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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. I can finance both. (For me at least) its not difficult, although most lenders wont touch them. I can even close some purchases with $0 down on a Manu.


    Lets clear some things up here.


    "Manufactured" Typically refers to a "double wide" or similar that is trucked in an set on a **Permanent foundation**- that is the most important part. If its stil on wheels, I cant touch it-you need an RV loan.


    Modular refers to a home that is build in pieces-and those pieces are brought in and assembled on a foundation. Thats easy- we look at modular as stick built. Clay-if you had issues with your mortgage- thats sucks! This should have been a walk in the park for your lender. but man great location on that house :)


    Rocky-sorry to hear about that-you were simply working with the wrong people. You agent, and lender should quickly be able to understand the differences and educate you.


    My take-Manu's have a stigma only because of lender's preferences, and peoples misconceptions. I have financed million dollar mods in Cali and Oregon. In many situations, its not only a great option, bu the BEST option, and common in most areas of rual Ohio.


    Guys feel free to PM me for specifics, or if you are looking for a pre approval. I can also refinance them if you currently own one at a high rate.

  2. Jamie yes the old Jamie we never here from any longer ran a 7.2 off the trailer s


    This is real news


    How much money did they win?


    Fucking zero less however much 3 GTR motors and the labor to swap them out at the track cost.


    Dont get me wrong- being the first to accomplish anything is a feat-but its suck a money game its definitely hard to get pumped up about it.


    I think Shep ruining consistent 7.7's in a full weight, AC, power window, full exhaust GTR is more impressive. Maybe Im getting old?

  3. . The wife bought the two kids and I New Bright Grave Digger trucks. But the wont move in hard packed dirt. So last tax season I jumped into the hobby with the bigger is better attitude. While nice and fun I have no room and the big truck just sat on the shelf.


    You though the best investment if my tax money (Im sorry but if you are getting an "earned income tax credit" you didn't earn that god damn money) is to buy a fucking RC car?



    This is whats wrong with America.

  4. I need some minor work done on my BMW. I'm sure it will require a bender and definitely a lift. Looking to have the secondary cats deleted and some SS tips welded on.


    Picture of cat delete on another car.




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Any videos on how this affects sound? Realistic increase in power?


    As for the original question, Tinman or Moorespeed.

  5. It was a great day for me. Clay Guida is probably the coolest dude I have ever met and hung out with.


    Clay is a super cool dude. I met him at UFC Chicago, i guess he is my wife's best friends cousin. Super down to earth guy.

  6. 100% depends on the tire. if you dont have access/capability to do the install yourself always give your shop of choice the opportunity to make money off the tire. Tell them exactly what you want- see if they can match the price.
  7. Better pics many have asked for. Hope this covers everything!














  8. And that's a bad thing? Remember it's money everyone has earned - if you get a refund then the withholding is taking too much money from you.



    No, its not.


    When I was bar-tending- made 30-35k CASH, 6k on the books. I'd always get 2-3k back. I can assure you I did not have 3k in taxes withheld.



  9. Broke dicks always get more back, my return has gone down as I move up in taxable income.


    And then you start owing!


    Start buying rental proprieties now or open up a little LLC. find the tax shelters, make your money work for you.

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