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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. You going to make it up to Columbus next year?
  2. Not when all you have to do is give your boost controler another twist. Your boy john will find that out soon.
  3. http://users.lvcm.com/racer74/extreme/Underground-Garth-World-Rec.wmv Yikes-
  4. I had the car lees than 2 weeks. Its highly unlikely. Either way-ferk it. Whether it was random, or a planned attack- the people involved are either punks or pussies, and in either case I still don’t give a shit.
  5. What are your mods-or since winter is comming-"planned" mods?
  6. I am leaning twards the fact that it was the first car n the street from the main road-worng place at wrong time. No ex's are pissed at me. BF's and Husbands-maybe-but if they foundout, I would not be the first to hear about it. Again-the biggest monkey wrench in the retrobution arguement is the fact that NO ONE knew I had this car.
  7. Thats fine, I may have blown things out of proportion-but either way no one has this kind of beef with me, not one person. And again, if they did, they obviously knew where I lived, they could have put on their man boots and knocked on my fucking door. Space ghost-if your post was light harted, I appologise.
  8. You trying to justify this is Pussy enough. Are you telling me I am obsessed this my Beater Tecrel you fucktard? Are you really that much of an idiot? This is not about the car-its that fact that they screwed with a MATERIAL POSSESION to get back at me-as a person. It would not matter if it was my house, my garage, my lawn mower, my FUCKING FLOWERBED you inbread cunt, if you have been with me, and you dont take it up with me-you are by no means, or o definition any kind of a man. Period. The simple fact of the matter is that I have pissed off NO ONE to the extent where this was called for, or by any means a normal recourse. Again, its not that its my car-its the fact that some coward who is ay home jerking off to gay porn does not have the sack to stand up to little old me, and thats assuming this done as some sort of "revenge". Now grow a pair, or find someone that has a set and have them post for you.
  9. A god damn 97 yota I just pickec up not 2 weeks ago!!!?!?!>?!>?!>? AND THERE IS NO ONE THERE! What the fuck is worng with people these days? Where have all the men gone? Fucks have to revert to this shit and post EMO blogs on myspace rather than to knock on my fucking door and say Hey, FUCK YOU. This would be less of a problem if I had the other 2 Daily Drivers I just sold.
  10. Karma is one thing-and I expect childish fucks like Gunner and Caption D-bag to poke fun at the situation- But as posted above, if you have issue with me, come to me about it. I say the same thing to friends or enemies. If your not man enough to say something to me, then we don’t have a problem, or you don’t have a penis. I HAVE NEVER_NOT ONCE fucked with anyone's car-nor would I. WTF did their car do to me? Nothing. I was about to leave it there, and post a note on the car saying "If your too pussy to talk to be, then go home and fist fuck yourself fagot, otherwise call me at XXX-XXXX and I will gladly attempt to have an intelligent conversation about your issue"- I am sure they will come back to survey the damage and read it. Problem is, I think this was 100% random, just the wrong day to leave the car out on the street. I mean who is fucked up enough to handle a skunk in the first place?!! Really-out of the 21940712 people that know me, maybe 1 or 2 have actual hate for me, and neither would 1) Fuck with my shit 2) Touch a dead skunk. And-I didnt piss anyone off last night at the Club-unless Selina really did have a boyfriend. All and all-I doubt this is someone I know- but on the off chance it is, well I wont say anything more.
  11. Dont feel like retyping this, so here you go. It seems some fucktard felt the need to fuck with my shit after coming home from Liquid late last night around 3am. I woke up to find 3 of my windows broken, and a dead skunk in the driver’s seat-I kid you not people…… Needless to say-I am ticked off. Likely it was some punks that had nothing to do, and have nothing to look forward to in life. In the off chance this was an “inside” job-and anyone here hears ANYTHING about this, please send me a message or give me a call. I would love to have a talk with the motherfucker that did this shit. Thanks in advance guys-and try to have a better day than me. JP
  12. Glad to see it finally back together John. Let me know when you plan on dynoing it, I will come sit in the truck for you.
  13. Talk about one desperate motherfucker.
  14. Those Manifolds are probably real excited with the flex they see-even if they are braced onto the block.
  15. Still the single hottest thing to come from our Jihad friends to the East. duhduh--ruuu duh duh---ruu duh duhhh--ru DA DA DA!!
  16. What junkyard was that send to? Hopefuly a cheap pick a part.
  17. He has a point- Daily Driver? No. Street car? Maybe. And yes folks, there is a difference.
  18. Natural Selection is Fucking priceless. Thanks Darwin!
  19. http://www.ubergizmo.com/15/archives/2006/11/dora_aquapet_hits_amazon.html This is the pic Amazon pulled.
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