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Everything posted by coltboostin

  1. I just sold a set of 780/1600 combo. I also have a set of 550's
  2. Random shit. Unbelievable. Sorry to hear. At least your OK.
  3. Honesty the 12x is not as fast as you would expect. Although fatser than the standard big ski, Motorhead's supercharger skidoo runs fucking circles around it. I have ridden both, and had plenty of water drag action with each. I still have not been on anything that moves like the blown skidoo.
  4. You metrosexual sonofabitch! Vegas never disapoints...
  5. :funny: :funny: Which is probably faster than your pile!
  6. I have heard of this guy. And from what I have heard, he was on the top 10 for people to chat in person with yesterday. It seems he has "asshole cop" syndrome, but it is common with Forum admin's, so its understandable.
  7. Hey Dale. The paint looks great! Joe show me some pics a few days ago.
  8. Still waiting for a responce to my PM's. I see that you guys have been on (and are on right now) so why no reponse? In the words of your brother powers.. skerd?
  9. They finally started responding to PM's so I am trying to get them to finalize it. This could be the last time I post the same stuff over, and over, and over again as you say. They are being given the opportunity to shut me the fuck up. They just need to sign on the dotted line and take it.
  10. The best part in all of this mess is that people speak of the drama I bring. The drama is caused by the countless posts of off-topic shit made against me, simply because I am coltboostin, all of which come from people that 100% have not had any personal contact with me. I don’t invite it, I never asked for it-yet no matter how non-confrontational the thread is, like this one I made just to clarify the terms of the bet. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26726&page=2 In this post, I made not one confrontational statement, and did not dog, call out, ect anyone. Yet, it is immediately filled by stupid posts by your fellow CR brethren. There is no need for this shit-and if I am going to be blamed for dumb people’s posts I can control, than I don’t even care to be here. Its ridiculous how stupid this has gotten. Beefcake, since you started this thread, and you have some issue with me, why don’t you take off the skirt and send me a PM if you really have a problem with me? I would be glad to talk in person.
  11. There would be no drama at all if the CR public would just let it be. Let IPS respond, and leave it at that. That's a simple concept you would think right? Also, making it the bet puclic makes it accountable. How hard would it be for IPS to back out, or renig on a bet made in private between them and I? In turn, how would they be able to now that its public?
  12. You have not met, or had any personal conversation with me now have you? They have. We will see what they say.
  13. And you continue to make educated posts. But, you being a moron is somehow my fault, correct?
  14. Also, to all the sad fucks that wank off to CR at night conjuring up more posts of useless crap backed by not one stinking fact (that in the end I will some how get the blame for)-have you met me? Have you spoke to me? Ask the people that have about me before you attempt to draw an opinion. Or, if your pussy is sore, PM me, and I will gladly send you my # so you can talk to me in person. I know many of you keyboard warriors may not be comfortable with that-since you will be out from behind the safety of the monitor-where the world will be able to tell what a weak, sorry person you may be-that kid in high school that wished he fuck my girlfriends, the one that hated the jocks, and still has it out for the “popular guy”. I invite John T, Sam, Linn, Anthony, and the other virtual god fathers of the site to post about me, their honest opinions. They are the ones that race, they are the opinions I give 2 shits about. The rest of you idiots that are cluttering up the forums can continue to sit back and masturbate to our videos, times, and achievements per the usual.
  15. What the fuck is the problem here? I offered a gentleman’s bet. IPS countered, we modified it, and now have an agreed bet. I made one more post to clarify it, so that neither party can backpedal out of it later. That’s it. Its not a hard fucking concept. Now why would you try and say (with this thread) that all the backlash of absurdly stupid, uneducated, dumb, ignorant, thoughtless and 99% of the time meaningless and unrelated to the topic responses posted by CR members-is some how my fault? Fuck that, and fuck you for implying it. You can PM me your phone number, and I will tell you the same. You can show up when I am in C-bus, and I will tell it to your face. This is such a weak crock of shit its amazing you can come up with it sober in any way. If this is how it is, if I am labeled as a trouble maker for setting up a fun challenge, and then being riddled with 140posts of useless bullshit by YOUR core members-then you can go fuck yourself. And if your going to continue to be a pussy and ban me for this, then that’s a sad way for IPS to get out of a bet that not only did they agree to, but suggested in the first place! All I want is IPS to say OK to the terms, and have it made a sticky so no one can question the outcome come Nov. 1. Evidently, that is to hard of a task for 95% or CR to comprehend.
  16. 5k was for everything-but the IC and turbo set up are already gone. 2200 is for the long block WITH cams, and yes, many iqueries, but no money in hand as of yet.
  17. Nice bike. When is the turbo going on it? There is a local with a chip and a pipe. It moves pretty good.
  18. Ragged edge? I made 700whp@32psi and 11.2 AFR's. If thats the ragged edge, I am in the wrong business!
  19. The ECU that is for sale was my spare. It is socketed and comes with the stock chip.
  20. You didnt expect me to just throw it in another shell?
  21. No lol. but that would make my life real easy.
  22. Typo- and a few more peices. Both the inlet and outlet of the intercooler are 3inch 91-94 AWD 5 speed ECU-EPROM, socketed, new caps, cleaned board.-240$ shipped
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