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Everything posted by kenny

  1. You better be upgrading to a turbocharger like a man, sissy.
  2. You just need long sleeves, at least that's how it was in Delaware.
  3. Yes. I'd get one though, their helmets don't smell too great.
  4. Sidi or A* I've got a pair of Sidi B2s... wish I would have got the pair with vents.
  5. Speaking of squid... I have my endorsement, you get it when you complete the MSF course.
  6. Get Powerlogger ASAP. Scanmaster is only really useful for quick reference, totally worthless for getting any data at the track. Don't get Greg borrow it either, mother fucker will light it on fire.
  7. All of them were at different locations. None in bad areas. The first stolen car was clearly done by someone that worked at the shop it disappeared from since it was only outside one night and you can't see the place from any major roads. Did the auto squad even look into it? Of course not. The second one ended up at the CPD impound and they allowed the person it was recovered from to remove a motor, transmission and axle - without the title. Keep it classy, CPD.
  8. Sweet Jesus that's retarded. I hope you've got Direct Scan or Powerlogger on that shit, I'd be resetting every sensor on the car.
  9. That's a steal and a half for $6k. Got better pics of the headers? I can tell you if they're ATR or not... Downpipe might be theirs too...
  10. Pan to turbo, including AC compressor, alternator, injectors, cam sensor, etc etc. Has 378 miles on it, forged pistons, stock crank/rods. Should make a good beater motor. Aside from the dumb stuff he did the machine work looks good. We'll see how long it holds up. What downpipe is it?
  11. Downpipe shouldn't need a gasket, it and the turbo should be machine surfaces. Though, with my current downpipe (which I bought because I didn't realize I had better options, I wanted a THDP or an ATR... which you can no longer get) it has a leak around it, so I had to buy a gasket. Not happy about that. You should see the hot air motor I just picked up complete for $500. Home boy used NA head gaskets, #2 piston has never seen a spark, loose bolts all over, etc etc. He complained it didn't make enough power... no shit? Run CR42TS gapped at .035
  12. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=squid Good helmet, leather gloves (thick), leather jacket, riding boots (not just heavy work boots, that's a good way to end up with a rod in your leg - ask me how I know). That's my normal gear, even when it's hot as balls.
  13. Two stolen cars, more cars than I can count being broken into, being picked up for an underage consumption right before turning 21 for drinking half of a beer while walking in an alley on campus, among other things. No, not bitter at all. Worthless fucks.
  14. Shit I just looked at the MPH from the other dude... you've already got 11s covered if that was with a wiped lobe. My old T went 11.80s all day on drag radials at 112. 60' in the 1.6 range and you're there. Cake walk.
  15. Why a TH400? Call Vince Janis (330-753-6609, Akron) or Lonnie Diers (937-379-2233, Cinci area), put a 200-4R back in like it should be. 11's should be simple with a TE44. You need any help when you're up this way let me know.
  16. No worries, CPD is out writing traffic violations.
  17. Raping little boys on the other hand...
  18. It would drive like a Geo Metro with cut springs and look retarded.
  19. They're both the owners, you're probably talk to Tim, he's in the office more. I used to work for them... I don't know if it would help if you said I sent you or not.
  20. Speaking of... Know that riding a motorcycle means you WILL crash at some point. There is no if, or maybe - you will, it's only a matter of time. Buy good gear and wear it. Don't be a squid douche.
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