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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. wow... someone needs to be kicked in the face for making that decision...
  2. yep i am e-flores as well over there good i have been a member for over a year and only have 4 post... beat that! yeah i pretty much lurk everyday over there and yes there is so much to be learned!!!
  3. i know, thats why lenses were going to be my first choice... but full frame sensor 8fps and and 19af points is effing tempting!!!! all for a great price as well.... but the 100-400L is more than likely going to be my next investment followed probably by the 24-105L after that they will probably have a mark II version of the 7D by then as well so i will get over it...
  4. i wouldnt expect any less....
  5. You son of a !!!! I'm jealous!!! That 7D is sexy as hell! Congrats man!!! I am debating uprading my lens kit or getting a 7D but I think it's going to be the lenses....
  6. Congrats!!! Go celebrate!!!
  7. Yeah as head of the welcoming comitte you would point out such a thing wouldn't you....
  8. yep i rotate my track tires wo street tires i ussually get another 2000 miles out of a set of track tires. but the sets that brian have are like new and could easily pull another 4-5000 street miles out of. but like he said make sure you heat them up before you start riding agressively! so you cant beat a set of tires for $125!!! and brain of you still have these by next season i will take them from you. but i doubt that will happen....
  9. true story! i always die laughing when pacman gets hit by the golf club
  10. GOD I LOVE CITY BBQ!!! if this was in dayton i would stockpile...
  11. check out the wera boards and see if anyone has a set they are selling over there. buying used isnt a bad deal either. and it is a gixxer so parts will be everywhere for that thing!
  12. then wait and get the good stuff!!! dont waste your money by buying half assed products, i would rather save up the extra $30 and get something i know is going to work for me than regret spending $80 on something that you may or may not like... thats just my $.o2
  13. rep for you!!! Mars Volta=musical genius!!!
  14. If I find a way to keep my bike I will be happy...
  15. sorry to hear, that always makes for a bad day.... gald everything is generally ok though
  16. Thanks!!! And actually deleting one of his post is def. On my bucket list :D

  17. I haven't done mine yet and I have had it for two years now.... I don't feel the need to for some reason.
  18. Welcome!!! And it was good meeting you on the helping hands ride.
  19. Wow, honda's color lineup is very disapponting.....
  20. e-flores

    Adios Dayton!

    good luck man!!! i am going to miss the beautiful tuno exhaust note...
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