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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. Beat me to it. Thats about what I was going to say Sam.
  2. Different strokes for different folks I guess. The JayDeeEmmm posse will love him for that.
  3. Good ideas-poor exicution. Its a good looking bike though. Bingo!
  4. Yeah-I hit full trq at 6500ish depending on gear. It was enough with a 8500+ redline. I have been in your shoes though-500whpand 440ft lbs with the 60-junk on my stock motor. IT was at full trq @ 4500 to 8000. BFG's are your friend. What rubber do you run now?
  5. I know-I was talking about his bikes. You have never seen the bike he did with the Airworks Billit 70mm compressor? *edit* I was going to post pics, but they are on my work computer. Send me you email if you want to see them. If you got it tuned at his shop in Denison, you were 4 minutes from my house.
  6. It is a Dog's fault he tears up the house, stinks the place up, and shits wherever is handy when he is unsupervised? Yes. So if you want a 98% maintenance free pet-get a cat.
  7. I took a look at the pics, and you would gain 20 or more WHP and some spool time if you routed those turbo outlets as separate pieces. I dont know if that set up will break, but it looks like it was designed by a 5 year old.
  8. I agree-40 rolls were death for the Colt. We may as well have been digging at that point! Just for reference-I made 449ft lbs when @ 600whp. It would have been more with a smaller turbo on the car yikes-triple post action.
  9. Yup. And BTW-do you have a Motorhead kit on the car? If so-we used to build most of the hard parts for him, and we still do the big guy (70mm turbo) manifolds. YOU would appreciate me saying I have seen the top of the mountain, and it was F-in scary. Denis' personal Busa with an Ultra kit @28psi.
  10. Agreed-and my point was it simply was not a bad looking car (which most of CR agreed)
  11. You know-your right. http://thelotspot.com/images/jp/Colt06/DSC00162-1.JPG That does look like complete shit doesn’t it? What-is that a 750 with a lil’ baby turbo(s) on it? Awe-how cute! You just signed yourself up for a 60 roll.
  12. Your right, but I trapped the speed in my sig. Deal with it. It seems you took an English course from the same place bottlefedfucus did, because you are unfamiliar with the past tense of a verb. And the new whip will be faster anyways, so its a moot point.
  13. Reading comprehension is not your strong point is it? I am not talking about nursing a car down the road to the track-I am talking about bringing it out on the weekend, and racing people where racing began, on the street. Until then-he can not and will not be considered for any "list"
  14. Your a full second off there buddy boy.
  15. Oh snap-so did I! In any case-Did you miss this? Until that thing makes some pulls on a Saturday night-its not eligible for any said list.
  16. I am in school. I pay for school. I pay rent. I have a new Project that will sop up the money. Shall I go on? -On a side note, I may be buying another Colt tomorrow though-super cheap original GT hatch-just to be a 12 sec beater, nothing special.
  17. Who better to ask than the owner of CR himself? This is an expert from an earlier PM where I asked him just that question. There you have it.
  18. My old pile would have been in the Top 5. And I grantee it would be #1 on the FWD roll list. Unless someone pulled there race car out of the trailer (which will never happen) I dont think there was one FWD car down there even in the 140's.
  19. I would, but the owner, admin, creator, whatever title strokes his little cock the most still has sand in his Vagina. You should start a poll in RC.....
  20. You guys also have to consider that guy looked like he would weight all of 125lbs.
  21. Now thats having fucking skills.
  22. just as an FYI-the car is at full boost (aka-over 1000whp on a dynojet) from 5500 it its retarted 9500rpm redline. If you think that is 1)a Slow spool 2)Not enough power under the curve Please do us a favor and kill yourself.
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