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Everything posted by kenny

  1. I still want to know what is up with Trails making you pay for cleanup...
  2. kenny


    You don't even know the half of it noobie.
  3. Maybe your car would idle if you'd look at some sensors, you dumb redneck.
  4. Working on it. Need alky kit, new TT chip and some porting mods.
  5. Oh and my Power Logger ships today, so that makes me +301 cool points over you.
  6. ... even AFTER the turbo ate part of a MAF.
  7. You're just mad my stock turbo car is faster and runs better than yours.
  8. It brings all the girls to the yard.
  9. My Powermaster works you homo.
  10. That game is retarded like your face.
  11. Buy a large supply of vagisil.
  12. Seriously, I pity anyone that owns a Scion with that gay shit on the air. I want to choke the douche spitting all over the mic every time I see it. /randomboredrant
  13. You should probably hang yourself for wasting 2min of my valuable time.
  14. 118 is moving for rolling on it. More details on the Supras?
  15. All you need is the title. You have to get it inspected here. That's it.
  16. Post it here so we all have to read your bullshit spam, that's an awesome idea.
  17. Kind of reaching, but might be worth the .2 seconds of effort. Chances are if your fluid looks bad it's time for Vince.
  18. Last time I saw Uge 3/4 of his face was covered by a burger. Hands still covered in ATF.
  19. Run it a quart over full and see if it goes away. Sometimes all the fluid will be forced to the back of the pan allowing it to flare the 2-3.
  20. Americans have been a bunch of pussies for quite a while now, this shouldn't shock you. America, fuck yeah.
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