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Everything posted by Cleaner

  1. Cleaner

    the 08 zx10

    I'm not a bitter person Liz. Its all fun and games over here. You made that comment about Flounder's truck and I couldn't help myself. I don't even know what truck you have. I know didly about cars. I've got a 4Runner ('03) and a Blazer ('04). I couldn't tell you how much torque they have or anything like that. They carry my 2 Huskies and my 2 kids just fine so that's pretty much all I'm concerned with. I've never towed anything but my bikes. BTW, Flounder, I about pissed myself from your post. Could someone find a smiley for Shitty's "talent." I'm SURE there has to be one out there.
  2. Cleaner

    the 08 zx10

    LOL... Saw the opportunity and couldn't resist. I don't race, I ride. I have never raced cars or bikes and won't start now. I ain't racing you at mid-ohio or anywhere else. Having never raced before I can guarantee you'd beat me. Now, if you wanna do MMA, we can do it. You wanna play a game of chess and I will bring the board. You wanna race on foot for 800 meters and I'll put my money where my mouth is. Those are the things I have been doing for ten+ years. But before I forget... What were your lap times again? I'm sure you're itching to share. BTW... your truck still suck.
  3. Cleaner

    the 08 zx10

    99% of the posters on this site can't tell the difference between a Ford / Chevy/ Toyota / Nissan. I hate it when I read these forums and noobs try and talk shit about how one model is better than the others. Fact of the matter is, most driver's can't tell. You have to be a SERIOUS driver such as myself and put in YEARS of road time (as I have done) to tell. If you think your Ford can out pull other trucks, you're sadly mistaken my friend. You have to push a truck to its limits to be able to tell the difference. And, honestly, most drivers on these forums (me being the exception) lack that skill. I see guys talking trash like this all day long. But when the weekend comes, my boys put all their shit to shame. Guys show up all big and bad with their V8s but my boys all drive Honda CRVs. My friends in the CRVs blow those V8s out the water 9 times out of 10. You're wasting your time, money, and brain power if you think anything different.
  4. I second that. BTW, you can blame Satan for posting the one where the girl is getting fisted.
  5. The perfect X-mas gift... CALL OF DUTY 2 ROCKS!!!!
  6. Once again, time for some quality photos. CHILD SAFETY SEAT What's wierd about this picture??? The socks don't match No comment This is what happens when the school field trip budget gets cut to $1 per student I wish I would've thought of this in high school
  7. That's nothing. This kid is WAAAAYYY more talented than him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEKY7RXkCiA
  8. I like the reputation that we got.... SWEET!! That's why our forum numbers spiked back then.
  9. Cleaner

    the 08 zx10

    He just made you look just about as dumb as your avatar.
  10. The 3 year gun specification is a mandatory specification. He has to at least do the 3 years on that. After that 3 years is up then he may petition for early/judicial release. He can't even ask for early/judicial release until that 3 years is done. The 3 years is a mandatory term and may not be reduced due to good behavior, etc.
  11. read th article at the end too Pedro.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acYExF4RRqE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhVo5kIjiMw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZhB_ujZSvc http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=470155&in_page_id=1770 This is an article in a British newspaper about Bear sleeping in hotels. This is a similar article from AOL news. http://news.aol.com/entertainment/television/story/_a/wild-grylls-not-so-manly-after-all/20070724065109990001 Fucking fraud.
  13. He's a fraud. I hate frauds. A real survivor is Survivorman Les Shroud. His show is 10x better than that fraud Bear Grylss. I can't believe he's actually doing anything that he's purporting to to because he's a liar. This is the same guy who admitted to staying at hotels during some of the supposed overnights in the jungles.
  14. Cleaner

    the 08 zx10

    No Flounder, I don't want a Harley. But even though these bikes are made for the track, the fact is that most of them will never see a track. They include bells and whistles that most consumers will not use. As a result, they are paying for items that they are not using. There will be consumers who use those items and push the bike but the vast majority of us will not. That's what I am saying.
  15. Cleaner

    the 08 zx10

    I may be in the minority but I don't like how most of the sportbikes are being made more for the track than the street.
  16. hmmmm cottage cheese.... Yummy.
  17. yeah, there is a form of japanese cartoon porn called hentai (I think).
  18. I'm liking this Ron Paul dude more and more everyday. He was probably the one of the only Senators who actually took the time to read the fucking thing. I don't even know how to secure my wireless connection.
  19. (Gotta love the Japanese for their creativity) (Gotta wonder what she was doing huh) (BRING IT BITCHES!!!)
  20. between this video and hotels hardly/never washing sheets, I might as well sleep at a homeless shelter.
  21. http://www.break.com/index/never-use-the-glasses-in-your-hotel-room.html
  22. Cleaner

    Free Porn...

    seriously though Putty, are you taking those yourself and adding the effects? If so, that's good shit. Seriously.
  23. Cleaner

    Free Porn...

    Fun Fact 174: Everytime Putty posts a message a box of tissue gets used. Yota I know you like my avatar!! You like your women like burritos "busting at the seams and tasting like chicken."
  24. Cleaner

    Free Porn...

    that shit is weak... Putty's avatar is more entertaining than those stick figures walking down the isle.
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