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Everything posted by kenny

  1. CSX is good at doing that, happens to my buddy all the time.
  2. Had the same problem... bought new aftermarket wheel bearings with wheel sensors included for less than a stock wheel sensor... no more problem. Like already said, it's most likely a wiring issue. Trace the wires to the connector and make sure they're not pinched. Or just pull the ABS fuse because ABS is gay anyway.
  3. Yeah, take that annoyance and multiply it by 3 and you have my morning. Not to mention I have a "team process" meeting later... during my lunch.
  4. His desk is directly next to mine and I don't think anyone else in the office would find that the least bit funny.
  5. I almost miss seeing our cleaning people come in. The one woman always has some drama and is a really loud cell phone talker guy(girl). It would be so hard not to laugh listening to her crazy conversations. Now I leave at 4, which is like two hours before they show up.
  6. He's the type that lets little things bother him. Gets all pissy and starts slamming his mouse/keyboard around over the dumbest shit. It's awesome.
  7. Doubtful. I only see him for an hour every day. By that time I don't even care.
  8. Stock PCV works great on Regals. The valve itself is $2 to replace. Fuggit.
  9. There is nothing I love more than sitting down at my desk to find someone has messed with my area. I get here today at 7am to find my mouse, keyboard and a few other things zip tied together so I have zero cord length to work with. I already hate being here, I really hate waking up at 6am ever day, and I REALLY hate having to deal with bullshit like this because someone thinks they're cute. I'm breaking his legs when he gets here. That is all.
  10. I need to get some cash out of the ATM machine.
  11. I'm the least trendy person you know. IBitstrendynottobetrendy
  12. He fits their marketing criteria... that's for sure.
  13. In IE -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Connections (tab) -> Setup Make sure it's configured correctly, doesn't sound like it is. All of the above could work as well... automatic config should take care of it.
  14. Network interface card card. http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/slap.gif
  15. LJ10/LJ20s are even smaller
  16. Unless you like not having skin, yes. Ride like you're invisible too... that shit will save your ass.
  17. Just because I fucked a chick five years ago doesn't mean I'm the baby daddy.
  18. I meant videos of death wobble...
  19. For a while until I put a real turbo on it...
  20. I've never heard of the death wobble... holy shit these videos are fucked.
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