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Everything posted by e-flores

  1. i will never say speis won the championship b/c haga wrecked... thats how racign is, racing is racing like you said right? they both have already fought a hard fight and both deserve it. and i am rooting for haga because he is def. on my heros list. speis not there yet, but he may be getting there. haga has never won a world championship and i dont want him to become the dan marino of WSBK. i could car eless where a rider is from. sorry thats just how life is.
  2. i saw that durring the race and my eyes just got bigger and bigger the more he drifted. i was just waiting for the highside.
  3. Wow Someones out of the loop... Ducati I'd staying the same yamaha still the same and I am pretty sure speis replaces toesland.
  4. That's a horrible thing to say... What I want to see is the two of them filing it out til the end.... I'm not a big fan of the NASCAR belief that it better for your aponent to just drop out of the race. I am hoping and praying that haga wins this one, he deserves it! But I hope speis gives haga everything he has to atepmt to win it as well. There is nothing like a good fight til the end! With that all said HAGA go get em'!!!!
  5. Last time I checked you ride a kawi, so you're not allowed to speak of what is lame or not.
  6. Nice, I kinda wanted to see the movie considering I grew up with the book and all. I hadn't heard any reviews yet, and I was a bit leery about it being a movie for the 5-7 yr old crowd considering the book and all. Now it looks like a movie I wouldn't mind paying for at all.
  7. Let me rephrase that in U.S. Terms, anyone who drives a pontiac gto needs to hijack a go-kart.
  8. I want to know how much crack you have to smoke in order to tell youself that looks kick ass?!
  9. Wow today is another one of those days I'm glad that I'm single....
  10. i agree. i must say when i first saw the 1000rr i was like what the hell is honda thinking??? but now i want to buy one so i can name it and pet it.....
  11. Wicked nasty!!! But you deserve some neg. Rep for covering ip the most hideous rendition of the state of Ohio ever....
  12. first off welcome!!! and yes we answer pm's, the admins do as well... sorry you havent been able to get a hold of any of us.
  13. I love the 1000rr front end now the vfr.... Not so much.
  14. .... I will be the nice one and tell you this is a repost.... Bit I will await the jerk face repost coments that are to come
  15. I'm in but I wouldn't be up for Nelson ledges that place looks like a death trap for motorcycles.... Grattan could be thrown out there for a suggestion as well. Or even BG. But I think putnam would be the wisest choice price wise and it really isn't that far away it would be a little over a 2hr drive for everyone.
  16. My cousin had it right when it was becoming big news back in the spring.
  17. yeah i watched this unfold live and i was more than upset.... jorge has always been one of my favorite drivers, but not so much anymore
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