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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. that speed do you think you will be able to pull out in time? :lol:
  2. I will be in kentucky. I need to get a good ride in before the end of the year though.
  3. I may be able to borrow the brother in laws dual sport for this... I will see if this is a possibility.
  4. What moron decides that this is an awesome excuse? And what retard believes it?
  5. e-flores

    I Heart Woot

    I am half tempted to buy this thing... But no camera lens is more important!
  6. e-flores


    Ouch! You'll say that til you have the chance to ride in a formula Mazda that revs to 15 grand. That's a hell of a lot of fun!
  7. is this why you have been visiting gay bars latelly?
  8. Congrats!!! Whatever happend to the part where we all were going to be dressed in full gear sitting in the back row? The wife not go for that plan?
  9. This is more than a Twitter message, one of our own can't waste his time at work any longer. This is a sad Twitter message. And he can't even read these messages right now.
  10. Just over 4k for me... That's 1000 miles above average... I need to ride more, I don't commute anywhere though. I live 5 miles away from work and 4 miles from school so almost all my riding is rec. Riding. Which I don't think is all that bad. I took around 10 trips to columbus this year and each of those rides are at least 200 miles total. So there's the majority of my riding this year.
  11. Yeah the other day her dad got her a bike and she wouldn't ride it b/c it didn't say Honda. I taught her well!!!
  12. they had it right up until the burying them in the vocano part, my two year old neice even knows that's not where aliens bury souls... C'mon it's much more complicated than that.
  13. Meh I could block his dragon Kung Fu wall flip.
  14. Wow and it only took them how long to figure that out???
  15. I need money stupid education making me broke!!!
  16. Didn't they just get done with the playoffs like a month ago???
  17. Wow that's impressive!
  18. sad to here, i remember meeting the guy the first couple rides we had this year. prayers and condolences....
  19. me... actually i lied, i got it last night
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