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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. ^ He looks pissed. I can probably get my Akita to look like that if I jam my fist up his ass. I'm thinking that' s a high risk, low reward endeavor though.
  2. Your only bet is the services like log me in, gotomypc, or an app to run on your PC that will run over an open port, like 80 or 443 (www traffic). VNC is an example. You will have to know what your external public IP address is, and make sure the proper NAT or PAT is in place. If you don't know what you're doing, you're going to open your business up to external security risks. So while there are free resolutions to your problem, you may be setting yourself and you job up for some hacking.
  3. This is funny..but UP's got a point. While I don't park like an idiot, I do things on two wheels that are against the law...way more serious than parking like my grandma. If I caught someone defacing my property.....very serious things would happen.
  4. Free Head Fridays. Just a thought.
  5. I would looooove to drive one !!! And who invited Jaguar to the party??
  6. Yeah it wins..but you need the same driver to drive all the cars. This race doesn't prove much...other than Lutz got his ass handed to him by a BMW. If Lutz wanted to impress me, get an independent professional driver and have him drive the cars.
  7. You need to forward TCP port 3389 on your external firewall...assuming you have one (you better). You'd have to know the topology of your network..so provide some details and folks will be able to help you better.
  8. Looks like Lutz got beat by a novice driver in an M3!! John Heinricy in #CTSV: 2:46:560 Aaron Link in #CTSV: 2:48:902 Brian Redman in #CTSV: 2:49:596 Michael Cooper in BMW M3: 2:50:424 Jack Baruth in #CTSV: 2:51:153 Lawrence Ulrich in #CTSV: 2:53:157 Bob Lutz in #CTSV: 2:56:321 Michael M in BMW M5: 3:05:398 Wes Siler in Mitsubishi EVO: 3:08:126 Chris Fairman in #CTSV: 3:14:292 Archan B. in Jaguar XF: 3: 15 :670 It's supposed to be on the Speed Channel on Dec 5th. From what I've been reading, it's not exactly and apples to apples comparison as the CTS-V drivers were professionals vs. novice consumers, some who had never been on a track before.
  9. I'm thinking I like the film festival ending better. Leaves more to the imagination. The whole scene with people coming in and finding WHATEVER downstairs...you just start plugging in what you think it might look like.
  10. I THOUGHT I saw something about a different ending...and some scenes in the commercial didn't appear in the copy I had. Hmmmmmmmm.
  11. I hate it when their urine filled pull ups stain my seat. Does this happen to anyone else??
  12. This fuggin movie gave me nightmares last night!!! I kept waking up and going back to sleep and going right back to the same damn dream!! You nailed it Fonzie..these movies are way scarier than the hack and slash movies. I can't remember...ever...being weirded out by something I couldn't even see, but hear. Although the first part is slow, I think it builds the anticipation for the end. Things gradually get worse..until ..well..you know. The even scarier part is that this takes place in an average home..not set in hell or some third dimension..and no special effects that take away from the horror. Again, I went into this movie thinking it HAD to be a big FAIL. I was dead (pun intended) wrong.
  13. Ohhhhhhhhh hellllls yes! The sheet/drag scene was one of the creepiest scenes I have ever seen in a movie, and it wasn't gory..no blood...etc. It made my skin crawl!! The stuff that happens downstairs, the last night in the house, maannnnnnnnnnnn...you can't see it but you hear it...wow. This film is a good example of doing more with less.
  14. From what I read on Wiki and saw on MSNBC a while ago, the author had some unexplained things happen in his home. He did some research on 'paranormal activity' and created the story based on stuff he found. The movie isn't based on any person/people in particular. It's still fucking creepy. I went to bed right after the movie and I woke up like 20 times. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Is_the_movie_%27Paranormal_Activity%27_based_on_a_true_story&alreadyAsked=1&rtitle=What_is_the_true_story_behind_paranormal_activity
  15. But if you smear it on your balls, it's not that bad.
  16. I wish someone would employ my member.
  17. InyaAzz


    I'm cool...gonna keep the City X. Once I get rid of all the xtra bits on it it's a cool little bike. Plus it's the end of an era. I just need to figure out a way to break up the interracial dating going on in my garage.
  18. InyaAzz


    True story. I was there. Saw the whole thing.
  19. InyaAzz


    I haz a sad at anyone wearing a tinted visor at night.
  20. I got a good copy of it and watched it a week ago. First half is SLOW. But, when shit starts really happening, it's fucking creepy. I didn't care for Blair Witch....this beats that movie hands down. The last 4-5 minutes is some creepy ass shit..and the best part of the movie. I was skeptical at first due to the cheesy over the top marketing..but it IS a good movie. BTW, it's not a real story. They try to make you think it is...all part of the marketing. They get an A for that, and the 'tell them you want this movie in your area' and 'they listened to you, now playing everywhere' ads.
  21. InyaAzz


    Tod my deal went through..but Justin's post stands as correct. Justin: I can point you in the direction of the fairing swap...at least some info regarding it. I kinda like the CR, with a full fairing on the sides. It's unique looking. I don't think I would want it in red though (the last one at LE HD).
  22. I filled this out months ago..no sign of anything
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