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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. I don't know, but ever since schools started treating kids like little pussies we are seeing more of these little dip shits turn into mass murderers.
  2. that's either hot or cold tear. your pressure was probably too low. I had a tire do that at putnam on the left side of my tire and it's mostly right turns. in fact there is only 2 lefts on the whole track. i bumped the psi up and it quit.
  3. just more ammo for the gun control nuts. just like us pitbull owners go through.
  4. I think my new sidi st boots are pretty generous in those areas. especially since sidi has the closer system from their dirt bike boots now. they adjust out really really far. and they put in a expansion slot for ziping up around the ankle so it's not so tight on the ankle. I figured they be really good for big ankle's and calves. they said it will accomodate a 15" calve. look how much bigger it is than the other 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONlMCAK-5rQ
  5. here she is in 2011. still hot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XyMtPtyyfQ&feature=related this chick is pretty damn hot too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGfvQBSz1jw&feature=related
  6. there actually might be some kind of law he broke doing that. I at least hope so.
  7. who the hell even eats at burger king anymore? have you seen them lately? they look like they're straight out of the mid 80's for one and they're always dirty as hell. their fries are just god awful.
  8. I love my stock tail light. it's very very bright. anyway, don't know if you care but you can sand the gold off those FMF pipes. mine was blue and it sanded out.
  9. you're pretty cute but man that tattoo stuff is just horrible. it's just so tacky and "white trash".
  10. think I found my new bank. http://www.eaglesavings.com/personal/checking/ their advantage checking, maintain a $500 balance or get a $5 charge. but you earn interest. 5/3 has nothing like that. that's pretty sweet. and you can use pnc's atms free. (I rarely use an atm though). I usually use my debit card for everything. which theirs is unlimited use. free online banking and bill pay too. and they're right up the road from me. there is 2 of them within 5 miles of me. so far it's the best I've seen.
  11. from what I can tell (seen on a lot of shows) your bike was put on a dyno before it left the factory. car companies and all do it now to "road test" them. some car engines that I seen were basically ran before it was put into the car anyway. I'm sure most engines are already broken in before you get it. I heard the mechanics with my bike all the way in the showroom. I almost didn't take the bike as they were basically redlining it. the sales guy said yamaha tells them to do that. I've heard from a bunch of other people the place they bought their bike from did the same thing.
  12. I guess that's not bad if they cover 100%. mine is a $1500 deduct and they only cover 80%. so in the long run I guess yours is better. I miss my old job's insurance. I paid in 0. 250.00 deduct and they pay 100% everything. my 23k broken leg with a rod put in it cost me $250.
  13. you better read your hsa agreement again. I didn't join the one we had at work for the simple fact they keep my money for ever and tell me what I can use it for. lol' I don't think so folks. when I asked the guy what exactly benefit do I get out of it all he could say was it's tax free.
  14. I bought a new crate engine for my truck and it said to let it run till it reaches operating temp then let it cool down completely. then drive it up to about 50 mph and let it engine brake to about 20 mph 12 times. then the engine is fully broken in. most engines will spin rod or main bearings. you want to break in the valvetrain, cam bearings, rod and main bearings. the piston rings are not the major concern.
  15. everyone is in debt. that's how our system works. the federal reserve is owned by banks not the government. so even the government owes money to banks. well actually YOU and I do in the form of taxes. and good for you for trying to get off unemployment. I wish there was a undercover news story about how companies are purposely discriminating against people on unemployment. I overheard my own boss (company owner) say he can't hire people that have been out of work because they're not hireable. I couldn't fucking believe I heard that. and it kind of pisses me off he would say it. that's just one more nail in the coffin for me to look for another job. I don't want to work for people like him. he's what's wrong with our country right now. he's had an ad on craigslist for 2 weeks and hasn't hired anyone.
  16. don't blame the system for your shitty health insurance. god damn $5k deductable isn't even worth having insurance. this is the shit the bill is supposed to curve. health insurance has been named the biggest scam in modern history.
  17. ask anyone that visits a country that has a lot of diesel vehicles how bad the air smells. light a kerosene heater in your house and leave for an hour. then come back and take a wiff. that smell is what diesel vehicles make the air smell like. it's fucking nasty. and should be abandoned just for that reason alone.
  18. please don't even say you like BW3's. that place is the suck. so does quaker steak n lube. that shit is garbage.
  19. that little pos isn't no 600 hp. it barely broke the tires loose at the begining and he had it held to the floor. hell it barely started moving. I bet that thing has about 150 at the most. this is how fast a 600 hp car moves. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YiQ6FcyiPag
  20. right because I've never been stuck behind a truck spewing out blue smoke and choking on it at all on a daily basis. or the local hillbilly redneck blowing out plumes of black soot. diesel is terrible for pollution. it and jet fuel (kerosene) are huge polluters with no form of emission reducing equipment on them. I can't even smell a vehicle that runs on gasoline but a diesel I can smell over 40 feet away.
  21. this is why smart people do not upload pics of themselves with their real names etc. hell facebook uses your email to suggest people you know. I couldn't believe it when I made up a fake account how many people it suggested I actually knew.
  22. it's not the machine that scratches the rims. it's a careless operator. the part that puts the tire on and off the rim doesn't touch the rim at all. only the clamps do. the only reason to buy a nomar changer is it's portability. I can't believe they ask $1299 for it. http://www.eagleequip.com/product/GLO-400.html http://www.bestbuyautoequipment.com/Tire-Changers-s/286.htm
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