What the fuck is the problem here?
I offered a gentleman’s bet. IPS countered, we modified it, and now have an agreed bet. I made one more post to clarify it, so that neither party can backpedal out of it later.
That’s it. Its not a hard fucking concept. Now why would you try and say (with this thread) that all the backlash of absurdly stupid, uneducated, dumb, ignorant, thoughtless and 99% of the time meaningless and unrelated to the topic responses posted by CR members-is some how my fault? Fuck that, and fuck you for implying it. You can PM me your phone number, and I will tell you the same.
You can show up when I am in C-bus, and I will tell it to your face. This is such a weak crock of shit its amazing you can come up with it sober in any way. If this is how it is, if I am labeled as a trouble maker for setting up a fun challenge, and then being riddled with 140posts of useless bullshit by YOUR core members-then you can go fuck yourself.
And if your going to continue to be a pussy and ban me for this, then that’s a sad way for IPS to get out of a bet that not only did they agree to, but suggested in the first place!
All I want is IPS to say OK to the terms, and have it made a sticky so no one can question the outcome come Nov. 1. Evidently, that is to hard of a task for 95% or CR to comprehend.