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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. I just don't feel right posting a RIP to a fallen rider that I personally never knew. I don't know...it's just weird to me to do it. I've never been someone that got emotional about a funeral even in my own family. It's not that I don't care. I just think of it as a natural part of life and it's not something to get upset over.
  2. well they won't order the wrong stuff because they let you choose on a parts diagram the stuff you need. that's why I like them. but I remember the last time I ordered something there. it took a about 12 days for it to arrive. plus they're closed on sundays so that was 14 days I had to wait for a simple part that was in stock at the supplier. which tells me they waited a few days to get a few other orders before submitting any. then I had to drive all the way there (1hr to and from) to get it. I willing to support the local shops and pay the little extra but if they can't be open on a day everyone should be open then oh well their loss. why not be open less hours if they're trying to cut back for winter? I mean shit do 11am- 6pm mon-sat. that would be about the same hrs through the week they're using now. instead of being closed sunday and monday.
  3. this place is a big dealer/shop in cincy with 2 stores. my beef is with the orginal store in western hills. usually ok to deal with on parts n stuff. which is all the business I've ever done there. I hear their service shop is kinda shitty and expensive. tell you how shitty it must be, I took a brake reservoir there once and the shop guys in the shop out back (separate building) didn't even know what it was. I thought he meant what bike it came from but no, he had no idea it was a brake reservoir. I wouldn't let them change my tires.... anyway why I decided to make this post... I needed to order some parts for my R6. (valve pads) all day Im itching to find out if they have some in stock or will I have to order them. so I get off work and rush over. only to find a closed store on a Monday. I know it's winter and all but being closed through the normal business week is a bad idea in my opinion. hard telling how much business they are losing. the doors had a ups and a fedex tag on it. plus I left and came home to order them on the net. a free tip to a business out there reading this.... look, I drove to the store and tried to buy locally. if you're not even going to be open on weekday you're not worth my time to bother. I'm not going to drive back the next day. I will just skip it and buy from the internet. less hassles, no driving, faster shipping, don't have to return to pick up my parts etc etc etc. so just keep that sort of thing in mind if you're trying to keep your doors open... /end rant.
  4. serpentracer


    wow you took my post the wrong way lol. but...he's fucking 7. SEVEN. kid just started learning to frigging read.
  5. serpentracer


    well there is a reason some things ask you your language and american english and European english is 2 options. give the kid a break. he's 7 for christ sake. now if he was 10....
  6. I got a book a few years ago with stuff like that in it for sale. but you had to be a registered locksmith to buy them. my buddy could use those for his car lot. people are always locking the keys in the cars. I got good with the airbag and rod method. never could use the slim jim things.
  7. I plan on making a visit this spring. buying a set of flow matched injectors and slide stops.
  8. since these guys are so close to ohio I figured I give them a review. I say A+. http://www.indysuperbike.com/ ordered my brake pads monday night. got them wed afternoon. price was $20 less than anywhere on the net too.
  9. nice I had no idea they were out of dayton. I got a set of goodridge on mine. at least they're not like galfers and rust lol
  10. I think the problem is when people leave them hooked up to a tender and that's how it sits for months on end. I don't think the charger stops when it really needs to and ultimately over charges the battery. either that or it's causing them to sulfate. like I said if this computer controlled charger wont charge my battery then I suspect most people's batteries shouldn't need a charge either. I'd like to try a tender on mine to see if it does charge it right now. that would mean it in fact over charges batteries. yuasa's own site says you only need to charge a battery if kept in climates below 60 once a month. and twice a month if kept above 60. I would take that is a 30-40 min charge once a month for me and that's all it needs.
  11. my brother bought a high end battery charger for his camera and telescope stuff and it will not charge by battery on either bike because it says it's full. I haven't started my bike since some time in october. I still think battery tenders ruin batteries. I know so many guys that have them and are constantly buying a new battery every few years. like I said before, I don't do shit to mine and i've never had to buy one for my bikes since 2003.
  12. wtf is osu in the fucking ghetto or something?
  13. serpentracer


    I opened a business checking account with these guys and it says right on the damn paperwork I signed it's free with no fee's well after 3 months I started getting fee's. so I said fuck these guys and closed it. I'm surprised that they didn't charge me for closing it like personal checking accounts do. or did. I use 5/3 only because they're everywhere and open on sundays in Kroger. I have the totally free checking with them but I had a standard account for quite a while before they upgraded me to the free one. my mom had issues with huntington also and swears not to use them. I had 2 car loans through them and I have to say they gave me the best interest rates.
  14. I just meant drag racing in general. I used to be all about it growing up. me and my buddies went to edgewater in cincy every friday in high school. (that's not a slam lol) I just fell in love with road racing
  15. wow. bad idea on both parties. rubbin on bikes is not like in cars.
  16. different strokes for different folks. that's all it is. straight line racing for 9 seconds is just way to boring for me.
  17. so many people think in 2012 everyone has high speed internet and all that. but I bet just as many don't because they can't than those who do. where my dad lives they don't either and he's only about 30 min away from the city. and my mom up till last summer was able to get dsl. dial up is all they offered with speeds up to 26k max. oh and her dsl... 768k. $48 a month too. they came around back in nov and put in fiber optic lines. so supposedly when they get it all done she'll be able to get tv, phone and internet and it will be around 10mb. and I live in the city of cincinnati and can't get the fiber optic stuff where I live. now tell me we're so advanced with technology and I'll laugh in your face.
  18. I know it doesn't sound right but every stinking one of them did exactly that. sounds like it locks in but the dash lights blink. every stinking time it was just the dash switch. we found this out because his buddy owns a transmission shop (collins transmission here in cincy) I"m keeping an eye on this thread. I'd be surprised if it turns out to be something else. but hey, I've been fooled before lol cars are a bitch sometimes.
  19. dude I'm telling ya you're wasting so much effort on this. buy a new switch first. I know they're rather expensive but the switch on gm's go bad a lot. every one of the trucks my buddy had that did exactly what you described was always the switch on the dash. I know it feels like you'd be throwing parts at it . I bet you'd find your answer on a 4X4 forum in like 3 min of searching.
  20. so you're collecting unemployment huh.. lol you could most likely get a contractor to give you a job. they like the under the table thing.
  21. serpentracer


    that chair is a bad mo-fo.
  22. check this one out... http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00000000000000019262000000ELSE4075-03-XLP?prdNo=41&sid=I0084400010000100600&aff=Y
  23. replace the switch in the dashboard (the buttons). had to do a bunch of these at my buddy's car lot. it's always the dash switch. s/10 and blazers are the worst offenders. your silverado isn't too far off.
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