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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. what pisses me off about the can am spyder is you can take your motorcycle riders test on it. the whole foot down at the wrong time doesn't seem to matter for them. what about the figure 8 bullshit? ohio is a double standard state.
  2. and just think how many people think a moneyless society is a good idea and are making it a reality.
  3. well TN is going to get a lot of truckers in trouble. once you get to the actual "dragon" part of the dragon, there is no turning around. you have to keep going into NC. then they'll all be wanting to turn around at the crossroads where everyone is hanging out. so everyone will have to move their bikes n shit. all 60+ of them. TN will just lower the speed limit again from 30 to 25 and post signs warning trucks of switchbacks ahead. for some reason a lot of trucks miss that big ass orange sign that tells them the road is not made for a semi to safely pass.
  4. so my buddy called me up asking me what I think a 06 triumph tripple speed is worth. it has a little over 5k on it. and is in nice shape. never looked like it went down. it is at an auction. he can get it for $3100. plus another $100 or so buyer's fee. but he is really only interested in selling it again. I don't know how much more he can get. but the KBB on it is still close to $6K. the nada is $5200 what do you guys think it's worth? how much more could he get out of it?
  5. I'm going to buy a bunch of plain black ones and stamp "diamond" on it and get on amazon and sell them for $500 each. that's a 95% markdown. lol I wonder if someone is stupid enough to pay $2700 for a cable
  6. newer tvs aren't as "advanced" as people want to believe. the tube tv while it can't produce as sharp of a picture or colors, it has many other advantages. not to mention they used to be able to put real speakers in those boxes too. most new tvs have shitty ass sound. I had an RCA that sounded like all these surround sound kits they make now. and that was in the late 80's
  7. there's always craigslist. or just drop it off at a salvation army or goodwill. don't destroy something that works. someone could use it.
  8. another thing i seen about how your body uses insulin etc said since we're eating so much sugar now a lot of people's bodies are not able to produce enough insulin to keep them from getting fat. there was a good saying and it went like this, you're not getting fat because you're eating more, you're eating more because you're getting fat. this had to do with the "obesity epidemic" which is actually wildly exaggerated. which comes back to the "follow the money" syndrome that scientist have. if you tell the gov what they want to hear, you get to keep your reputation and job.
  9. in europe doctors tell patients that sugar feeds cancer. in america doctors and the usda tell people to load up on sugar. the food guide pyramid says you should eat 300g of carbs per day. that equals 1 1/2 cups of sugar. you are only supposed to eat 1 tea spoon. if you could inject 1.5 cups of sugar into your blood it would kill you. shredded wheat cereal has a glycemic index of 70. a can of coke has a index of 63. but that cereal is what they call a heart healthy breakfast. lol but that's what our gov and doctors tell us to eat... I'm really convinced doctors believe anything they're taught and never think outside the box and the gov treats us as lab rats. there are dozens of books that have come out in the last several years that have debunked the lipid hypothesis too. which says if you eat animal fats it raises your cholesterol and cholesterol causes heart disease. well study after study never supports that theory. in fact, there are just as many thin with low cholesterol people having heart attacks as people who have high cholesterol and are fat. our government comes up with these guidlines out of thin air and pressures from nut job vegitarians like the center for science in the public interest. whose theories come from no studies that proove anything they are telling us about what foods to eat. these are the people who got mcdonalds and kfc to stop using trans fats to cook their food after they told them to use trans fats in the first place. (ponder that for a moment) btw, the beef talo mcdonalds used to use is proven to be healthier than using veg oil. in fact study after study reveal that people for thousands of years never ate the wheats and processed veg oils, corn oils, cotton seed oils, etc (which can only be extracted chemically) that we eat so much of today. but they did eat diets often 10 times higher in animal fats than we do. but now, we have higher rates of cancer, heart disease, obesity, depression, epilepsy and add than in human history. it's also ironic we now face all these diseases at much higher rates with our gov guidelines in place to make us healthy..lol lets talk about the lipid hypothesis for a second. the guy who came up with it did so by throwing out data that didn't agree with is theory. such as, people in chile that eat very little animal fat has a high rate of heart disease. so do asians. in fact asian countries have some of the highest heart attack rates in the world. and also threw out data from places like holland that have low heart attack rates but eat a lot of animal fats. but why on earth would any respected scientist do such a thing???? maybe it has everything to do with being famous and money. every scientist knows if you don't tell the us gov what they want to hear you don't get anymore funding. so basically you're out of a job. and so leads up back to the this topic of cancer and it's cure. there are also ways to stop aids but our gov and drug companies will not allow it to happen just yet. until they unleash the next fake "epidemic" on the public.
