I have a can of belray super clean that I've never used. I don't like it because it's white. I also have a can of maxima chain wax, maxima synthetic chain lube(clear). wax is less oily so it doesn't come off. and actually I watched a honda service video and they used hypoid gear oil to lube the chain. they said you need to get it in the rollers of the chain. and use a wax spray on the chain to help keep the lube in the rollers. if you ever look at your chain closely you will find that you can move the rollers side to side between the link plates. under those is where you need the lube the most. I've seen a chain lose several of those rollers. here's a picture of my buddy's DID ERV-2 chain that lost some due to lack of lubing it. the ink pen is pointing to one that is missing,