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Everything posted by chrismindless
Window's XP questions?? having some problems
chrismindless replied to CJINOHIO03's topic in Dumpster
^^^ good info, DO IT!!! also, stay away from porn sites and major commerical sites ... -
We all talk about being the fastest around ... we spend gobs of money trying to reduce the weight of our rides and up the power ... well now here's a chance for us all to reduce our race weight AND make some money doing it ... This is called the BIGGEST LOSER 2006 What is the BL 2006? Its a contest, between the ppl that buy in to lose the most weight. Period. Buy in is set at $20, and you will have 10 weeks to lose as much weight as possible naturally. No pills or meds, just diet and exercise. Please be honest. You will buy in at the day of weigh in. Everyone has to weigh in on the same day, on the same scale. From that moment on, start working out and dieting. In 10 weeks, everyone will get together and weigh BACK in on the same scale. The person that loses the most weight will win the pot! Simple rules. Simple Idea. If you are game, PM me and details will be available later this week or next about when and where the weigh in/ buy in is. cheers! Current list of those in and expressed interest::::: 1. chrismindless 2. triplethreat 3. Blackout GT 4. Iwishiwascool 5. buckeye 6. sully 7. morabu 8. Ricochet 9. Bgbdbn 10. SUlly 11. -anonymous- (not 100%) If I missed anyone, plz just repost that you want in, the list will keep growing!
If you have open spots at your house, count me in Ill grab some records and come over and DJ for it ...
the cat in the uppipe slows down the spool of the turbo, removing the cat aka going with a catless uppipe will net quicker spool and other advantages but overall GET RID OF THAT CAT, that cat is only there so the warm-up emissions are California legal ... yes, thx to california, we all have to remove the cat from our uppipe (except us STI owners
http://costofwar.com/wrappedindex.html interesting calculator, only calculates the cost of the war. Now, Im not here to talk shit about the war or BUsh, but rather make a point. When you see all the money being spent, realize that a big part of that money is being used to buy military equipment, military salaries, etc etc and that money goes right into the hands of the US economy. I heard ppl talking about how expensive this war is ... Here's a thought ... we spend a couple hundred billion dollars, that goes right into our economy where it is taxed and put back into the treasury to be spent again (in much smaller amounts but a portion is recycled). I was working on a macroecon project and decided to work with this one. Ive debated this over and over, from an economist's point of view, the war is helping our economy. But I just wanted to make a point that even though the war is expensive, to make sure that if you are not aware of this fact that this is the main reason our economy is doing so well ... WARs = economic improvement/growth. WWII brought us out of the great depression ... is war a good thing? Well, for the economy yes, but for everything else, well, I'll leave that up to you. This war is a horrible thing and EVERYONE has their opinion. Im just pointing something out. Flame on CR ...
^^Shanton's camera is the suckz ... wish i brought in the GL2, i would of loved to of gotten some footage that night but with the contest i KNOW they would of denied my camera entrance ... Ill have to call them up about that and see if i can bring it for the next contest muhahahaha. That night was a blast!
ahh the contest was like most wet tee shirts, nothing out of the norm, poorly done, too many guys were on stage and random girls just came up in normal clothes and got wet ... no tee shirts on them, we boo'd them off stage. The lodge is sweet on Wednesdays, big crowds, cheap drinks, lots of nice females to browse. Tim, PM Shanton and take it up with him dude.
Yep. He was cool, I brought an old copy of HAGGARD in for him to sign and he was telling me stuff, but seriously I couldnt understand him at all ... after like 3 tries he was telling me that I had an older print and he was asking where I got it .. I told him i bought it when it came out ... another autograph to add to the wall ... Vito is a fat fuck BUT he's fucking hilarious ... Shanton, where are those pics at?!?!?!
SHanton and I went to Lodge bar last night to meet Don VIto. Shooter came in right as the wet tee-shirt contest started ... Don Vito, what can I say, he's a fat fucker ITsszz soo badgezztyi fiudkd ddnveke einvnev alslsl;; blah blah ... 8) Got some autographs and SHanton's gonna post the pics soon. In one pic, IM holding the STI Key to Vito's face. Representin!
