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Posts posted by coltboostin

  1. Since your friends with Doug?, why not buy the RS2 he's selling?


    Cool car, but not what I am looking for.


    my suggestion (cheap sleeper DD fun):

    - 6.0L police caprice.....


    Maybe I need to clarify a bit..... My c6z was FAST, with some FLASH, but with the mods was completely ludicrous and could not be driven by most. As much as the wife wanted to drive it, she cant. Most cant without hating life. The clutch/cam combo was ridiculous.


    I consider my 535is a quick, CLASSY DD. It fits my family of 4 with ease. It runs 11.9. It has required nothing but oil changes for going on 5 years. It's silent and wildly comfortable at 90mph, and my wife can hop in it any time and go. Anything that replaces it, needs to at least meet these criteria. Anything that starts as a chevy caprice, no offense, will never end up classy. I also dont want a project here-at all.


    My goals is to either find (2) cars or (1) splurge that checks that can check these boxes


    1) Some FLASH. Something that I will look back at when I park it. Im not looking for a "sleeper". Here. If anything, the opposite. Odd? No. Rare or unique, YES/I]

    2) Some QUICK It does not need to peel my face off (I have one of those and nothing will be as fast for my budget). But be able to be "peppy" or better

    3) 3.5 season ability. So, I can drive it every day I want to.

    4) If I splurge on one, big purchase, I want it to LOOK like I did when I open my garage, and not just when I open my wallet! LOL


    Bonus points for-


    Wife can drive it (she can drive stock)

    Kids can come. Small back seats OK (think 911)

    Low price, or little to no risk of depreciation. (this is almost mandatory)



    To be clear I am 100% ok with keeping my BMW as the stable DD. I don't mind parking it outside. I don't mind anyone driving it. It checks all the boxes. I don't think I could check all these boxes with any other car for the price point.


    has anyone here owned a Gen 3 or 4 Viper for more than a year?

  2. SO, I had the opportunity to visit a friend who is an exotic car broker, and has a nice inventory. Of which, included an R8 and a 996 Turbo. I wanted to stop today on the way to look at a different 996 to see how I felt about the R8 as I honestly cant think of the last time I saw one in person.


    Well, I liked it. Really, I LOVED it. In a room with several 996s, 991s GT3, A Lambo Murci, other cool shit...it stood out. This one also has a Valvetronic exhaust which make me forget it was a V8. It sounded completely exotic. It made me want to sell everything to own it. It made me not miss my vette, like at all.










    And that thing under the cover is a Carrera GT

  3. Jones had a TTRS . Perhaps not exotic enough, but the noise they make is incredible.


    I font hate it....but it just looks, small. And not a good small. I feel the same way about an RS3. Its like the car the spoiled kid in High school gets. But, his Dad's DD is an S7.


    Infiniti Q60 tune and simple bolt-ons has these cars in the low 11s high 10s


    Great DD option


    What if you go outside the box and get say a second hand GTM?


    That screams project car to me. I dont have the desire for more than one.

    A DD with adequate power and unique looks? Selling my G8 in spring, not many Hsv Gts look a likes running around town.


    Yours is VERY nice!

  4. Option 2.5, Audi TT RS... seems like a mini R8 to me.8.


    I'll look into this.


    Jp I tagged you on Facebook on a 6.0 supercharged c5z


    Nice car, more than I want to spend on a C5 though. At this point, I am thinking less project, more cruiser.


    I had a similar decision to make about 6 years ago... I bought an air-cooled 911. NO REGRETS.


    (also bought a LeBaron, sold a 996TT, and bought a C5Z)


    If I could go back, I should have stretched the budget and bought a 997 GTR3RS or a Testarossa


    Well if you were in the same predicament TODAY, what would you buy? :)


    BTW how are you liking the C5?

  5. Jordan happens to have a 2016 GTR available. Meets

    I love Jordan and thats a great car, but that's sure to depreciate quickly IMO. nice car, fair price, not for me.


    My S4 is an absolute blast for the simple stage 1 it is, I've heard doing the pulley really picks them up but I DD it and don't want the problems if shit breaks.. by far the most expensive upkeep car I have owned to date lol


    What upkeep have you done so far?



    Option three, .


    Leaning that way ;)



    Twin turbo 911 keep it stock looking built 1000 hp look a me factor check power check


    I think I missed the boat on those being cheap.



    Thing about that, is the only heads that will turn is that of mid 20 early 30s ricers. For 43k, Im buying a lot of cars before that. Similar to the supra, for the price you can just get so much more elsewhere.

  6. N platform so a nice 600+ 3 series would be fun unique and still Able to pull DD use. Cost would be similar to a turbo C5 at the end of the day for power level though


    From what I have seen with that platform, too much work/Money/issues to make that 600hp reliable- and it still wouldn't be reliable. I can make 600hp with an LS with a 10th of the money


    DD: Hellcat Charger?

    YOLO: I pretty much agree with your order, but would throw the NSX in there



    My issue with the Hellcat is it looks like a v6 charger. Zero status for your dollar, and for this purchase, that is a factor.


    NSX- Just too slow, and a bit overpriced for what it is IMO. I'd have to mod it to be happy.



    This will go well.

    Ya know me, JP. Anything different than the status quo gets my vote. Rat rod, stupid powerful wagon, something old with a new suspension and what not, Typhoon/Syclone, Grand National, a farm truck like Farm Truck.

    ...but you also already have "different" so what do I know? :)


    Wife has to like this one. Wife wont like any of those lol. Just not a "fast/cool truck" guy either. Just cant get into it....


    This would be what I would go for, personally.


