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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. well whatever the verdict is I have a feeling that nothing is going down today.... My only Sunday I have had off work for a while.....
  2. well whatever the verdict is I have a feeling that nothing is going down today.... My only Sunday I have had off work for a while.....
  3. Circleville races nsr's and its only about an hour and a half away I know fireman is really into racing nsr's there just shoot him a pm for info.
  4. I had to, it was set up so good. I couldnt resist.
  5. ahhhha owned by a Honda but I guess you are used to that by now.
  6. awsome!!! I can't wait til I have kids, they are going to be complete motor heads!!! And great picks as well always.
  7. not good:nono: thoughts and prayers go out for a good speedy recovery.
  8. awsome so it sounds like this may go down, my only issue is i will be in school then..... but i may talk to the profs and get assignments ahead of time i will have to wait till i give you my 100% a ok go ahead until i school starts though. and for luggage on a long trip i just use a nice hiking bag with straps around the waist and some across the arm straps. it helps to keep the weight off of you back and keeps the bag from moving around.
  9. I maybe able to do something Sunday.
  10. looks like you guys have some great seats. i have sat about ten rows up for the formula1 races good good fun especially at the start of the race. Sorry i didnt join you, races are like a religious event in our family, but i will meet you guys somewhere that weekend.
  11. i am going to have to applaud that kid because that takes alot of talent... but i am still going to have to classify him as being a complete moron.
  12. I may be down for another atempt at a deals gap trip
  13. Yeah you better be stepping up to a bigger bike or I will feel bad
  14. if you are serious about selling I have a serious buyer. And her is willing to pay three. I will shot you a pm and give you my info if so. That and he is in Dayton!
  15. I will be there one of the days and maybe the trackday. I need to check my funds.... I defenatelly need some new brakes before I run on the track again and I am going to go all out with some steel braided lines, rjl's, and some other goodies.
  16. welcome and I know a few people from cincy on the board who wouldnt mind finding other people to ride with either. So just post up a ride and I am sure you will find someone to join you. And if you are not a member at 600rr.net yet you need to be. Just a little advise
  17. I wouldn't consider it being a trick, i say man up make the mistake and if you mess up you mess up learn from it, texting is a bum way of picking up a girl. And zero what you use texting for is great but i think that is all texting should be used for in a relationship.
  18. i dont know maybe it has become a culture thing and i am just lagging behind, but i still think you should be brave enough to talk to a woman and get to know her and make her feel important before you become serious with that person, then simple text messages would be alright. but until then man up and get to talkin.
  19. alright im back got hungry and forgot i hadnt eaten yet.... so i made dinner. and i am impressed with the words of wisdom from nick. but i dont plan on being in a relationship because of the "sexcapades" but it may help to pick up a girl here or there..... secondly yes a woman is a gift from God and we all should be thankfull for the one we marry, but for now i can be ungratefull for the ones i did have. but it happens....
  20. yep i jsut got back from ridding like 20 minutes ago and in the hour and a half that i was out i saw 3 deer, all three less than 50 yards from the road. on three different occasions might i add. but i have no near death experiences yet, now i am going to find some wood to knock on.
  21. +100 they are being scared and lazy, texting is an easy way out!
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