Friday's meet, hey RICERS, ya you stupid F ...
chrismindless replied to chrismindless's topic in Dumpster
what is it about these guys? Ive been doing some research in my spare time and the best I have come to as to why ricers do what they do is first: 1.) Lack of knowledge. The styling, the behavior, the attitudes are relative to their lack of knowledge, even lack of experience. Several cases have shown that ppl that are exposed to the higher end of a trend/hobby are most likely to not fall into a 'ricer' mentality. 2.) Money. Again, someof the choice ricers make are dependant on a lack of funds, though some riced out cars cost $$$$ to make so the ricer is trying to accomplish massively expensive feats with just minimal money. 3.) Styling cues. If money is not a problem and you have the knowledge base to create what you invision, then great! However, when you do something drastic and not normal, many ppl, if not most will reject your creation. Like a neon green 240sx with a yellow wing ... to you that is a good combination but since it is rare and not common for most ppl to choose that combo, your color choices will be pissed on regularly. just a bit of thought, i wanted to add something other than opinion. -
I was walking home today and as I approached my house, I saw an older Jeep (white) trying to park in a space not much bigger than it. The jeep continually rammed the two cars. One car's bumper is now hanging and the other has a busted tail light ... I watched him do it, I stood there and as he got out, I yelled at him, "Hey you f-cked up those cars, arent you going to leave a note?" He turned at me and said "Why the hell should I?" then walked off despite what I was yelling at him. I luckily had my trusty camera/video phone on me, I took vid of the incident and then left messages on both cars. If they email me, Ill give them a copy of the video for them and hopefully they will press charges against this A-hole. We all have had ppl hit our cars, ding our doors, scratch our paint. COnsider this +1 for the good guys! Payback!
This whole Alito nomination thing pisses me off
chrismindless replied to RedRocket1647545505's topic in Dumpster
^^^ that is true, they do have power, that wasnt the idea, in the constitution it says congress has the power to override ANY judical decision. So the Judical was never intended to have the power it does now. thats why it was never designed to have public votes. Their (judicial branch) job is to interpret the laws, NOT WRITE THE LAWS. that is for congress ... a big reason why california is so radical, the judcial branch has major pull and in the end almost practically writes the laws ... -
btw, if you look at the negatives, you wont account for shit. Look at ppl that HAVE made it. Look at people doing what they like ... look at REAL ppl that do it on their own and not sell records or their ass on TV ... turn off TV, it doesnt help, it ruins. Open your mind and keep a positive attitude, and whenever you see negative, label it as negative, check it out for an validity, and once that is done, drop that shit and keep positive. Surround yourself around things and ppl that will advance you NOT ppl that suck from you ... its who you know as well, make friends, network, etc.
dude dont sweat it, okay. everyone will always point out the ppl that arent making it and everyone will always tell you how hard it is ... it is hard! but its doable ... im fulltime school, 20hrs a week of work and I have a life ... its fucking hard as hell and stressful. i plan on going to law school so I HAVE to have good grades. Its worth it, being educated is much better than being non-educated. And some ppl graduate and dont shit with their lives because of a couple things: 1.) they just dont give a fuck anyhow. 2.) they dont get how the market works and dont market themselves properly. 3.) they majored in something retarded that doesnt have much purpose in the market. 4.) they have a bad attitude. Dont just major at FIsher's because of the possibility of getting a job, do what you like, but do something broad that can be marketed in many different ways. Dont think there is a groove and a place to fall into and then you ride it out ... the market changes, constantly, you have to be on your toes ... its Like SURVIVOR but this shit is real and there are no cameras or fame ... its a bunch of humans all looking out for themselves. You will get burned and you will fail but that is the learning process of life. If you get knocked down, get the fuck back up and DO IT! Now stop whining and do your homework!
