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Everything posted by kenny

  1. It was mostly after lunch. Not out of pants, just out of my boxers. Most annoying feeling evar.
  2. Everyone is smarter than you. Now lets make this road trip to beat down Bob so we can get our freakin parts back.
  3. Woah woah, is Curtis L. Hubbard any relation to L. Ron Hubbard? http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/ohnoes.gif
  4. I hope he fucks up again so he can get that asshole touched.
  5. All of mine are like that, I think I need to upgrade. No button ftl.
  6. Where your wang keeps popping out of your boxers? Yeah. This pair of khakis always seems to make that happen.
  7. A midget that knows where you sleep, bitch. Watch your ankles.
  8. No email with what I missed in my stupid conference call. http://r6-forumz.com/images/smilies/bowdown.gif
  9. You could take over Canada using a board with a nail in it.
  10. The FBI doesn't care about Canada. No one does.
  11. Hostile take over of Canada in the works.
  12. kenny


  13. I don't want to hear your tears.
  14. We were the underdog last year... I'm not so much worried about Pryor showing up, I'm worried about the o-line.
  15. Werd. I had an 11 second daily driver at 18, another faster car by the time I went to college, a daily driver, and a bike. Shit - my college daily driver (beater 1G DSM) was faster/cooler than that ride ever will be, and that car was a total POS.
  16. kenny


    God damn, your dumbass is STILL here?
  17. One more thought - I don't think you can say we were really in good position to win a NC, we pretty much lucked into it, the whole season was shenanigans. I will say, though, that even getting there in a so called rebuilding year is pretty awesome. I don't dislike Tressel, I just wish he'd work on a new game plan.
  18. I would feel differently if those two games were close games. We didn't just lose, we got utterly destroyed. I don't agree with you on the freshmen QB being the reason for the soft calls. Tressel has always been soft, he wants to please the other team too much and win gracefully. This isn't figure skating, it's football, run the ball down their throat. Also, his play calling makes it hard for a freshman QB to throw - everyone is quick to jump on Proyor saying he can't throw. Of course he makes bad decisions when every chance he gets to throw is 3rd and long. Give him a chance to throw on 1st and 2nd when he isn't under pressure to get the 1st down and he'd probably improve far quicker. Plays working 9 out of 10 times vs who? Surely you're not talking about our games vs UF and LSU...
  19. The springs are screaming in pain like a 100lbs dude underneath a fat chick.
  20. I don't think Tressel needs to go, but if we receive a third beating, it might be time to start thinking about other options... I really hope the last two years have taught him to change up his game plan. Only the Texas game will tell.
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