99% of the posters on this site can't tell the difference between a Ford / Chevy/ Toyota / Nissan. I hate it when I read these forums and noobs try and talk shit about how one model is better than the others. Fact of the matter is, most driver's can't tell. You have to be a SERIOUS driver such as myself and put in YEARS of road time (as I have done) to tell. If you think your Ford can out pull other trucks, you're sadly mistaken my friend. You have to push a truck to its limits to be able to tell the difference. And, honestly, most drivers on these forums (me being the exception) lack that skill. I see guys talking trash like this all day long. But when the weekend comes, my boys put all their shit to shame. Guys show up all big and bad with their V8s but my boys all drive Honda CRVs. My friends in the CRVs blow those V8s out the water 9 times out of 10. You're wasting your time, money, and brain power if you think anything different.