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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I think it boils down to riding conditions. One jacket isn't going to work when it comes to Midwest weather. I've got 2 leathers jackets...and one mesh jacket. One leather jacket has a liner...one doesn't..and the mesh is for hot days. Can we get back to flaming now?
  2. I have a PS3 too. But I ordered the 360 version because Live is better at getting folks together.
  3. Here are the facts. There was a law on the books against keeping primates over 50 pounds. The law was created AFTER the chimp got loose once. The STATE Department of Environmental Protection did NOT ENFORCE THE LAW because they thought the chimp was 'safe'. So...the way I look at it, everyone is at fault. But there is no way I would let the state skate on this one when they didn't even enforce their own rules.
  4. I have a mesh Icon jacket that has done me good in 2 accidents. No rash whatsoever. Now, I didn't do a 60 MPH slide down the slab....so YMMV
  5. It's only gay if you look into our eyes. And in before the lock!
  6. Um, the chimp bit two other people. That's not dangerous?!?
  7. The suit is against the state I believe. They're filing because the state was warned that the animal was dangerous, and did nothing. That could be construed as a public safety issue. Yeah, it's her fault for going over there..especially if she knew the animal was dangerous...but the owner doesn't get to get off. This chimp bit two other people before. Dogs have been put down for less.
  8. You guys make me sick. I hope you get RRoD's!!
  9. Kevin you coming? In my mouth and not in my hand this time? Schweeet. By the way State Farm is dropping my next year for my two claims. Yay. Fuckers. I guess I was too expensive to keep around.
  10. The point of the $$ is not so she can enjoy herself...it's to punish the people who were negligible. If I remember correctly, the city was warned several times about that animal. It had even gotten loose once or twice before this. The owner is negligible as shit. Yeah..she can't enjoy the money, but she can sure pay her legal fees, her medical fees, and any ongoing care/bills with it. Oh yeah. pain and suffering. I think she qualifies for 'pain and suffering'. Normally, I poo poo large settlement amounts like this, but this woman's life as she knew it is over. She doesn't even look like a human any more...all because some chimp fanatic didn't know when to throw in the towel. I'm sure some lawyer will argue that she willingly went over to help her, knowing the risks. blah blah blah.
  11. 200 lbs I believe. She obviously knew the chimp was dangerous...giving it Xanax? Wow. Now she and the city are getting sued for $50 million. I hope they every bit of that.
  12. I wouldn't want to live like that either. I used to enjoy a good face sitting session every now and again...but looking like that, someone may try to shit on me. Sad story. The chip basically pulled her eyelids off...her nose...her lips..RIPPED her hands off, and beat her face like a drum.
  13. I'm still waiting for my fucking game. FUCK YOU AMAZON.
  14. It's a ~60 page 8.5x14 Ninja circle jerk which looks like it was created by Ed Hardy. God I hate that Ed Hardy shit. So, for me, no. I flipped through it in 20 seconds, and I'll never open it again.
  15. Where can I paypal this guy some cash?
  16. Yeah, but I've lost a lot of respect for Rampage. He could give less than a damn about his fighters...all he wants to do is one up Rashaad.
  17. I got my book in the mail today. FINALLY.
  18. Youtube is blocked at work. Dangit. I'll have to go super secret.
  19. ^ Last time I was at the range, I noticed it might be off. I don't really use it but maybe once or twice while I'm there, just to make sure it's on point. BUT I had went through 100 rounds before I checked and I had hand fatigue...so it may have been me.
  20. Awww shit. The nurse is calling you out.
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