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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. For you flounder, seems the military KNEW about the hole and did nothing about it until recently. Honeypot, or ineptitude?: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/12/17/officers-warned-flaw-drones/a/ Officers Warned of Flaw in U.S. Drones in 2004 The Wall Street Journal Members of the Pentagon's Joint Staff discussed the potential security shortfall of drone feeds in 2004 and 2005, officials say, but the Pentagon didn't begin securing the signals until this year. Senior U.S. military officers working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff discussed the danger of Russia and China intercepting and doctoring video from drone aircraft in 2004, but the Pentagon didn't begin securing the signals until this year, according to people familiar with the matter. The disclosure came after The Wall Street Journal reported insurgents in Iraq had intercepted video feeds from drones, downloading unencrypted communications from the unmanned planes. Members of the Pentagon's Joint Staff discussed the potential security shortfall of drone feeds in 2004 and 2005, according to two officers with direct knowledge of the deliberations. Officers at the time weren't concerned about adversaries intercepting the signals in Iraq or Afghanistan because drones weren't yet common there and militants weren't thought to be technically sophisticated. Instead, some officers worried that such potential U.S. adversaries as Russia or China could manipulate the drone video feeds to hide battlefield movements. "The main concern was that the video feeds were being intercepted, manipulated and then fed to the commanders in the field," one of the officers said. "The fear was a commander looking on a feed, seeing nothing, and then having an enemy tank brigade come roaring into your command post." The concerns were largely dismissed by more senior members of the Joint Staff, who were more worried about roadside bombs and other more immediate battlefield dangers in Iraq and Afghanistan, the two officers said.
  2. Yeah..not buying the 'honeypot' theory. If it was a honeypot..why change it? And just because someone is receiving the signal, doesn't make them the 'enemy'. That's a piss poor plan to kill insurgents, if you ask me. Almost as bad as not encrypting the video...oh wait a minute.
  3. No one told me!! All I got was a text from ye who shall remain nameless, asking if I was gonna be in town. Granted...I was already in MI when I got it. Sucks that I missed out.
  4. I've got at least one invite. First PM gets it.
  5. I've got a PS3. I bought MW2 for 360 because getting a party together to play is MUCH easier on Live than PSN. That being said..I play my PS3 more than my 360.
  6. I haven't even bothered going online. Free time is something I have little of, and I would punch the TV if folks started glitching. And...oh yeah...my 360 has got RRoD on the brain. BTW the towel trick....works...temporarily. I'm getting an x clamp to fix the problem permanently. I refuse to buy another Xbox.
  7. I wouldn't let my dog fuck her...and he's never had any.
  8. I deal with security every single f'ing day. If our military is stupid enough to leave the video stream unencrypted, god help us all. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/12/17/insurgents-hack-drones/?test=latestnews WASHINGTON -- Militants in Iraq have used $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they need to evade or monitor U.S. military operations. Senior defense and intelligence officials said Iranian-backed insurgents intercepted the video feeds by taking advantage of an unprotected communications link in some of the remotely flown planes' systems. Shiite fighters in Iraq used software programs such as SkyGrabber -- available for as little as $25.95 on the Internet -- to regularly capture drone video feeds, according to a person familiar with reports on the matter. U.S. officials say there is no evidence that militants were able to take control of the drones or otherwise interfere with their flights. Still, the intercepts could give America's enemies battlefield advantages by removing the element of surprise from certain missions and making it easier for insurgents to determine which roads and buildings are under U.S. surveillance. The drone intercepts mark the emergence of a shadow cyber war within the U.S.-led conflicts overseas. They also point to a potentially serious vulnerability in Washington's growing network of unmanned drones, which have become the American weapon of choice in both Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Obama administration has come to rely heavily on the unmanned drones because they allow the U.S. to safely monitor and stalk insurgent targets in areas where sending American troops would be either politically untenable or too risky. The stolen video feeds also indicate that U.S. adversaries continue to find simple ways of counteracting sophisticated American military technologies.
  9. WTF I missed all the fun. I didn't realize it was your bday this past weekend. I was in MI all weekend. Happy belated Bday bro.
  10. HOLY SHIT I knew it was coming....but got tired of checking every other day. Nice!!! Demonoid was THE place to find those older hard to find torrents.
  11. Epic Javelin FAIL. I got much joy from watching this: http://www.break.com/game-trailers/game/modern-warfare-2/modern-warfare-2-epic-javelin-fail.html
  12. I could maybe do a 1000. Depends ..I'll need to check out what that model looks like. G, I need dimensions ..side to side..front/back. I'm cooking up a winter project.
  13. I'd like to buy one of these in good condition. I might need some measurements first, or at least the ability to fondle it for a day.
  14. I thought it was a wide mag too...but after looking at it closely, it does look like two normal mags in two AR's
  15. Go the legal route then...your only choice. And if it were me, I'd let her break shit outside. Take a picture of her doing it. call the cops..whatever...but I wouldn't let her back in my house. Never.
  16. First things first Brian...are you TRULY done with her? It's hard to say, I'm slapping a protection order on you after you just opened the door and invited her in. Tell her...in one statement...and I would do this over the phone, not via text, because irrational people may not take that seriously...tell her you're done..over..she's not to come around...no more calls..visits..etc..or else you will get the order. Don't make it a conversation, just make that statement, then get off the phone. Of course, we are all on the sidelines here and she could have some bomb ass punany that is clouding your judgement.
  17. Rep for you...oh..wait a minute...
  18. THANK YOU!! The opening the door...texting..whatever shit has got to stop...cause she looks at it as having a door open with you. Right now, to her, you're Capt'N Save-a-Ho.. Nothing more..nothing less. Stability in her eyes. I know you're enjoying seeing her like this...and maybe a part of you wants to grudge fuck the shit outta her...but right now you're contributing to the problem..if it's really a problem at this point. If you're done..be done. If not..then continue....
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