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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. Primary residence or second home?



    How much do you want to sue it in the winter?



    Are nice inland lakes OK?


    Do you want/need the opportunity to make legit money renting it? (and if so does cap rate matter)


    Does it have to be in Ohio?



    This and a few other key Q's would significantly narrow down your search.

  2. Amen, brother. Wrench erryday.

    I'm a big fan of g1/g2 Cayennes, as it does seem like you get an over-engineered sporty family-hauler for a good price. Hope you grab a good one. I can't help but question your logic if you're going through a divorce soon...




    Im no expert, but increase the value of the asset with a debt attached, and the other assets are less at risk?


    So 100k in bank, 10k car owned outright- 55k to the wife


    100k in the back- 50k car with 60k owed- 40k tot he wife PLUS lower alimony payments since the car payment will be high?


    I could be totally wrong here.








    On topic- Did you get the one you bid on? I like these cars and like where the market is at on them

  3. You do need an FHA certified contractor for a FULL 203k. There is now a limited (steam K) and Full K as defined by FHA. Anyone can help you on a limited, but you need an FHA cert guy for a full.


    From your list, it could be either. 35k+ in repairs and/or structural work is usually the cut off for a full K. Your loan officer should be able to let you know which you are doing, and give you a full list of approved contractors in royu area. If your LO cant do both, you should really find a different LO. :) Working with someone thats is flying blind on a 203k can make the process absolutely brutal.

  4. Just a question for those who have chimed in on both threads-


    have you asked family to help mediate? Like, her mom/dad/siblings? There has to be someone that can be a middle man to talk about this. It may be embarrassing at first, but if divorce is inevitable its all the same no?


    I had a good friend ask for help in a similar situation, I was good friends with both parties and acted as a neutral mediator. 3 years later, so far so good and only their closest friends new there was a serious issue at one point.

  5. Yeah, makes me wonder why I've been beating the piss out of my 92 for the past 9 years, one day it'll conpletely break like everyone else'.....

    Up until this year my wife DD her 91 for the past 5 years, now its a couple days a week...



    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


    Thats awesome! So much of ANY car's reliability is who's turning the wrenches (and clicking the buttons) :)




    Can get away from em'!

  6. And to this day, I am still torn on these cars. I'm a driver. My passion is seeing people DRIVE a car to their time, to their goal..... Lucas builds and tunes the car so that's his accomplishment for sure, but my 3 year old could have driven this 250+ pass. No drama-basically no steering correction. Gidi is a nice guy, but anyone with a paycheck can throw it at a GTR and get a number. Is that the accomplishment? Are we celebrating the driver or celebrating his Diamond smuggling business?


    Who knows anymore. Cant wait for the E cars like Tesla to stat going fast so the term "driver" gets even more blurry.


    -End Rant-

  7. 12 seconds, not bad. Neat little car


    I was disappointed. It had low 11s to high 10s in it with the airflow I was seeing in the logs. But between that run, and the next failed attempt, the clutch was smoked so bad I barely made it home. :no:


    DSM's are junk.



  8. Had a red Talon like that in 1999. Pretty cool to see one getting built.


    This one will just be passing through me unfortunately. Someone already committed to buying the shell, so I will be using the guts from this car to put the Colt together. I built this motor for the previous owner so I know whats going on with these parts. Only have time/room for so many DSMs! :lolguy:



    She was a good looking car back in the day. Destroyed the clutch on this pass though (Thats the smoke in 2nd gear-yikes!) , but this gives you and idea of how she looked when it was last on the road.


  9. ONE DOWN.







    2 to go



  10. . Only someone with way more forced induction knowledge could determine if equal length primaries that long would be more beneficial than an unequal length primary design with shorter primaries.


    Yes, equal length makes considerable difference in back to back tests we have seen on turbo set ups

  11. meh, pizza is pizza. if you've had it one place, you've had it everyplace. why not go to a unique-ish restaurant? there are tremendous steakhouses in Chicago---I know there are plenty in cbus as well.


    I agree 100%. I was not going to dive in here, but since I am invited.. ;)


    I have many 20 something savage buds in Chicago and have wrecked the town many, many times.


    Brunch/Breakfast try out River Roast or "the Kitchen". Best view, great food.


    Pizza- pick the closest one to your location


    Do the Museum and/or Aquarium. They are world class attractions.



    Good dinner I'd recommend since your a first timer (because being a tourist is fun)


    Signature Room @ 95th (great pregame spot too) or Sixteen @ Trump Tower



    Clubs- In order of recommendation since your bringing a lady-

    ROOF @ the Wit


    Down and Dirty- Party till 5am- "Help" provided in necessary LOL


    Underground or Spybar


    Wanna see a Celebrity? Money to Blow?

    Studio Paris



    Have fun!

  12. So I was planning to wait until after my mustang was done and sold to start on another project but this was a right place right time so I pulled the trigger and now own this:



    2002 1.8 VVT engine and driveline


    needs a few things but runs and drives and is titled and registered




    1) How much was that? (pm me if that's OK)


    2) where did you find it?

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