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Everything posted by kenny

  1. The faps will be heard round the intarweb.
  2. When Howard gets home we're going to have a 3 way buttslam followed by fapping in rotation. Some faps will be fapped by hands of another man.
  3. That's wild. I've been thinking about you while fapping.
  4. kenny

    Sugar Bowl

    Nothing is as awesome as a sack that results in a fumble. Bama just got served.
  5. It's so hard right now. SO. HARD.
  6. What distro is that? Theme looks cool as hell. Might have to try that out on my desktop.
  7. I'm all coked up, got a full bottle of Jack, and I'm headed your way.
  8. What about docking? Is docking gay? By the rules, the balls aren't touching, so it shouldn't be gay, but it's clearly the gayest thing I've ever read. Reply quickly, something might depend on it.
  9. I posted that before you told me, drunktard.
  10. You've been drinking again, haven't you?
  11. See Doug's above post. He has this covered.
  12. kenny

    Sugar Bowl

    Gah another commercial that urks me. "It's got like toolboxes, thats cool!" /neck Slow, calm, stabs, until he bleeds.
  13. kenny

    Sugar Bowl

    I hope they send me free stuff so I can mail it back with a note attached that says "replace this with Powerade and return to me, thanks".
  14. kenny

    Sugar Bowl

    http://i40.tinypic.com/avq529.jpg Thanks for your email. We look forward to responding. and I look forward to reading that reply
  15. kenny

    Sugar Bowl

    You shut your dirty whore mouth.
  16. kenny

    Sugar Bowl

    You guys catch Oregon's awesome reverse turned into pass back to the QB, then down the field?
  17. I like you Doug, because you're a dick. <3 Did I just say I like dick? Fuck.
  18. kenny

    Sugar Bowl

    So because Fox sucks at half time shows, I decided to look up with this queershit "G" commercial is all about. Apparently it's for Gatorade. Time to start drinking Powerade.
  19. SNES > N64 > Gamecube As far as Mario kart goes.
  20. You probably also enjoy Gamecube, Axe body spray and bags full of large black dildos. Bros.
  21. http://www.wwtdd.com/post.phtml?pk=16731
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