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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. + 1 on that shit Pedro.... Well that is unless we're talking about the election of the Great Pedro Sanchez. Pedro: Do you think people will vote for me? Napoleon Dynamite: Heck yes! I'd vote for you. Pedro: Like what are my skills? Napoleon Dynamite: Well, you have a sweet bike. And you're really good at hooking up with chicks. Plus you're like the only guy at school who has a mustache.
  2. Not even going to waste my time.
  3. Hopefully they'll feel the pain when their dad gets 25 to life for murder.
  4. Fights have been good so far. Just about to watch the main event. Miguel Torres has become one of my favorite fighters. BTW, I'm rooting for Pulver but I can't hate on Faber if he wins.
  5. Gina fought well. I would like to see more women enter the sport to give her a run for her money. Young did a nice job but she was a bit oversized. Those two are definately in seperate weight classes. I think you're being a tad harsh on the Kimbo fight. Kimbo has 3 fights I think and Thompson would be considered a "has been" but he "never was". If you take away the hype, put them on the undercard where they deserve to be then the fight was alright. No way it was a main event fight. As far as the fights I have seen on the interwebs, it wasn't a bad night of fights to be free on CBS. I think the fighters showed up to put on a show. The referees, however, let everyone down. The refs made this a subpar card. The Thompson stopage, the Smith stopage, the Thompson stand up, even the Baroni fight should have gone on for a few ore seconds. This was their first fight on CBS but not for Elite XC. They Should know better.
  6. they did not show the fights in columbus. They put on a fucking telethon!!! I am so angry words cannot explain. Read the play by play and it looks like there were some good fights. BTW, Fuck CBS.
  7. I am a huge Lakers fan. I been a fan since Magic, Worthy, and Cooper, and Kareem so don't start with that bandwagon shit. I want the Lakers to play Boston but they have not beat Boston all year. They split with the Pistons. I still think they match up against the Celtics better. Plus I like the Celtics while I hate the Pistons (except for Rasheed)
  8. Saw this on another forum so I can't take credit for it. I did, think it was hilarious enough to repost here. Matt Damon as James Toseland Shia Leboeuf as Jorge Lorenzo Kevin Smith as Julian Ryder Al Pacino As Dr. Costa Will Arnett as Colin Edwards Daniel Radcliffe as Danny Pedrosa Dj Qualls as John Hopkins Beavis and Butthead played by Dani Pedrosa and Anthony West
  9. Its been DOT approved and meets all required safety standards. I understand your hesitation though. I feel that way regarding one sided swingarms. I know my phobia is unjustified but it still gives me pause.
  10. I saw this on Superbikes the other day. Are you guys a fan of the clear rim?
  11. Is that because you got a semi?
  12. How much do you have in it? BTW, you should get it painted in Iron Man colors.
  13. Cleaner

    Ride on 5/24/08

    Yo, thanks for the pics. I'm definately gonna have to get a Power Commander because McLovin was booking with that R6.
  14. Cleaner

    Ride on 5/24/08

    Good ride you two. That shit was money. Give me a shout or call next time you guys go riding and I'll try and make it. McLovin, post those pics if you get a chance.
  15. Cleaner

    UFC Ill Will

    Silva beat Jardine Machida beat Ortiz Penn beat Sherk
  16. Cleaner

    UFC Ill Will

    The gods were looking after my money tonight!!! I would've lost about $150 if I could have wagered on this one. Damn I got lucky.
  17. Cleaner

    UFC Ill Will

    GOD FUCKING DAMNIT SON OF A BITCH!!!! My credit card will not allow me to deposit money into my newly created Bodog.com account. I also tried to put money in at www.betus.com but they don't accept MasterCard. FUCKING SHIT!!! I know my predictions are right on. Oh well, I'll have a shitty night watching my pics win.
  18. Cleaner

    Ride on 5/24/08

    I will try and make it. If I am not there, don't wait on me.
  19. Cleaner

    Ride on 5/24/08

    I may roll with McLovin and Nochickenstrips. It depends on when they're talking about riding.
  20. Cleaner

    Ride on 5/24/08

    nothing set in stone. What time you guys meeting up and where?
  21. Cleaner

    UFC Ill Will

    What're your predictions? I am finally going to take a risk and put my money where my mouth is. I am putting money on Sherk, Jardine, and Ortiz. I think Ortiz and Sherk are going to win. I think Silva v. Jardine is a toss up but the odds make it worth the bet. What do you guys think?
  22. that's some pretty significant damage for you to walk away from.
  23. Cleaner

    Ride on 5/24/08

    Anyone up for a ride on Saturday? I can't go on the Memorial Day ride due to family obligations. So, this ride is a make-up ride. Shell in Polaris (Next to QSL / WEST side of I-71) Saturday 5/24/08 @ 10:00 You should be back for later afternoon Bar-B-Que. Hollar if you're interested so I can get an idea of the type of ride we're going to do. Cleaner
  24. Sorry to hear that. The Desmohio guys are safe riders. You have squids riding all day long with flip-flops and no helmet and get by just fine. You got a guy who is wearing a helmet and gets killed. Doesn't seem like he was doing a thing wrong. The guy goes over to the hell-hole of Iraq and comes home to get killed by a 17 year old in a mini-van. Sometimes life just doesn't make sense. Godspeed Bill.
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