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Everything posted by kenny

  1. I almost miss his post game interviews as much as I miss watching him run.
  2. Negative. Predictable play calling and being too damn stubborn to change it when you're losing. Will probably be our downfall again this year. Let's hope not.
  3. God that video makes me miss Teddy "You Know" Ginn and Gonzo.
  4. ahahah I wish I could find pics of that Hope Colt remembers what that feels like.
  5. Get that shit out of here. Colt McDowns and Mac Brown are getting served again.
  6. Put some kind of sick body kit on it, Brobocop.
  7. http://i34.tinypic.com/28mguiq.jpg /thread
  8. For the record - if I hear the story about Colt McDowns running backwards up a hill to save a retarded sea monkey from asphyxiation one more time I'm going to throw my TV at a small child.
  9. 2:30 mark for anyone that doesn't know the play in question. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeFbu3Cl4Ic Fail.
  10. The worst announcer hands down is the solo female... I always forget her name but if she's announcing I either watch the game on mute or change the channel.
  11. Werd. The dude DID have at least three chances to catch that single pass, though. Poor guy will never live that one down.
  12. It isn't so much our guys that I have little faith in - it's Tressel's lack of manlyness. I do think we stand a much better chance vs. Texas than anyone else, but with how predictable Tressel is I can see them picking us apart. Hopefully I'm wrong, I would love to see Colt McDowns and Mac Brown take another beating from us. Hell, if Hamby could catch that would make three straight. Ohwell, welcome to NCAA football. No worries on the long post part - it gives me something entertaining to read at work.
  13. I'm just tired of hearing him called Superman. Media sack riding, no matter who it is, annoys the hell out of me.
  14. After the last two years I have little faith of us winning any bowl game...
  15. You mad dumb son. Have fun in the pen.
  16. You're doing it wrong.
  17. Sliding a kart is one of the greatest things ever. Lucky kid.
  18. My friends parents have one... his Powerstroke is so much cooler.
  19. I was going to watch this at work... then I read the replies. I don't think I'll even watch when I get off, I already don't like most people...
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