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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. but my slips and dyno charts are above anything he provides on his behalf.


    So yeah, he has never had anything on me. Proven times and numbers don't lie. .


    According to Dr.Z06, who's word is law, none of this is true. Slips don’t mean squat. What do you say of your friend's harshly conflicting views?

  2. And I won't complain that he has spent more money on his car if he wins. I'll shake his hand like a man, and say great race. If I had the resources, I'd build my car exactly like he has....it's perfect to me.








    I wish more people carried this mentality with them.


    As for the backing down thing that has come up again, as I asked Mad Malibu to do, name ONE time I have backed out of a scheduled race with someone. I till save you the trouble of searching and tell you that you wont find one, not down in Columbus, Akron, Cleveland, Youngstown… I race, many times expecting to loose. I have never backed out of a race, and do not expect to any time soon.

  3. I guess it is all out there at this point. It seems that the Dr. and I will be gunning for 2nd place on the totem pole of Ohio's street scene. I need to stay away from here to keep my sanity, so if I am needed for comment, someone email me.
  4. This is the worst attempt at logical deduction ever known. You should be banned from thinking from this point forward.


    People, I can't work with this shit. I'm out of here for a while.



    Wow, you must not like the truth.


    It must be hard to realize being the "best" is an impossibility, a position you won’t even challenge. Has this been a problem with you all of you life? Must be tuff.



    Get it now? I really dont feel like actually going back and quoting everything...it's a known fact around here that all you do is talk, you have yet to race.



    Again, show me ONE I have backed out of, as in said-you knwo what, I will not race you.


    Please, I have all day.



    This doesn't even make sense. I've got you rambling again, it seems. Do you mean that I wouldn't mind beating the second best? Your metaphors are all fucked up.



    Taking one for the team=fucking the nasty chick so your boys can bang there hot friends.


    Here, unfortunately, I am the nasty fat chick that your trying to fuck.


    And that’s why I ask-Because you said you get more/better looking chicks than I. I have NEVER taking one for the team, and this is coming a bit to easy for you.

  7. Ohioko4s4 did not know wee would be waiting half a year for this, but as of now I am locked in, so be it.


    Its OK, I understand though. I would shit the bed if I had to race Ohioko4s4,and take the lesser challenge.



    Shit, fuck the King of 270, he is the King of Ohio's Highways. As the Dr. would say..



    Prove me wrong.





    Sorry, Econobox Boy, but it looks like you're in over your head. Should have done just a little bit of research before you went whining to your boy Ohio-S4 to run to your rescue. He jumped in with a big bet, I called it, and now you're stuck.


    So, no, I'm not racing him, I'm racing you, for $1000. If I wanted to race him, I would have called him out. That's not the case. So save the squirreling and the lame attempt to distract us all from the fact that your caught squarely between the crosshairs.






    I asked for no help, nor would I. He called me AFTER he made the post, thats how I knew that he didn’t know you were down.


    Oh, Im sorry, but you know everything, and you typed it, so it must be law. I forgot.


    Again, you want weakness 4 banger, you got it. I would just assume you would want the top of the game, not half best.


    This is the equivalent of taking one for the team- I though you said before you get all the fine hoes? Looks like you dont mind being 2nd best.

  9. now you gotta bench race someone elses car which makes 954rwhp. Great...Thumbs up to you..... :)



    On Mid boost.


    As far as right now, you people are funny. I KNOW I would get mauled by a car that traps 142mph, and the situation in terms of difference between him and I IS THE SAME. You chodes really think he cant be beat, like some miracle will give him the 150MPH tail wind he would need to see me.


    If Dr was ready to run now, I would be there, but he has to wait for a slot to open up at IPS to get anything done, so thats not going to happen. He can throw a blower on there and I would be there, he just simply wont make up the difference.


    As I have said before, I have set up cars, SBC, and I know what they can do, If he spends his money right, it will be a problem. Sorry, I never underestimate anyone. Ohioko4s4 did not know wee would be waiting half a year for this, but as of now I am locked in, so be it.


    Its OK, I understand though. I would shit the bed if I had to race Ohioko4s4,and take the lesser challenge.



    Shit, fuck the King of 270, he is the King of Ohio's Highways. As the Dr. would say..



    Prove me wrong.

