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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. sounds like any difference in the two is very small. just get the Busa since you can get a deal on it.
  2. ummm... Satan, get your ass to work please.
  3. you pretty much have to register for the "selective service" to do anything in this country.
  4. Despite popular belief, I don't think we delete threads.
  5. Wow, a truely articulate individual. Now that you have bestowed your wisdom upon us, I will now change my vote for president.
  6. C'mon Putty, don't be silly. Of course the dollar is worth something. Its worth 0.68292 Euro.
  7. I'm not sold on Apple. My HTC Mogul does much more than the iPhone. There are a decent amount of phones out there that do more than the iPhone. I could bitch about that phone for days but I am sure you all have heard the complaints before. The Mac Air is a sexy machine, don't get me wrong but they had PCs that small for years. Its not like Apple has just now invented the first new super small laptop. Give me a break. But to give Apple credit, they did what they do best. They take something that's not entirely new (super small laptop, touch screen cell, etc) and make it cool and sexy. People then loose their shit over it like its the Jesus Phone. I get a new PC/Laptop about once every 2-3 years. They come out with better processors, graphics cards, screens, etc. so I get a new one. The last laptop I purchased only cost $250 for an ACER. Not the quality of an Apple product but then again, it does everything I need done with 100% efficiency (play music, plays porn, surfs net, stores pics of family) just fine. I don't need to be paying $1700 for an Apple product that will do the same thing for me. No thanks Steve Jobs, I'll use that other $1500 bucks for something else thank you much. Apple TV is cool and that looks like something I'll buy EVENTUALLY. What keeps me from getting it is the fact that movies will expire whether or not you view them. That's the beauty of Netflix, you can get a movie and keep it for weeks without having to send it back. If Apple can let me keep a movie, at least until I watch it once, then that's a product I'll get.
  8. http://www.break.com/index/funny-kid-isnt-sorry-about-huge-party.html
  9. Well, people voted for Bush because he was the candidate they were "most likely to have a beer with." This is the result. I admit he isn't totally at fault but he is partially to blame.
  10. http://www.vajoe.com/candidate_calculator.html For me it was fairly accurate.
  11. Can't wait for the movie Iron Man. Looks like the shit!!!
  12. Mine are expired too Chrome. Only by a week, but expired none the less.
  13. Which discount tires do you work for? I need new tires.
  14. Cleaner


    Satan, your avatar is gonna give someone a seizure.
  15. JCVD wanted Fedor to "beat him". He is one creepy mo-fo.
  16. Ok, so the story goes like this... The guy with no shirt and the gloves is Fedor Emelianenko. For those who don't know, Fedor is argueably the best pound for pound fighter in the world. He is a mixed martial artist with a specialty in judo. He is a bad mother fucker. Anywho, Fedor had this fight over the weekend where he beat some 7' 4" Korean in the first round. After the fight Jean Claude appeared to greet him. I laughed my fucking ass off.
  17. I know you where not directing this to me but it brings up a very good point. Iron Pony is often times more expensive (not by a lot) than other places. Specifically, the online deals are better than at Iron Pony. I don't mind paying Iron Pony an extra couple of dollars for my product because each and every time I go in there I feel respected and don't feel like they are trying to take me for my cash, even though they are sometimes more expensive. (BTW, I don't know anyone personally who workes at Iron Pony, so they are not just being nice because I know "so and so")
  18. scary times ahead... yes indeed.
  19. Thanks Yota!!! Everyone owes Yota $10 for his time in correcting the poll. Everyone owes Satan $10 for using his inter-web space here on the internets.
  20. I'm still not happy with the poll. It lacks my choice. My mostest correct answer is "I will not shop at HNW, but not exclusivley because of this thread."
  21. I hated HNW long before this thread.
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