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Everything posted by Howabusa

  1. Howabusa

    Ruger LC9

    OK, An LC9, 1 mag with the flat bottom plate on the mag? When & where can we get together, Mike?
  2. Howabusa

    Ruger LC9

    So, Laser is not worth the $50 extra?
  3. Howabusa

    Ruger LC9

    I have decided to buy the Ruger LC9 as my carry gun. The question I have is this, Sportsmans Den has the LC9 on sale for $319 & Buckeye Outdoors has the LC9 LM for $369. Is the Laser Max worth the extra $50 or not?
  4. When you buy a gun with a laser on it, is it already bore sighted? Excuse my ignorance.
  5. Vance & Buckeye have the LC9 LM on sale this month for $369. I may go pick 1 up for my Christmas present.
  6. The clip mag issue is really important to some guys. Not sure why.
  7. I really want to take 2 weeks vacation & ride to Cali. & back. If this doesn't happen I will be joining the party, again. I will be riding down! Old guys ride, we don't trailer are bikes down.
  8. My wife took some courses through them. They were expensive & the instructors were mostly a PIA.
  9. Thanks for all the input. I guess that I need to go look at and handle the SP 2022.
  10. Not wanting to add to the collection, wanting a better handgun than the Sigma. How much would a trigger job on the Sigma cost? The Sig comes with a laser, too.
  11. Sportsman's den has the Sig Sauer SP 2022 on sale Thanksgiving weekend for $359 with laser. I am thinking of upgrading from my S & W Sigma 9mm to this Sig Sauer. Not real happy with the trigger on the Sigma. Is this Sig a lot better than the Sigma?
  12. They have good prices on ammo this weekend! I buy all my ammo there.
  13. Jacksonville & Miami traffic are just insane!
  14. Howabusa

    G*d dammit

    That sucks, my dad committed suicide. A permanent solution to a temporary problem!
  15. Really, your prez. is a former pot smoker.
  16. Good day of riding. Nice to meet some new riders. I got home about 5 pm, total of 300 miles. Sucks that the Ducati got crashed. How much is that 1098 worth anyway?
  17. That's IP's multi is a deer killer.
  18. The Busa is ready except for checking tire pressures. Should be there by 10, but don't wait on me.
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