  10. lie always lie! resume will look fantastic.
  11. well ohio law says if you shovel or plow something you just became liable for anyone that falls. but if you do nothing to it, there isn't anything they can sue you over. I assume that's why I see a lot of places that don't plow or shovel sidewalks now.
  12. why do you guys think they wanted the war in iraq? haliburton makes big time money on that stuff. I guess now that some proof is out all the people saying this for years don't look like quack jobs anymore huh?
  13. mmm that list should say florescent lights not incandescent. what do you want landfills and ground water full of mercury or a bulb the burns a little too much electric. as far as cell phones replacing land lines...lol. yeah that ain't happening anytime soon. fuck there are hundreds of spots in town people lose signals. I can't use mine in my house.
  14. you know, I'm not so sure I'd trust a $3 cable though. something just says to me if it's that cheap it's for a reason. just like all the wall mounts on amazon for tv's. yeah they're $12 when other ones sell for $50-150. most of the reviews for those mounts say the damn thing wont hold the tv in the postition they put it in. it sags over night etc. lol I think I seen a device not long ago that said it comes with a cable. so I guess the gig is up for everyone and they're starting to put them in the box with the shit you buy. I always found it ridiculous that a tv or dvd player didn't come with a hdmi cable. if you ask me someone was breaking some kind of anti-trust laws or circumventing them with the super high price of them. also if you ever look at buying a blue ray player that plays streaming internet content make sure it has the wifi built in if you need it to be wifi. the player has to use that brands wifi adapter. (the player only works with their adapter) and they want $70+ for a $10 wifi adapter.
  15. buy a tv with auto volume leveling. you should find it on name brand tvs. my panasonic will even let you tailor the level of the limitation.
  16. nice man. good luck with everything.
  17. yeah there are tons of us in cincy that do track. just a little interesting fwi, I heard the guy that started wera's forums lives in cincy. I haven't been able to get to the track in the last 2 years though. but hopefully with my new job I will be able too. it will be limited though because I might be moving in the next 3-4 months.
  18. now that it seems ok for this I was going to say I read on a electronics site that hdmi cable prices are the biggest scam going. they said if you pay more than $20 for cables under 10' you got scammed. I was at a sears a few weeks ago and they had some old merchandise on a closeout table. 9' flat gold plated sony hdmi cables for $10 and 6' component cables(red green blue cables) from philips for $2. I wanted to buy them just to sell on ebay lol. the sony cables are going for $45-50 at stores online.
  19. edited...didn't realize I was shitting in your for sale thread.
  20. everyone can technically run a red light if it takes an unreasonable amount of time for it to change. I know I read that someplace for ohio's laws. it's been a few years
  21. I can tell that's a yamaha r6 by the parts laying there. the swing arm and rim, the rear tail section etc. it's just busted up so badly and the parts seem to be mostly in tack except they're all laying apart in a pile. I have to think that's a made up picture. the front tire came off the rim and that means the forks had to be seperated at the head or axle too. and where are the forks and for that matter where is the frame? the frame head and forks are all missing but the exhaust came out unscratched. yeah... they get fucked up in a drop in the driveway.
  22. ^ yup. and the pressure is high. i don't know the specs on the R6 since the service manual doesn't cover that subject. but on most cars is anywhere from 50-60psi typically. so you'll have to keep the tank ready to go. the other problem is the fuel pump is mounted inside the tanks now. so you have to keep the tank full of gas if you just tilt it up. it draws in the fuel inside the pump housing. so it has to be submerged in it. I guess you can always lay the pump in a bucket with fuel in it. keeping the bottom of the pump out of the fuel of course. but you are stuck with stock 3" of wires and hoses you don't want to cut up just so it will strech that far.
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