not getting much more than a motor and bumpers for the 40% price bump?
  7. Its Wild, you can get one for 20k, literally. Intakes, Downpipes and a Tune and yoru close to V power. Cheapest V in the country right now is 50k!!!! This is the next 535i in Adult sleeper performance.
  8. coltboostin


    Great news! And he really pulled out his own breathing tube? What a savage!
  9. Yes, and that's not on "kill". Ill put up the slip when i get back form Florida. Im honestly on the fence with downsizing the turbo. Without a trans that can reliably NLTS at 10k+, I just cant use this power band. Considering my options moving forward...
  10. As you mentioned- change is diet is 85% of the fight with fat. Props on your progress. With my schedule and the time I want to spend with my kids, I only get to the Gym 3, maybe 4 days a week. I only do weight work in the Gym. Any and all of my cardio is else ware and minor-weather it be a bike ride with the kids, hike, or B ball game with friends. I dont obsess about food or actual protein intake. I just eat- and avoid the shit. (IE big bag of chips at 10pm) I also dont drink pop as a preference. After you go without it for a while, it tastes like your legit drinking syrup. I still do a triathlon every year so the month before I will ramp up actual cardio to prepare.
  11. coltboostin


    Prayers far Anthony's progress and strength for everyone in the family.
  12. 10.4@149 missing 3rd, on 3 attempts lol. Next pass it broke 3rd gear shift for completely. its sitting in the garage, stuck in 4th Only good news is it picked up 43mph on the back half the first run.
  13. The Temi X is an unreal value. As atuner, I cant tell you how many issues I run into due to old shitty wiring and connections. Not even a year ago people where paying over 1k for a nice harness. Now, you get a new harness, Stand alone ECU, and fuse box for $999. NUTS
  14. Oh trust me, I dig the hell out of this!!! Great pick up. I honesty don't know what he paid. Only pricing I saw as on the Cadillacs and it was a 30k option
  15. Nice truck. Question on the emblems- if you remove them, what makes the truck any different than a similarly equipped model that you slapped a blower on besides saving 7-10k?
  16. Bruce's is an 06- smaller motor, less powa, more likely to have IMS failure And 9k more which should put this in perspective. Not this one! Find me one for 9k non salvage and running, anywhere, please My BMW is about to turn 160k and is way nicer, faster, and a better drive than the NEW Ford rental I had yesterday. Its a toy and I can turn a wrench. If I trust the car miles dont matter. good to know. Good to know For the wife really. And for me once a month.
  17. Why Im lookin' I like Caymans. Every time I see one, I love it. This would a "wheels and done" DD Wants- 09+ Mo engine, Mo Powa, Supposedly no IMS problems like olders years. This car is mis listed. Listed as an Auto- has a 6 speed so I think its flying under the radar. the next cheapest 09+ is going for 23k!! What would CR do? https://www.autotrader.com/cars-for-sale/vehicledetails.xhtml?listingId=503233941&zip=44011&referrer=%2Fcars-for-sale%2Fsearchresults.xhtml%3Fzip%3D44011%26startYear%3D2009%26sortBy%3DderivedpriceASC%26incremental%3Dall%26firstRecord%3D0%26marketExtension%3Don%26modelCodeList%3DCAYMAN%26makeCodeList%3DPOR%26searchRadius%3D0&startYear=2009&numRecords=25&firstRecord=0&modelCodeList=CAYMAN&makeCodeList=POR&searchRadius=0&makeCode1=POR&modelCode1=CAYMAN&clickType=listing
  18. Le-Git And kids, and seemingly a lot of what us common folk find normal and enjoyable?
  19. Thank you my most esteemed colleague.
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