  10. IF it was 50$ for our summer set ups, I would have bet you 100$, hell as much as you can bring.


    Unless Dr. pulled 6-7mph out of his ass, or I broke, it would have been easy money.

  11. Are you serious? It's a grand between two people that have a lot of money...Maybe it would be serious to you if you could back yourself with YOUR money but come on...what are you risking (besides your ego)?


    $50.00 on Tilley :cool:



    Because I believe Ohioko4s4 was under the assumption Dr. was still road worhty, and I could just drive down there and get-er-done this weekend since its suppost to warm up a bit, but thats not the case.


    Dr. with all this supposed cash, and all winter, can blow his wad on a car that I cant beat. (I dont know why it was beatable in the first place). I STILL say the race should be between Ohioko4s4 and the Dr. I mean, what will a BUILT/BLOWN/BOOSTED/and or sprayed American supercar gain from beating my shitbox? I have built some scary small block _____ set ups, and it would be hard for me to catch Dr. if he choosed to spend the big $.


    On the other hand, I think ohioko4 would be happy to race the Dr. with whatever set up he can come up with, and hell, he is even working with 2 less cylinders. :)

  12. Yeah no web bashing.. Here is a post from you posted on Akron Racing, your site up there. The title of this thread was called cuntilumbus


    Well i decided to check out the bs going on down there and Jp is right.... They think no one from akrun is worth there time. When we went there didnt george set the race up between me and The yellow zo6. He agreed and didnt he then, come over and look at beiges car and mine. Then didnt the excuse come up about the cam thing. Cause they couldnt figure out how fast our cars are. Tell me if i am wrong. I just think that is shitty, drive 3 hours, i emailed back and forth with him and they say they didnt know we were coming.



    You will get your chance to race ihuntv8. Your in luck too because I doubt he is upgrading that vehicle at all over winter.


    Did you race Tinman yet damit?!

  13. Seeing as ihuntv8 went 10.7@135, of street tires, would it have mattered?

    I dont have the time for this 5 pages of replies in 10 minutes shit. I think I will just troll around CR, and contact the fast when the time comes.

  14. Uh I never said anything about knowing anything about you, just had that pic brought to my attention and thought I would post it since you were looking for someone to prove your hair not being blonde.

    As for racing cars, I think everyone on here will tell you that I am the king of street racing on here, well besides linn and tilley.


    Yes but Dr. Knows everything about me, and you are part of team Z06. I though you guys shared brain mass?



    The official team Z06 medulla if you will.

  15. Here you go. Your hair isnt blonde, You so's smart's




    Good. Since your such a super sleuth, I will give you a challenge that you can then hit 3 birds in one stone. Find my # on Onemodelsouce. I will even give you clues..


    It is linked from an X-fuck that was in playboy who also happens to be on the same site, her name starting with N. She can then verify the length of my cock for those on CR (my god why) so interested in knowing.


    But since you and the rest of team ZO6 know my life story, this will all be easy because you know her name. Now go and play while the guys talk about racing cars.



    Uh oh, looks like someone is bitching out again. What, did my comment about my 8 1/2 inch dick start to scare you? You know, Colt, that could have been a bluff - I mean, come on, Vette owners are renown for having small dicks, right?




    I have a 9 inch cock anyhow. The pics were sent to you, and you can email any of my said x-fucks for further verification. It is actually quite uncomfortable, and embarrassed me into early high school.



    To that I could have said, "Uh, we don't race cars on paper - if we did, we wouldn't even put them on the street." I'm sure you've seen more than one race turn out differently on the street that what it was "supposed" to be on paper. Traction, driver error, etc. all can affect the outcome of a race.




    Welcome back.


    My posts were nonsensical in the real world, but judging by your "lists" post, it is all the norm in the Dr's fantasy land.


    Since you have come to your senses and want to talk racing on a RACING site, I will agree that there are many variables, but does my slip not prove my driving abilities and the car's abilities? Is that not the point of taking your car to the track to race? A car (at my power level) can not run 10's by itself you know. If a timeslip is worth nothing, tell that to Anthony, and all the people that care so much about it. The determining factor of how a car goes from a roll is trap speed. This can not be argued.


    As far as knowing nothing about your car- you were the first to point out that your and Sam's car are nearly identical, and I know hat he ran. Hell, I even round up his #'s in case you for some reason are faster, and it is still not even close to my et or trap. Also, previously you have not argued these claims of mine, you know what the truth is.

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