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Everything posted by chrismindless

  1. Not so hard, I can check into it, I did in Cleveland for almost 2 years, I can do it here as well. The biggest thing, is that I dont turn ppl away UNLESS they act up ... and the bottomline is that this goes for everyone, so even if my close friends came and left the lot tearing tires, than they would be banned, the door goes both ways really. And with an organized meet, sections can be setup and certain ppl turned away automatically ... like ppl that show up in their minivan ... spectator parking on the other side please ...
  2. i dont care about cool points, i didnt join the site to be cool ... I havent seen ANY of the corvette guys act like dicks. I would think those guys set a good example ... 600hp is a great example to set I say invite the local police to the meet, they will weed out the problem cars REAL fast ... Ive found having an open relationship with the local police helps a lot especially if you go out, they tend to let you know where they are ... when i organized the suby/evo/dsm meets in cleveland, I had open relationships with the police and they would lead us out to our runs in the valleys and backroads ... keeping 40 cars in a train ... they were real cool to us. but that worked in cleveland, I dont know about down here so im not gonna touch that with a 10 foot stick, ill leave it up to someone else to do.
  3. thx guys, i planned on taking the courses first, but i wanted to start looking at bikes, prices, etc. never hurts to start learning thx again!
  4. go for the attorney ... you will make out on this one, be happy!
  5. There is a food chain ... always a bigger fish, and out of respect for everyone .... THe way I was raised was when i would roll into a classic car meet with big muscle cars, my uncles, came in slow and were respectful to the other cars and ppl ... they KNEW their cars were fast and didnt need to show off to prove it ... SO with these kids that show up, they are showing off like there is something to be learned from them ...
  6. i know what you mean that its no better for the corvettes, but i guess what I really meant was that when the corvettes leave and they give the gas a couple taps ... but back in cleveland, everyone at the meets comes in cool, you roll in without being an A-hole or we threw you out ... and usually our meets the police came by and hung out with us as they usually owned a mustang or a corvette or an old muscle car of some type... even bikes... not all cops are cool BUT they usually were because WE were cool ... almost want to have a new place via WORD OF MOUTH ... and anyone that shows up that shouldnt, gets booted .. too bad we couldnt have a gate and somethere letting ppl in one can dream ...
  7. I failed spanish but I know a douche bag when i read one, nice post dude, great thread! Space GHost, you owned hard! MY car is a mid-mid-mid life crisis car, its the car for the crisis before the crisis of the crisis of my mid life which wont happen for another 18-20 years ...
  8. ok, I showed up to the meet, on Main and as I pulled it, 4 riced out cars were leaving ... ok ok ok i wont judge and be cruel, its your car, do what you want ... BUT!!! When they pulled out, they were full gas through 3 gears for like 10 minutes (slow fucks) ... I dont care about who shows up, I dont care. I get pissed when you act like assholes and drive like assholes AT THE MEET ... there are 600hp cars there, REAL 600hp, not wannabe 600hp like you. we dont care about lawnmovers, go fuck yourself, STOP being assholes, drive respectable, be cool, STOP trying to show off, we dont care we dont care WE DONT FUCKING CARE!!! Leave, serisouly, either show up and be cool or leave. You act like ASSHOLES. Then we go out and the cops are waiting for us, pulling us over when we are being totally cool, you are making US look bad ... what the FUCK! Stop it stop it stop it, go the fuck home ... If a corvette rips it out of the parking lot, thats ok, its a corvette, they paid 50K for that car, they have the right ... your rusted civic is a POS, know your role, know your spot, be cool ... KNOW YOUR PLACE ON THE FOOD CHAIN ASSHOLE! thats all Im asking, is just be cool. I think your 5 wings are gay as fuck, but if you are respectful and chill, Ill give you props for not being a dick-fuck wad .... there i fucking said it .... we were all thinking it, now get a clue ... ... to everyone else that shows up, chills, is respectful, has a good time, doesnt ruin it for the rest of us, KUDOS!
  9. lame, i want my 3 mintues back,,,, NOW
  10. Im a standard STI stg2, lets do some pulls, I want you! I want to see what a rex can do vs the STI, havent found any wrxs fast enough, where's the WRX's at??? Im looking to do comparative pulls, win or lose, I want to see what the 2.0 slow can do against the 2.5 Im justplaying, I want to see what my setup does against the WRX setups since I just sold my wrx for the STI. Im super curious. Lets see what happens! I think my setup will out do the stg 2.5 (vf30/vf34s) ... if you have a bigger turbo lets DO IT! I want to see how the different setups and gearing effect pulls. No STIs, just WRXs. I pulled hard on a stage2 06 wrx tonight, I want to see what else is out there. ALl in the name of SUbaru love! next friday, lets do this!
  11. yeah ive been hearing to get a 600, that even a 500 i would get sick of real fast. the 600R are more aggressive bikes, but the 6r is fucking sweet ... id rather have a used one so when i dump im not too upset.
  12. Im thinking of getting a bike for summer, something to putt around in ... Ive riden dirt bikes and ATVs before, I can operate them but im not experienced. Should I start off with something slow like a 500cc?? or get a 600cc and take it easy? Ive been told that new riders dump bikes, so best to get something used not new. And I was told to move up in bikes, start small, so a 600cc over a 600R? is there a difference? thx!
  13. yep i would too ... or I would change it, which is kinda what im doing now ...
  14. Im going back to stock, i have a helix DP catless with blitz nurspec and cobb ap for sale ...
  15. Even more interesting is that STI (alex) doesnt make any power til about 4800 rpms and redline hits at 7000 ... luckily the STI's gears are super short so he can use that power band BUT when you're running the stock vf39 like me, those short gears waste time
  16. what groups do you hear about? womens rights, black rights and thats about it ... everyone else is left unrepresented and suffers ... what goes for you should go for me, period. anything less or other is illegal.
  17. ^^^ you can move to another country OTHER than spain, austrailia, canada or mexico ... they have charters with us to turn over ppl that owe money ... ALl of asia is free territory though
  18. i want to take a PIN to those tits and POP them like ballons!
  19. I wrote him and he responded::::::: Chris, Thanks for your support. Its a funny thing I just on june 16th quit a job of 17 years to bring this injustice to a close for me and many other victims. I have been working on this for 7 months hard none stop,MEDIA MEDIA is the key. You will be hearing a lot about this case in the near future. I have had interviews with oprah winfreys editors and montell williams. The case is submitted with Kenneth L Marcus the staff director of the united states commision on civil rights. Mr Douglas M Richardson 709 McDonnell Essexville Mi 48732 Hm 989-893-4717 Wk 800-479-8651 dougmrich@yahoo.com http://www.fixthefoc.com Fighting For Justice CHRIS GASPER <gasper.7@osu.edu> wrote: Doug, My name is Chris and I read your story. I just wanted to say that I am sorry to hear about what happened. This very issue has inflamed me to the point that I quit my job, sold my car and am back in college ... almost done, 2 more yea! rs, then onto law school where I plan on becoming a very good lawyer and with my new skills join the fight ... ITs a long haul .. I wanted to just say hi and introduce myself. I read your article on http://ancpr.com/blog/archives/210 . If you have anything on this subject you would like to send me PLEASE do, I am constantly reading and learning about this topic. Cheers! Chris Gasper 22 yr old Sophmore
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