Gina fought well. I would like to see more women enter the sport to give her a run for her money. Young did a nice job but she was a bit oversized. Those two are definately in seperate weight classes. I think you're being a tad harsh on the Kimbo fight. Kimbo has 3 fights I think and Thompson would be considered a "has been" but he "never was". If you take away the hype, put them on the undercard where they deserve to be then the fight was alright. No way it was a main event fight. As far as the fights I have seen on the interwebs, it wasn't a bad night of fights to be free on CBS. I think the fighters showed up to put on a show. The referees, however, let everyone down. The refs made this a subpar card. The Thompson stopage, the Smith stopage, the Thompson stand up, even the Baroni fight should have gone on for a few ore seconds. This was their first fight on CBS but not for Elite XC. They Should know better.