    Hard to have one without turbos....


    Escalade with a pair of snails. Something about a fast awd suv just get me all tingling


    I just cant get into it. I like it from afar, dont want to spend big $$ just to have a fast baby hauler. I want a Sports Car, or an Exotic-ish


    Stay away from the TT 4.0L Audi is doing in the S6/S7, the turbos fade quick and the cost of maintenance is stupid. If you are "upgrading" from the C6Z, makes little sense to go backwards and get a C5/C6/C7. Why not order a C8, and drop it likes it hot when the C8Z comes out (I sure plan to snag an allocation for a Z)

    I snag an older gated R8 and have Cad build a kit for it...


    Yeah, thats why I lean A6 3.0T+pully over S6. Similar power, half the price, twice the reliability.


    As for downgrading, yes and no. I can have a C5 making 800whp and have 20k left over for what I sold my car for. Not an upgrade or downgrade, just time for the next thing.

  7. Cheap fun - VETTE


    DD- 335i with bad turbos bought for cheap then do a single turbo conversion


    YOLO- R34 or Supra or 997 turbo




    335i would be a downgrade from my 535ix?


    R34-Nah, Supra Nah, 997 Turbo, mayyybee.


    To clarify, anything in the "50k" range would have to be Newer, DD' able, and would remain mostly stock. R34 and Supra both do not fit that bill. Also, would have to avoid depreciation as much as possible.

  8. Well, someone hit the "buy it now button" on the C6Z. Dropped off a bag of cash, and she' gone.


    So, what's next? WWCR Buy?


    Budget-10k to 60k (I'll explain)


    Considerations-Current stable

    BMW 535ix. Fun, fast, and has been reliable. But, does have 160k+miles

    Wifes Newed town and Country

    The HoboEvo- 1000awhp shit missile

    Another Shit middle (TBD, FWD import)


    Needs-nothing really


    Wants-Stupid fast, or fast enough but semi-flashy. Dumped, Camm'd and wrapped c6z garnered more attention than expected. And, I kinda liked it :)


    Dont want-another project car. Whatever I do with it I want to end up just putting on miles and smiles. A plus if the wife can drive it, but not at all required


    Here is my current train(s) of thought


    1) Cheap.Fun/Fast + Upgraded DD. (10k) c5+turbo, s2k...ect and a A6 3.0T+ultracharger or S6? IDK....

    I liked the Vette, and Lowered C5z look pretty good. Plus, I wont feel bad putting a truck motor in one.

    Give options here for 10k fast that will take the BOOST


    2) DD's able sports car. EX, c6+turbo, C7, Cyote stang+turbo, Viper...ect. (30K). A car that can do both, but keep the BMW for 4 doors and heavy snow.


    3) YOLO. Get something expensive enough that I won't want to mod it. If I want to go fast, hop in the Hobo. Has to be flashy or Exotic (got that sounds gay!).

    R8, GTR, 997 (in that order) would be the front runner here. (50-60k) Opinions welcome in this price range.


    AND GO!

  9. Going 20b. Bought the engine last year and took it apart. Been sitting waiting on my to get time to keep going.


    DO EET. In nothing else, for the sound alone...


    Goal 1: Not crash in to yard.

    Goal 2: Bust JP's ass all over 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, etc. Basically every version of 270 there is.


    1) LOL :lolguy:


    2) But, I'll just got get the other car.... ;)

  10. Dude is clearly the spoiled rich kid


    10-13k car is nicer than 75% of America has.


    Just to be clear, my comment was not a dis to TTQ. I live in an area now where the kids that just got their licence are diving NEW cars, and the house I am in is bigger than any house I had seen when I was in high school. Times have just changes, but I grew up in household well under the poverty line, but I still cant see what I kid driving to high school should need (or deserve really) anything more than a $1500 mid 2000s civic with a good set of tires.


    I have never in my life had a car payment reach $400.


    I may be the minority, but I've never had a car payment. Up here, a mortgage on a rental property that pays 8-900 a month is $350. LOL. Why would I ever take money I could invest in something hat will pay me into a deprecating, interest bearing asset?


    Debt, and America's general acceptance of it, is a huge, HUGE problem.

  11. Dad age advice. A 23 year old doesn't need more than a 1-2k car, Basically what you can make working a summer gig between school, unless you moms pays you bills, then look for a 10-12k car



    FWIW he can buy a pretty nice late model small Corolla or like for pretty cheap and it will last a while.


    Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk



    Fixed, because we obviously grew up in different neighborhoods.

  12. iran just admitted it shot the plane down..human error


    Sure, but whats the recourse? You going to sue Iran? Shitty deal for the families, but nothing will come of it.


    We have to remember these people have been fighting EACHOTHER for the last 4000 years. They still, to this day, shell eachother nightly int he name of their god.



    20 years from now this whole situation (including the plane being shot down unfortunately) will be a fart in the wind of time and our kids will have no recollection of it.

  13. Final Stats/Bests for the HoboEvo in 2019


    Best of 1008 AWHP on a Dynojet. Low 50s PSI


    Best MPH 164.x High 40s psi


    Best ET 9.5@155 40psi. (boost keep low for possible lifted head) this was with a 1.5 60 ft


    I did lift the head at a local dyno day @990whp. Car still runs great. Compression is good, so I will likely re-torque and send it to 2020.


    Winter plans,just going to do some cleaning and minor improvements and hope I get lucky enough to find a DogBox in someones track.


    If I can put the mid 160s together with a 1.5 60ft- 8s may happen. I hate to even say thats the goal....but man, the math works! What are you working on?



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