i posted it for the other guy
there is BigMike, Freak05, and StiFan that are doing slanted turbos, so they have their stock uppipes for sale if you are interested.
if you went with a slanted turbo, you have to replace your uppipe and downpipe ... but I think maybe this guy can even benefit from just getting rid of the cat in his uppipe, Ive done one, its a pain but can be done in one day.
yep because without it my exhaust wont get to the turbo i know a couple guys doing a slanted turbo on their STI, i can find one for you if you want.
no its not gay, i want to see the difference from the STI setup to the wrx setups ... i used to have a wrx, i dont own one anymore, i want to see the comparison between the gearing and overall powerbands. In cleveland many of my wrx brothers switched to stis ... im just curious, cant hate a person for being curious ...
Mensan, im not asking who will crush who, does orion have a WRX? yes or no, if so, bring it out, if not, then go fuck off, im only looking for wrxs for this comparison ... and as far as the stupid comment goes, for someone who is 28 you need to grow up a bit ... that comment was not neccessary.
This whole Alito nomination thing pisses me off
chrismindless replied to RedRocket1647545505's topic in Dumpster
^^^ true but not so true ... the democrats need to stick to a set of ideals and stick to em. I do agree if the demos want power they need to rework their strategies BUT i also think they need to stick to their core values ... I kinda dont know what their core values are as Ive seen them say this and do that, so IM confused on that whole party, i dont really know what they stand for, does someone know? Im curious. -
what the hell, i didnt post that, who the fuck is using my name? and what the hell is this thread? I never read this thread ... goddamn it i know who did it ... i know, it was an asshole friend of mine that was staying here for a few days ... goddamn him, sorry guys that wasnt me ... fucking asshole ... and where the hell is my sig?? man, i am gonna beat his ass if i ever see him again ...
Orion, i can already tell we wont be getting along too well on this board. Its just one negative post towards me after the other ... Space GHost, yes its pretty much fixed, im just flowing air too easily and the copp maps are setup for this kind of flow, reduced my wastegate duty cycle and im at .12 bar where ishould be, sometimes, i hit .125 bar and the car pulls timing. The rest of you, Yeah Ill run all of you, i really just want to do some comparisons, its not about winning or loosing, I want to just see how my setup fairs!
This whole Alito nomination thing pisses me off
chrismindless replied to RedRocket1647545505's topic in Dumpster
Remember, it is a govt OF the ppl. FOR the ppl, and BY the ppl ... the principles are that the ppl vote ppl in to make the decisions for them, if they dont like the decisions a politcan makes they dont vote them in again ... -
This whole Alito nomination thing pisses me off
chrismindless replied to RedRocket1647545505's topic in Dumpster
AUstin L911 ... just because a person votes for their party doesnt make them bad, thats kinda what they do ... now if you are a republican you are gonna be happy right now but if you are a demo than you are NOT gonna so happy. The system in place is very fair. You forget, the President isnt the one ultimately picking the justices ... the ppl voted Bush in, so the ppl wanted, in a majority, Bush to make that choice for them, and he is. The supreme court will now be less liberal and more conservative. Now, if you feel this is unfair, well it isnt, its about majority, I think the one thing my liberal friends only agree with when it agress with them. For 30 some odd years liberals have had their stab at things and power has shifted in the past 6 years. Its a shift of power, that is all. If your points of views are not held by the majority, then there is a reason, you can claim it is this or that BUT ultimately MORE ppl side with the Conservative Republican party than the Democrat (Liberal) party. So far the only thing I have seen that is BAD politics are the filabusters to prevent Bush's nominee a FAIR Up or DOWN vote ... all I ever asked is give these guys a vote, thats it ... but the Left didnt want that, they wanted to stop at all costs. At this point in time, Liberalism has lost its grasp on all 3 major branches of govt and yes, things are going to change. So my advice is to deal with it, and figure out where you stand and believe in your ideals and be proud of who you are and what you believe, even if I think you might mbe wrong, we can disagree, but welcome to America, where we can disagree today and have a beer together tonight ...