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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. Colt, if we are talking time slips I win. So quit talking shit about your slip that proves it to be soooo fast. Not to be a nutswinger but Tilley's car was already fast, you and yours are not gonna just come down and lay the smack down. If you want to dig race in spring street or track I'm in...... just shut up about your damn "slip". Not to chime in at last minute but, damn this is getting annoying.



    Ok, you beat me in et, but I DESTROY you in mph. I out et, and mph him. That fact was never contested. Did you miss that part?


    10sek93 iz fof da hapy bus!

  2. How do you figure that? Only if I lose will you cost me money. The way I see it, you were just what I needed to help carry some of the upgrade expenses.


    What happen to that phat W2 of yours?

  3. I'm not trying to correct your grammar in your posts. I am trying to point out that not only are you far less intelligent than I am, .


    Thank you for strengthening my point. I almost feel bad for sad little people like you




    That said, my e-ego is no match for my offline ego. I am not the one who finds it necessary to try and infiltrate the messageboards of other cities to try and convince them how fast my car is, .


    I need to prove nothing. My slip does all the "proving" for me. The question is just, if the people who line up, can if fact keep up.

  4. You didn't fix shit, you ESL motherfucker. Half of that shit, including my name, is spelled incorrectly. Do you live in a house painted with lead paint? Is there a carbon monoxide buildup in your basement? Do the G forces in your car cause your brain to be smashed against the back of your skull? Maybe I'm overthinking this and you're just the dumbest bastard to ever post on CR, which would be quite a feat.


    Are you mad manases?






    I care, really, on how your handle is spelled. (Looking at sig)

  5. Is that a racist statement? Just asking since it's Orion you quoted.



    Simple answer is no, but since every fucking thing typed needs explanation;


    Half-breed as in lesser than pure breed, half ass, fucking idiots, or______ (add random derogatory word here) not able to hold a normal intelligent conversation without interrupting with useless shit such as spelling, grammar, or “interpretations” such as this for some deeper meaning that does not exist, NONE of which help or aid in the topic at hand-ALL for the sole purpose of feeling some sort of superiority. I have never whiteness a forum so overrun with this problem of people trying to inflate their e-egos to replace what they lack in real life. It shows how many sad individuals are actually behind those monitors in C-bus.

  6. Well.





    One of the "senior" members here.


    Dr. Z06 is in the same boat, and since it is his word for a timeslip to mean squat, it is law.


    I though he oversteps you DarkFormula, He seems to think so.


    Fixed, since it was soooooooooooo hard to understand.


    Mansan got me befor the edit! You rulz dood. 2 points and the internet bonus round for you.

  7. Large first post about elitist fags....





    I don't see where he says your car is faster. All I see is an admittance of higher numbers on a timeslip.



    One of the "senior" members here.


    Dr. Z06 is in the same boat, and since it is his word for a timeslip to mean squat, it is law.


    I though he oversteps you DarkFormula, He seems to think so.

  8. Wow.


    I thought the missing link would be discovered in Africa. Guess it drives an El Camino around Columbus. Easy to be a tuff guy from behind a computer screen isnt it?


    Please show up when the clash of the Titans plays out. Thanks.

  9. colt, youre killing me. how can you type a sentance like that, think its ok, and then spell "epitome" correctly? dude.




    I dont care enough to proof read, especially for the halfbreeds on this forum. Its the internet, who cares? You? I simply-dont-.


    hte nitrent si amd tyet yo?!@!!@

  10. Your hillbilly special has nothing for me, Raffi, Trent, are anyone involved in this thread.


    See, people like you are the “trolls” in real life. Please be there so I can laugh at you. The interweb wont save you. That is the ONLY car I would never fucking buy. Congrats on being the epitome of the word -suck-.


    I don’t have any more time to waste on your lame ass, so this will be the last time you will be graced with me actually speaking to you.



  11. No one is bsing the time, they are bsing the exact mods the car had.


    Doesn't matter, the only motor that belongs under the hood of an FD is a V8. Those cars deserve better than a rotary.


    If you are in to the inbreeding thing. From Virginia are you?

  12. Ohh...good one. :rolleyes:


    You are honestly the biggest troll I have ever seen on this board. You talk more shit from farther away than anyone I've ever met, and you still havent come down here for a race.


    Troll on pool boy, troll on. I cant wait for spring... :cool:



    Troll this, troll that, i could give a fuck. Your hillbilly special has nothing for me, Raffi, Trent, are anyone involved in this thread.


    Cant wait for spring? For what? To stand back and watch the real men have at it while you stroke yourself in the trunk, bed, or whatever the fuck you call it in that piece of shit. See, people like you are the “trolls” in real life. Please be there so I can laugh at you. The interweb wont save you. That is the ONLY car I would never fucking buy. Congrats on being the epitome of the word -suck-.


    I don’t have any more time to waste on your lame ass, so this will be the last time you will be graced with me actually speaking to you.

  13. I'll take that bet - when you and I race, you and I will race for $50 on top of the $1000 your boy and I are betting.


    Marc didn't ask to you to race, he's asking you to bet him $50 on our race. We all know you know that, Colt, so stop being a coy little vagina and either accept his bet or bitch out.


    Also, go tell your powderpuff cheerleaders to stay the fuck out of my thread unless they're putting money down on our race. There's only so much rambling ignorance I can tolerate for free at once.


    The bet between you and Ohioko4s4 is ridiculous, should not have happened, and will not be added by me.


    I know what this is anyways. I am the fucking scout team for the Big Show. If you don’t maul me, then there is no point for him to show up. I don’t mind, I would race any fucking thing -2-3-4-6- wheels that rolls next to me.


    I dont give a fuck if your car is faster than mine...it's still a fucking cheap econo-box that would molest my ugglie wannabe truck/car/design fucked American shitbox froma roll, dig, or around a track, or at a car show, thus proving it vastly superior is all ways.



    JP, did the pool approve your overtime so you can afford the $50 against me?




    The Truth.


    I will race YOU for 50$. Hell, whatever you want to wager, I dont even care what you have in your el-camino. If your such a tuff guy, can YOUR car back up your mouth?


    Name your prce.

  15. That is a hellish run on the stock motor, stock twins, and stock intercooler, especially at 14.5 psi and on street tires.


    As I have said to him before, he's very lucky he didn't have a catastrophic failure based upon his mods. ie. Motor or Differential.


    He has run the car like this for the 2 years he has owned it.


    With no recourse.

  16. I have noticed overthe years mostly all fags talk the shit on the net. but never do nothing inperson. You seem like one of these. you seem like you have a big ego to



    Although Bullit's post is a bit extreme, I can agree with this. It is disturbing to see how many internet tuff guys, or people with fast cars in General are dorky fag, the same you would expect in drama/band/ and chess club in High School.


    Your typical dork, who landed a good job, and is making up for lost time by having his car make him- "cool".

  17. 2004 Income = $5,003,151. It's totally official too. Seriously!!11!! I would scan it, but I don't have a scanner.




    and you drive a VETTE













    i just shat myself


    You forgot to say "prove me wrong". That makes anything stated above-law-.

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