Over the past couple of years I have seen Ohio Riders go from a group of really cool riders to small pockets of clicks. We have become separated by ideals and goals. We have focused on our differences rather than what brings us to this site. We have focused on what we don't like about each other rather than the love for bikes that brings us together. As I have sat back and watched this site change from good to alright to bickering, I find blame. This administration has failed us. This administration has failed YOU. Our leader doesn't care about us commoners but just about the bikes for the weathly. That's why I think it is time for Change. It is time to change our views of self. It is time to change our views of friendship. It is time for a change in the administration. I understand that he pays for the site, performs maintenance, and updates the site but we can do it if we work hard enough. IF YOU BELIEVE, WE CAN DO IT... IF YOU BELIEVE, WE CAN CHANGE LET ME HEAR YOU SAY "YES WE CAN." WE NEED A CHANGE... YES WE CAN YES WE CAN YES WE CAN