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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. The Hitler Achievement is kinda wrong.
  2. Someone gets under a car and starts messing with shit, they may accidentally fuck with something crucial. That was my point.
  3. "Your Honor, I didn't know that what I was doing would drain his brake fluid. My only intention was to seize up his engine. I had no idea that his brakes would fail as he's taking his wife and kids to church when his car rearended a semi-truck." ummmm, I like Satan's idea a bit better.
  4. I was going to say "do nothing" and that "its not worth it". But Satan just posted some funny ass-shit. OMFG that's funny.
  5. http://www.break.com/index/sexy-girl-in-underwear-wii-fit-snowboarding.html hopefully this is an internet phenom that catches on.
  6. She stands in the middle of the living room and does a hula-hoop motion without anything actually around her waist??? creeeepyyyy
  7. Thanks for picking that screw up bro.
  8. Cleaner

    Ride 6/15/08

    I had a perfect view. I actually didn't know what it was. I just saw this... thing. This animal explode into the air. I didn't know if Chickenstrips was pulling a Spy Hunter action and released it out of his exhaust or if it just exploded from the front of the bike. I just saw a carcus exploding in mid air. I didn't know what the fuck it was. We were going at a pretty good clip and I was right on Chickenstrip's ass. By the time I registered what happened, I had passed it. Pretty damn funny.
  9. Cleaner

    Ride 6/15/08

    Yeah, about 10 minutes after we left you I got hit in the left arm by a bird. It scared me more than anything. I thought I was getting attacked by a bird that could fly 75mph. That's some scary shit. Good ride guys. Thanks for coming out.
  10. Cleaner

    Ride 6/15/08

    Not going to Iron Pony. Meet at the Shell next to QSL. We LEAVE there at 10:30.... Just kick (insert OSU groupie name here) out of bed at 9:30 and you'll make it on time.
  11. make a Craig's List ad with his information. That way when you indicate it is sold, he'll send himself info.
  12. Cleaner

    Ride 6/15/08

    Do you want us to swing by Iron Pony and pick you guys up Satan? Would that be more convenient for you? I haven't decided the route yet. I'll look up something tonight or hit one of my old faithful rides.
  13. At least there was no video of OJ killing those two. No matter, its still fucked up none the less.
  14. Over the past couple of years I have seen Ohio Riders go from a group of really cool riders to small pockets of clicks. We have become separated by ideals and goals. We have focused on our differences rather than what brings us to this site. We have focused on what we don't like about each other rather than the love for bikes that brings us together. As I have sat back and watched this site change from good to alright to bickering, I find blame. This administration has failed us. This administration has failed YOU. Our leader doesn't care about us commoners but just about the bikes for the weathly. That's why I think it is time for Change. It is time to change our views of self. It is time to change our views of friendship. It is time for a change in the administration. I understand that he pays for the site, performs maintenance, and updates the site but we can do it if we work hard enough. IF YOU BELIEVE, WE CAN DO IT... IF YOU BELIEVE, WE CAN CHANGE LET ME HEAR YOU SAY "YES WE CAN." WE NEED A CHANGE... YES WE CAN YES WE CAN YES WE CAN
  15. The girl who had the 3-way was 17 years old at the time. The victim didn't testify during this trial. Neither the prosecutor nor the defense called her as a witness. During the grand jury proceeding, however, she did testify. She testified that she was not the girl in the video. Her parents testified as well saying that the girl in the video was not her. That is the main reason that he walked. I don't think the jurors were comfortable convicting him when the "victim" says that wasn't her. But him getting acquitted was disgusting. I think this was worse than O.J. This was disgusting. Its disgusting that her parents didn't stand up for what is right, simply because (I am assuming) they got paid off.
  16. ........... (I just wanted to be part of the longest most pointless thread on the forum)
  17. LLLLLOOOOOLLLLLLLL.... I totally forgot about that... That was fucking hilarious!!!!! GOD that was some funny shit.
  18. Sounds like you're calling us Columbus folks out to me.... I'm not talking about racing or anything. I'm just talking about some good riding somewhere. Columbus guys would meet up with you Dayton folks on a good weekend, ride all day, come back to the boards and talk shit again about the ride. You know, talk shit about awesome passes that no one ever saw, "close calls" that no one thought were actually "that" close, about how I "could've put a knee down if only I were wearing leathers." Shit like that. All in good fun... I do want to check out that '08 too.
  19. Enough of the shit talking... Choose a spot... You guys can come up here, I could bring some guys down there, or we can meet in the middle. I am curious if you know what to do with that '08 Fusion or is it just for show???
  20. Cleaner

    Ride 6/15/08

    Meet at the Shell that is just north of QSL on Polaris Parkway. (the one on the WEST side of I-71). Be there at 10:00 AM. We roll out at 10:30 at the latest. It looks to be a small group which is cool with me. See you all there. Are you rolling with us Pedro or are you going to be a weenie and stay at home to watch arena football?
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